Basic Bible Survey: New Testament

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This course is part of the Harvestime International Institute, a program designed to equip believers for effective spiritual harvest. The basic theme of the training is to teach what Jesus taught, that which took men who were fishermen, tax collectors, etc., and changed them into reproductive Christians who reached their world with the Gospel in a demonstration of power.

This manual is a single course in one of several modules of curriculum which moves believers from visualizing through deputizing, multiplying, organizing, and mobilizing to achieve the goal of evangelizing.

For further information on additional courses write:

Harvestime International Institute
3176 A Via Buena Vista
Laguna Woods, CA 92637
©Harvestime International Institute



How To Use This Manual

Suggestions For Group Study

Course Introduction

Course Objectives


Introduction To The Gospels

1.  Matthew

2.  Mark

3.  Luke

4.  John

Introduction To The Book Of History

5.  Acts

Introduction To The Letters

6.  Romans

7.  I and II Corinthians

8.  Galatians

9.  Ephesians

10.  Philippians

11.  Colossians

12.  I and II Thessalonians

13.  I and II Timothy

14.  Titus

15.  Philemon

16.  Hebrews

17.  James

18.  I and II Peter

19.  I, II, and III John

20.  Jude

Introduction To The Book Of Prophecy

21.  Revelation

Answers To Self-Tests



Each lesson consists of:

Objectives: These are the goals you should achieve by studying the chapter. Read them before starting the lesson.

Key Verse: This verse emphasizes the main concept of the chapter. Memorize it.

Chapter Content: Study each section. Use your Bible to look up any references not printed in the manual. 

Self-Test: Take this test after you finish studying the chapter. Try to answer the questions without using your Bible or this manual. When you have concluded the Self-Test, check your answers in the answer section provided at the end of the book.

For Further Study: This section will help you continue your study of the Word of God, improve your study skills, and apply what you have learned to your life and ministry.

Final Examination: If you are enrolled in this course for credit, you received a final examination along with this course. Upon conclusion of this course, you should complete this examination and return it for grading as instructed.


You will need a King James version of the Bible.



Opening: Open with prayer and introductions. Get acquainted and register the students.

Establish Group Procedures: Determine who will lead the meetings, the time, place, and dates for the sessions.

Praise And Worship: Invite the presence of the Holy Spirit into your training session.

Distribute Manuals To Students: Introduce the manual title, format, and course objectives provided in the first few pages of the manual.

Make The First Assignment: Students will read the chapters assigned and take the Self-Tests prior to the next meeting. The number of chapters you cover per meeting will depend on chapter length, content, and the abilities of your group.


Opening: Pray. Welcome and register any new students and give them a manual. Take attendance. Have a time of praise and worship.

Review: Present a brief summary of what you studied at the last meeting.

Lesson: Discuss each section of the chapter using the HEADINGS IN CAPITAL BOLD
FACED LETTERS as a teaching outline. Ask students for questions or comments on what they have studied. Apply the lesson to the lives and ministries of your students.

Self-Test: Review the Self-Tests students have completed. (Note To Instructor: If you do not want the students to have access to the answers to the Self-Tests, you may remove the answer pages from the back of each manual.)

For Further Study: You may do these projects on a group or individual basis.

Final Examination: If your group is enrolled in this course for credit, you received a final examination with this course. Reproduce a copy for each student and administer the exam upon conclusion of this course.

II. Module: Deputizing

Course: Basic Bible Survey


The many references to the Old Testament by Jesus during His earthly ministry illustrate the importance He placed on knowing the content of the Scriptures. Because Jesus stressed the importance of God's Word to the men He trained, Harvestime International Institute presents this course, "Basic Bible Survey," as part of its training program to equip men and women to reach their nations with God's message.

Volume One of "Basic Bible Survey" introduces the Bible and discusses its translations and various versions. It presents an overview of Biblical history, geography, and life in Bible times. It also teaches outlining skills and presents an outline for each book in the Old Testament.

This manual, Volume Two, continues the study with an outline for each book in the New Testament. Information presented on each Bible book includes the author, the people to whom the book was written, the purpose of the book, the key verse, a list of main characters, and an outline of the content.

