Missions Course

This is the course content for the course: Theology and Practice
of Missions, which was held at the Calvary Chapel South Bay
Bible College.

Syllabus: PDF format   Word format   OpenDocument format

The PowerPoints for each lecture are at left and will be posted after each week's lecture. ppt = PowerPoint, pdf = Adobe Acrobat format, odp= OpenDocument Presentation format. The content is the same in each format.

Quality of a Missionary  PPT  PDF  DOC

Knowing Where to Serve  PPT   PDF

Technology in Missions  PPT   PDF

History of Missions  DOC

History of Denominations  Publisher  GIF   JPEG

Take Home Exam  DOC   PDF
(please email to me at [email protected])


Lecture 1- Abraham & O.T  PPT  PDF  ODP

Lecture 2 - Jesus  PPT  PDF  ODP

Lecture 3 - The Kingdom Of God  PPT  PDF  ODP

Lecture 4 - Acts Chapters 1-4  PPT  PDF  ODP

Lecture 5 - Acts Chapters 5-12  PPT  PDF  ODP

Lecture 6 - Acts Chapters 13-20  PPT  PDF  ODP

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