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Eternity 22 - Connecting With The Life Of Jesus

(2 Corinthians 3:18 NASB) But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.

What does it mean to connect with Jesus in daily life? What difference would it make if the life of Jesus entered your soul?

What is involved in God the Holy Spirit dwelling inside you with the power to change your personality?

In 2 Corinthians 3:18 we find that as we fix our mind on Jesus and build a deep personal connection with Him we are changed - not just changed - transformed!

As we behold - we change! As we look, we learn, as we worship, we are renewed.

This change is not just a superficial "becoming nice" it is a profound "glory" a deep inner ennobling of the human soul.

We bold the glory of the Lord and we are changed - "into the same image". We are made like Jesus, the Son of god. We are made a being fit for heavenly realms and for a genetic likeness, a family resemblance to God the Son. (Though of course we do not become God).

Thus the alteration in our personality is not simply a fixing up of complexes or an improvement in manners (though these are important) it is being changed into an eternal spiritual being.

We are changed into an entirely new kind of person when we connect with Jesus and our soul is invaded by the Kingdom of God. Eventually this new being results in new doing - and good deeds. We do not become new by being good. Rather we are made new - and then do good.

As we connect with Jesus in prayer and worship and in reverent study of the Scriptures and in a deep sense of God's Creation and in love and kindness...we are changed. We are changed by the life we connect to, a new being, a new person is created in us - from glory to glory He is changing you.

How can you facilitate this connection? Spend time with God, in His presence, time deeply connected to Him in some way. Time apart from clatter and rush and self. Take a few minutes a day to consciously behold the face of Jesus and then try to hold that focus as precious to your soul and you will find that your inner being will be renewed and transformed.


John Edmiston

How To Become A Christian



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