A Life and Ministry Principle is also stated for each book. These principles are basic truths vital to Christian maturity and ministry which you should seek to incorporate into your own life. Helpful charts, maps, and time lines summarizing important facts in  condensed form are also included in both volumes of "Basic Bible Survey."

"Basic Bible Survey" is a companion course of "Creative Bible Study  Methods" which teaches various ways to study the Bible. Both courses are designed to enrich your personal study of God's Word.


Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

Create and expand outlines of books of the New Testament.

For each New Testament book, state the following:


To whom the book was written

When it was written

Purpose of the book

Key Verse

Life and Ministry Principle

Continue with a more detailed study of God's Word upon completion of this course.


The first four books in the New Testament are the Gospels. These books record the birth, life, ministry, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The approach of each book differs:

Matthew: Emphasizes Jesus Christ as King and  was directed especially to the Jews. The book opens with the royal genealogy and closes with the King commissioning His disciples.

Mark: Emphasizes Jesus Christ as the Servant of God and was directed to the Romans. No genealogy is given since Jesus is portrayed as a servant and no one is interested in the pedigree of a servant. The book closes with the Lord "working with them," laboring as a servant with His disciples.

Luke: Presents Jesus Christ as the "Son of Man," the perfect man and Savior of imperfect men. Luke 3 traces the human genealogy of Jesus back to Adam. Luke ends with this perfect man, Jesus, ascending back up to Heaven to His Father.

John: Stresses Jesus in His position as the Son of God. The book opens with Jesus the Word revealed as God. The closing verse of John indicates that the world could not contain all Jesus did during His earthly ministry. This is further evidence He was truly the Son of God.


The Jews of New Testament times belonged to different sects or groups. The following groups are mentioned in the Gospels:

Pharisees: Their religion centered on obedience to the law which they interpreted, extended, followed, and enforced. They followed not only the written law but also oral tradition which had been passed from generation to generation. They were the largest group of Jews and the most influential. They believed in resurrection after death.

Sadducees: They were the governing group. They did not believe in the resurrection. They accepted only the teaching written in the law and not what had been handed down orally. They were aligned politically with the Romans who ruled Israel at the time of Christ.

Essences: These were strict legalists who looked for two messiahs to come. They lived in segregated communities.

Zealots:  These were fanatical nationalists who advocated violence as a means of liberation
from Roman rule.





Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

Name the author of the book of Matthew.

Identify to whom the book of Matthew was written.

State the purpose for the book of Matthew.

Write the Key Verses of the book of Matthew from memory.

State the Life and Ministry Principle for the book of Matthew.


AUTHOR: Matthew

TO WHOM: To all believers, although the first intended audience was the Jews to whom he presented Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of David.

PURPOSE: To present the ministry of Jesus, stressing His role as King of the Jews.

KEY VERSES: 28:19-20

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: The final command of Jesus to His followers was to go to all nations with the Gospel.

