Cults, Sects and Heresies

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The ebook is a compilation of articles on cults written while John Edmiston was editor of Eternity Online Magazine and also active in cult ministry. The approach is to treat cults in broad groups - classical cults, commercial cults, New Age cults etc, This avoids the confusion of material on thousands of different cults - Jehovah's Witnesses, Iglesia Ni Cristo, Mormons, Moonies etc. The ebook covers cult dynamics, types of cults, some New Age and spiritual considerations, and a handful of doctrinal issues common to a wide variety of cults. The book is intended as an introduction to cult ministry not as a complete compendium. Nevertheless the articles in the book have been widely read and accepted and many have found them helpful.

Cult Links: Click here for links to good cult sites.


Cult Dynamics
Seven Signs Of A Dangerous Religious Sect

free MP3 seven signs of a dangerous religious sectMP3 Audio (free) 21 minutes (13 MB)

The Marks Of A Cult: The marks of a cult as found in Scripture.
How Cults Convert People: The title says it all. A guide to help you be wary.
Cults and Crazy Thinking: An insight into cult-like thinking.
Understanding Those Caught In Cults: What happens to people when they get caught up in a cult. Also covers some fundamental coping strategies for those affected.
When Church Goes Wrong: Looks at what happens when a local church turns cult-like.

Types Of Cults

Classic Cults: A look at the beliefs behind some of the older cults such as Mormonism.
Commercial Cults: How some businesses can take over your life.
Mystical and New Age Cults: Examines cults based on mystical and new age teachings.
Can Christians get Involved With "The Other Side": What the Bible says about the occult.
How To Evaluate A Revival: Examines the difference between true and false revival.

New Age etc

Astrology - Just A Bit Of Fun? Looks at astrology and how it is utterly incompatible with the Christian faith.
Knowing The Difference Between God and The Devil: How can we tell whether spiritual manifestations, voices etc are of God or Satan? This presentation was originally given as an in-service to a group of psychiatrists. A helpful diagnostic tool.
Spirit Wars In The Third Millennium: The coming clash between Christianity and the new paganism.

A Prayer For Spiritual Cleansing / Spiritual Oppression: a simple prayer that has been a huge help for people coming out of cults and the occult 3-fold brochure that you can print out)

Common Issues - Trinity, Spirits etc.

Angels: A bible study on angels and their role in the Christian life.
Demons Defeated: A comprehensive look at spiritual warfare.
UFO's and Cults: The belief in extra-terrestrials, the Bible and cults. Seen as an example of syncretism between two beliefs (Christianity and sci-fi) that both belief in "something out there" but have very different understandings of what it is.
The Trinity: Many cults deny the Trinity. This article shows why it is Scriptural.
Is Jesus God? The "trilemma" - Jesus cannot just be a "good man" if He claimed to be God. He must be one of three things - a liar, a lunatic or the Lord.


What The Bible Says About The Occult, Wicca & Paganism (PowerPoint)
Cults & The Trinity - Class Exercises (PowerPoint)
Cults & The Idea Of The "True Church" (PowerPoint)
Liberalism, The Emergent Church & Gnostic Christians (PowerPoint)