Shattering Shame

This course deals with the various causes and types of shame and how we can overcome them , through the power of the Holy Spirit, and a deep understanding of who we are in Christ and minister to those caught up in guilt and shame.

Download the Ebook - "Shattering Shame" by Patricia Hulsey (pdf)

also in html format

In this course you will study how God deals with guilt and shame, its various causes and how it can be resolved through the application of biblical principles.

First download the ebook (above) and read it right through.

Second, discuss the principles of Shattering Shame and the questions it raises in your class.

Third write and reflect - in your personal journals.

Fourth - do the 1500 word (3 page) assignment which is to:
a) List the causes of shame
b) List the biblical solution to each type of shame
c) And then relate it to a real life situtaion.

You may find the free E-Sword Bible Study Software helpful in this research project.

Other free reference texts with some material applicable to this subject include:
Biblical EQ
Battle For The Body
Power Principles

There are also many helpful Christian books on shame, guilt and inner healing.