MAIN CHARACTERS: Jesus, the twelve disciples


Part One:  The Genealogy Of The King 1:1-17

I. Introduction: 1:1

II. People in the genealogy: 1:2-16

III. The plan of the genealogy: 1:17

Part Two:  The Birth Of The King 1:18-2:23

I. The conception: 1:18-23

II. The birth: 1:24-25

III. Events related to the birth: 2:1-23

A. Visit of the wise men and Herod's plot: 2:1-12

B. The flight into Egypt: 2:13-15

C. Herod's revenge: 2:16-18

D. Return to the Nazareth home: 2:19-23

Part Three:  Preparation 3:1-4:11

I. Preparation for the King's coming: 3:1-17

A. The ministry and message of John the Baptist: 3:1-12

B. The baptism of the King: 3:13-17

II. Preparation of the King: 4:1-11

A. His humanity attacked by Satan: 4:1-4

B. His divinity attacked by Satan: 4:5-7

C. His Lordship attacked by Satan: 4:8-11

Part Four:  Ministry Of The King In Galilee 4:12-13:58

I. A call to repentance: 4:12-17

II. Four fishermen called to discipleship: 4:18-22

III. Early success and fame: 4:23-25

IV. Principles of conduct for Kingdom citizens: 5:1-7:28

A. Attitudes that should characterize Kingdom citizens: 5:1-12

B. The witness of Kingdom citizens: Light and salt: 5:13-16

C. Kingdom principles in relation to the law and the prophets: 5:17-48

l. God's law in general: 15:17-20

2. The new law: 15:21-48

a. Killing: 15:21-26

b. Adultery: 15:27-30

c. Divorce: 15:31-32

d. Oaths: 15:33-37

e. Treatment of others: 15:38-48

D. Three attitudes of worship in the Kingdom: 6:1-18

1. Giving:  Outward look: 6:1-4

2. Praying:  Upward look: 6:5-15

3. Fasting:  Inward look: 6:16-18

E. Priorities for Kingdom citizens: 6:19-33

l. In relation to values: 6:19-21

2. In relation to service: 6:22-24

3. In relation to material needs: 6:25-34

4. The proper priority:  The Kingdom: 6:33

F. Proper conduct for Kingdom citizens: 7:1-29

l. Judging: 7:1-5

2. Care for that which is holy: 7:6

3. Prayer:  7:7-12

a. Three kinds of prayer:  Asking, seeking, knocking: 7:7-8

b. A comparison between the response of natural fathers and the Heavenly Father: 7:9-11

G. Special warnings to Kingdom citizens: 7:13-29

l. Two gates: 7:13-14

2. False prophets: 7:15-20

3. The proof of God's man:  Doing His will: 7:21-23

4. A comparison of wise and foolish men: 7:24-27

H. Astonishment at the doctrine of Jesus: 7:28-29

V. The authority of the King: 8:1-9:38

A. Authority over disease: 8:1-17

l. Healing of a leper: 8:1-4

2. Healing of the Centurion's servant: 8:5-13

3. Healing of Peter's mother-in-law: 8:14-15

4. Healing of all types of diseases: 8:16-17

B. Authority over His disciples: 8:18-22

C. Authority over natural elements: 8:23-27

D. Authority over demons: 8:28-34

E. Authority over sin: 9:1-8

F. Authority over men: 9:9-17

l. The calling of Matthew: 9:9

2. Eating with sinners: 9:10-13

3. Answering a challenge: 9:14-17

G. Authority over death:  The ruler's daughter: 9:18-19, 23-26

H. Authority over physical conditions: 9:20-38

l. Woman with the issue of blood: 9:20-22

2. Blindness: 9:27-31

3. Deafness and demon possession: 9:32-34

4. The compassion of Jesus: 9:35-38

VI. Commissioned by the King: 10:1-42

A. The twelve missionaries and their authority: 10:1-4

B. Instructions for the journey: 10:5-42

l. Where to go: 10:5-6

2. The ministry: 10:7-8

3. Material instructions: 10:9-15

4. Spiritual instructions: 10:16-42

VII. Attitudes towards the Kingdom: 11:1-30

A. The Kingdom misunderstood: 11:1-11

B. The Kingdom perverted: 11:12-19

C. The Kingdom rejected: 11:20-24

D. The Kingdom accepted: 11:25-30

VIII. Controversies with the Pharisees: 12:1-14

A. Harvesting on the Sabbath: 12:1-8

B. Healing on the Sabbath: 12:9-13

C. The results: 12:14-21

IX. The unpardonable sin: 12:22-37

X. Christ's reply to demands of the Pharisees: 12:38-45

XI. The priority of spiritual over physical relationships in the Kingdom: 12:46-50

XII. Parables of the Kingdom: 13:1-53

A. Parable of the sower: 13:1-9

B. The reason for speaking in parables: 13:10-17

C. Interpretation of the parable of the sower: 13:18-23

D. Parable of the tares: 13:24-30

E. Parable of the mustard seed: 13:31-32

F. Parable of the leaven: 13:33

G. A summary concerning parables: 13:34-35

H. Interpretation of the parable of the tares: 13:36-43

I. Parable of the treasure hidden in a field: 13:44

J. Parable of the pearl of great value: 13:45-46

K. Parable of the dragnet: 13:47-50

L. Concluding remarks about parables: 13:51-52

XIII. The King's reception in His home town: 13:53-58

Part Five:  Ministry In Regions Near Galilee 14:1-18:35

I. The death of John the Baptist: 14:1-12

II. Jesus' withdrawal beyond the sea: 14:13-15:20

A. Feeding the 5,000: 14:13-21

B. Following for loaves and fishes: 14:22-23

C. Walking on the sea: 14:24-33

D. Ministry in Gennesaraet: 14:34-36

E. Controversy with the Pharisees and Scribes: 15:1-20

III. Jesus' withdrawal to the region of Tyre and Sidon: 15:21-28

A. The women of Tyre and Sidon: 15:21-28

IV. Jesus' withdrawal to the vicinity of Decapolis: 15:29-38

A. Healing ministry near the Sea of Galilee: 15:29-31

B. Feeding the 4,000: 15:32-38

V. Ministry in the regions of Magadan: 15:39-16:4

VI. Warning the disciples concerning the Pharisees and the Sadducees: 16:5-12

A. Seeking for a sign: 16:1-4

B. Warning concerning their doctrine: 16:5-12

VII. Withdrawal to Caesarea-Philippi: 16:13-17:21

A. Testing the disciples: 16:13-20

B. Announcement of His death, resurrection, and return: 16:21-28

C. The transfiguration: 17:1-13

D. Healing of a lunatic: 17:14-20

VIII. A brief visit to Galilee: 17:22-18:35

A. A reminder of His death and resurrection: 17:22-23

B. Paying the temple tax: 17:24-27

C. A lesson in greatness: 18:1-6

D. Warnings concerning offenses: 18:7-9

E. Parable of the lost sheep: 18:10-14

F. Settling disputes among Kingdom citizens: 18:15-35

1. How to settle disputes: 18:15-17

2. The responsibilities and privileges of Kingdom citizens: 18:18-20

3. A question on forgiveness: 18:21-22

4. The King and his debtors: 18:23-35

Part Six:  Ministry Of The King In Perea 19:1-20:34

I. Healing multitudes in Judea: 19:1-2

II. The question concerning divorce: 19:3-12

III. Children blessed by Jesus: 19:13-15

IV. Interview with the rich young ruler: 19:16-22

V. The peril of riches: 19:23-30

VI. Parable of the householder: 20:1-16

VII. Impending death and resurrection of Jesus: 20:17-19

VIII. A mother's selfish request: 20:20-28

IX. Two blind men healed near Jericho: 20:29-34

Part Seven:  The King's Last Week 21:1-27:31

I. The royal entry into Jerusalem: 21:1-11

II. Cleansing the temple: 21:12-17

III. The fig tree cursed: 21:18-22

IV. The authority of Jesus challenged: 21:23-32

V. Parable of the wicked husbandmen: 21:33-46

VI. Parable of the marriage feast: 22:1-14

VII. Attempts to discredit Jesus: 22:15-45

A. Question of paying taxes to Caesar: 22:15-22

B. Question concerning the resurrection: 22:23-33

C. Question of the great commandment: 22:34-40

D. Questions by Jesus: 22:41-46

VIII. Discussion concerning the Scribes and Pharisees: 23:1-39

A. They pretend religious authority: 23:1-3

B. They impose burdens: 23:4

C. They covet praise: 23:5-7

D. Advice to His disciples: 23:8-12

E. Woes upon the Scribes and Pharisees: 23:13-36

F. The cry over Jerusalem: 23:37-39

IX. The future of the Kingdom: 24:1-25:46

A. The destruction of the temple: 24:1-2

B. Signs of the end: 24:3-14

C. The tribulation period: 24:15-22

D. The return of Jesus: 24:23-31

E. Parable of the fig tree: 24:32-35

F. The day of the Lord: 24:36-41

G. The command to watch: 24:42-51

H. Parables concerning the end times: 25:1-46

l. The ten virgins: 25:1-13

2. The talents: 25:14-30

3. The sheep and goats: 25:31-46

X. Events prior to the crucifixion: 26:1-27:31

A. Announcement of approaching death: 26:1-2

B. The plot to kill Jesus: 26:3-5

C. Anointed for burial: 26:6-13

D. Agreement of Judas to betray Jesus: 26:14-16

E. The Last Supper: 26:17-29

l. Preparations for the Passover: 26:17-19

2. The Last Supper: 26:20-29

3. Jesus' warning and Peter's boast: 26:30-35

F. Gethsemane: 26:36-46

G. Betrayal and arrest: 26:47-56

H. The trials of Jesus: 26:57-27:26

Part Eight:  The King's Death And Triumph 27:27-28:20

I. The crucifixion and burial: 27:27-66

A. The mockery of the soldiers: 27:27-31

B. The road to and death on Calvary: 27:32-54

C. The faithful women, the burial, and tomb guard: 27:55-66

II. The resurrection: 28:1-15

III. The Great Commission: 28:16-20


1. Who was the author of the book of Matthew?

2. State the purpose for the book of Matthew.

3. To whom was the book of Matthew written?

4. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of Matthew.

5. From memory, write the Key Verse of Matthew.

 (Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)


1. The book of Matthew can be viewed in three groups of ten incidents:  The Sermon on the Mount consists of 10 principal components (chapters 5-6). The next chapters (8-10) record 10 miracles. The next group of chapters (11-18) record 10 representative reactions by people to Jesus. Study Matthew using this pattern.

2. Study the life of Matthew.  He was a publican (Matthew 5:3). He became a disciple of Jesus (Matthew 9:9).  He was later appointed an apostle (Matthew 10:3) and he became the writer of this Gospel which bears His name.

3. Study the temptation of Jesus in Matthew 4.  Use the chart to help you understand the story of the temptation:

The Temptation of Christ

The Temptation

Realm of Temptation

The “If’s”

Christ’s Answer From Scripture


Physical (hunger)

If thou be God’s Son

Deuteronomy 8:3

Pinnacle of the Temple


If thou be God’s Son

Psalms 91:11-12 Deuteronomy 6:16

Kingdoms of the world


If thou will worship me

Deuteronomy 6:13

4. In Matthew chapters 1 and 2 there are several Old Testament Scriptures quoted.
Compare the following:

Matthew 1:23 - Isaiah 7:14

Matthew 2:2 - Jeremiah 23:5; Zechariah 9:9

Matthew 2:6 - Micah 5:2

Matthew 2:15 - Hosea 11:1; Exodus 4:22

Matthew 2:18 - Jeremiah 31:15

Matthew 2:23 - Isaiah 11:1

5. From Matthew chapter 10 list as many characteristics of discipleship as you can find.

6. Study Matthew 20:17-28.  List the  contrasts between worldly leaders and the leadership  described by Jesus.

7. Read Matthew 23 and list at least 10 commandments for Christian leaders.

8. Study the following Old Testament references related to Matthew 21:1-17: Zechariah 9:9;  II Kings 9:13;  Exodus 30:13;  Psalms 118:26;  Leviticus 1:14;  Isaiah 56:7; Jeremiah 7:11; Psalms 8:2

9. Study the following key words in Matthew: Kingdom,  Heaven, Kingdom of Heaven,

10. Study the prayers of Jesus:

At His baptism: Luke 3:21

In a solitary place: Mark 1:35

In the wilderness: Luke 5:16

All night before choosing the disciples: Luke 6:12

Before His invitation, "Come unto Me": Matthew 11:25-27

At the feeding of the 5,000: John 6:11

After the feeding of the 5,000: Matthew 14:23

When He gave the Lord's prayer: Luke 11:1-4

At Caesarea-Philippi: Luke 9:18

Before His transfiguration: Luke 9:28-29

For little children: Matthew 19:13

Before the raising of Lazarus from the dead: John 11:41-42

In the temple: John 12:27-28

At the supper: Matthew 26:26-27

For Peter: Luke 22:32

For the disciples and His future followers: John 17

In Gethsemane: Matthew 26:36,39,42,44

On the cross: Luke 23:24

At Emmaus: Luke 24:30

11. Study the miracles of Jesus:











Centurion's servant





Peter's mother‑in‑law





Two Gadarenes





Paralyzed man





Woman with hemorrhage





Two blind men





Man dumb and possessed





Withered hand





Blind, dumb possessed





Canaanite woman’s girl





Boy with epilepsy





Blind men





Deaf and dumb man





Man possessed, synagogue





Blind man at Bethsaida





Woman bent double





Man with dropsy





Ten lepers





Malchus’ ear





Official’s son





Sick man, Bethesda





Man born blind





Calming storm





Walking on water





5,000 fed





4,000 fed





Coin in fish’s mouth





Fig tree withered





Catch of fish





Water into wine





Another catch of fish





Jarius’ daughter





Widow’s son











12. Study the parables of Jesus:






Lamp under a bushel



8:16; 11:33


House on rock





New cloth





New wine





Sower and soils





Mustard seed















Hidden treasure















Lost sheep





Two debtors





Workers in vineyard





Two sons





Wicked tenants





Wedding feast





Fig tree





Ten bridesmaids










Sheep and goats





Seed time to harvest





Creditor and the debtors





Good Samaritan





Friend in need





Rich fool





Alert servants





Faithful steward





Fig tree without figs





Places of honor





Great banquet





Counting the cost





Lost coin





Prodigal son





Dishonest steward





Rich man and Lazarus





Master and servant





Persistent widow





Pharisee and tax collector









Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

·         Name the author of the book of Mark.

·         Identify to whom the book of Mark was written.

·         State the purpose for the book of Mark.

·         Write the Key Verse of the book of Mark from memory.

·         State the Life and Ministry Principle for the book of Mark.



TO WHOM: To all believers, although the first intended audience was the Romans to whom he presents Jesus as a servant.

PURPOSE: To present the ministry of Jesus, stressing His role as a servant and the Son of man.

KEY VERSE: 10:45

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: We should seek to minister rather than to be ministered to.

MAIN CHARACTERS: Jesus, the twelve disciples


I. The period of preparation: 1:1-13

A. The beginning of the Gospel: 1:1-3

B. The ministry of John the Baptist: 1:4-8

C. The baptism of Jesus: 1:9-11

D. The temptation of Jesus: 1:12-13

II. The Galilean Ministry: 1:14-6:30

A. The beginning of the ministry of Jesus: 1:14-15

B. The call of four fisherman: 1:16-20

C. Healing of a demon possessed man: 1:21-28

D. Healing of Peter's mother-in-law: 1:29-31

E. Growing popularity: 1:32-34

F. The quiet time: 1:35-37

G. The first tour of Galilee: 1:38-39

H. Healing of a leper: 1:40-45

I. Healing of a paralyzed man: 2:1-12

J. The call of Matthew: 2:13-14

K. A celebration, criticism, and reply: 2:15-22

L. The Sabbath controversy: 2:23-3:6

M. Ministry by the sea: 3:7-12

N. The ordaining of the twelve disciples: 3:13-19

O. The zeal of Jesus: 3:20-21

P. The unpardonable sin: 3:22-30

Q. True relationship with Jesus: 3:31-35

R. A series of parables: 4:1-34

l. The parable of the soils: 4:1-20

2. The parable of the lamp: 4:21-25

3. The parable of gradual growth: 4:26-29

4. The parable of the mustard seed: 4:30-34

S. A storm at sea: 4:35-41

T. The healing of a demoniac: 5:1-20

U. The daughter of Jarius and the woman with the issue of blood: 5:21-43

V. Rejection at Nazareth: 6:1-6

W. The mission of the twelve disciples: 6:7-13

X. The death of John the Baptist: 6:14-29

Y. The report of the twelve: 6:30

III. The period of withdrawal: 6:31-9:50

A. The feeding of the 5,000: 6:31-46

B. Walking on water: 6:47-52

C. The ministry at Gennesaret: 6:53-56

D. The rebuking of the Pharisees: 7:1-23

E. The Syrophoenician woman: 7:24-30

F. Healing of a deaf mute: 7:31-37

G. Feeding of the 4,000: 8:1-9

H. A demand for a sign: 8:10-13

I. A warning about leaven: 8:14-21

J. Healing of the blind man: 8:22-26

K. An examination and lesson at Caesarea Philippi: 8:27-9:1

L. The transfiguration of Jesus: 9:2-10

M. The problem of Elias: 9:11-13

N. The healing of a demoniac boy: 9:14-29

O. Final teaching in Galilee: 9:30-50

IV. The ministry in Perea and Judea: 10:1-52

A. A lesson about divorce: 10:1-12

B. The blessing of children: 10:13-16

C. The rich young ruler: 10:17-22

D. A warning on the peril of riches: 10:23-27

E. A discussion concerning rewards: 10:28-31

F. The prediction of Jesus's death: 10:32-34

G. A request for prominence: 10:35-45

H. The healing of Bartimaeus: 10:46-52

V. Events of the final week: 11:1-15:47

A. The royal entry to Jerusalem: 11:1-11

B. Cursing the barren fig tree: 11:12-14

C. Cleansing of the temple: 11:15-19

D. A lesson about faith: 11:20-26

E. A challenge to Christ's authority: 11:27-33

F. The parable of the husbandmen: 12:1-12

G. A question about tribute: 12:13-17

H. The problem of the resurrection: 12:18-27

I. A question about the Great Commandment: 12:28-34

J. A question about the Christ: 12:35-37

K. A warning against Scribes: 12:38-40

L. The widow's mite: 12:41-44

M. Faith for the future: 13:1-37

N. The plot of the Sanhedrin: 14:1-2

O. Dinner in Bethany: 14:3-9

P. The plot of Judas: 14:10-11

Q. The Passover: 14:12-21

R. The Last Supper: 14:22-26

S. Peter's denial foretold: 14:27-31

T. Prayer in Gethsemane: 14:32-42

U. The betrayal and arrest: 14:43-52

V. The Jewish trial: 14:53-65

W. The denials of Peter: 14:66-72

X. The Roman trial: 15:1-21

Y. The crucifixion of Jesus: 15:22-41

Z. The burial of Jesus: 15:42-47

VI. The resurrection of Jesus: 16:1-8

A. First at the tomb: 16:1-3

B. The empty tomb: 16:4-6

C. The commission to preach the resurrection message: 16:7-8

VII. The appearances of Jesus:  16:9-14

A. To Mary Magdalene: 16:9-11

B. To two disciples: 16:12-13

C. To the eleven disciples: 16:14

VIII. The Great Commission: 16:15-18

IX. The ascension of Jesus to Heaven: 16:19

X. Fulfilling the Commission: 16:20


1. Who was the author of the book of Mark?

2. State the purpose for the book of Mark.

3. To whom was the book of Mark written?

4. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of Mark.

5. From memory, write the Key Verse of Mark.

 (Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)


1. Study the key words of the book of Mark:  Straightway, forthwith, and immediately.

2. Study the life of Mark, the author of this book which bears his name. See Acts 12:12,25; 13:5,13; 15:37-39; Colossians 4:10; Philemon 23-24; and I Peter 5:13. Mark is also mentioned in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).

3. Jesus appeared many times after His resurrection, confirming that He truly did rise from the dead. He appeared to the following:

Mary Magdalene: Mark 16:9-10

The other women: Matthew 28:9-10

Two disciples on the way to Emmaus: Mark 16:12-13; Luke 24:13-32

Peter: Luke 24:34

The disciples without Thomas: Mark 16:14; Luke 24:36; John 29:19

The disciples with Thomas: John 20:26-31

The seven beside the Sea of Galilee: John 21

The disciples in Galilee: Matthew 28:16-20

James: I Corinthians 15:7

Those with Him on the Mount of Ascension: Mark 16:19; Luke 24:44; Acts 1:3

Paul: I Corinthians 15:5-8

4. Jesus faced many false accusations from His enemies. Study Mark 2:1-3:6 and complete the following chart:

























Spoken to whom






Jesus’ defense
















Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

·         Name the author of the book of Luke.

·         Identify to whom the book of Luke was written.

·         State the purpose for the book of Luke.

·         Write the Key Verse of the book of Luke from memory.

·         State the Life and Ministry Principle for the book of Luke.



TO WHOM: All believers, although the first intended audience was the Greeks to whom he presented Jesus as the perfect man. He also addresses one specific believer, Theophilus.

PURPOSE: The purpose is to write an orderly account of the ministry of Jesus (Luke 1:1-4).

KEY VERSE: Luke 19:10

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: Our mission is identical to that of Jesus: To reach the lost with the good news of the Gospel. 

MAIN CHARACTERS: Jesus, the twelve disciples 


Part One:  Preparation 1:1-2:52

I. Introduction:

A. The note to Theophilus: 1:1-4

B. The vision of Zechariah: 1:5-25

C. The vision of Mary: 1:26-38

D. The visit of Mary to Elizabeth: 1:39-56

E. The birth of John the Baptist: 1:57-80

II. Birth and childhood of Jesus:

A. The birth of Jesus: 2:1-7

B. The visit of the shepherds:  2:8-20

C. The circumcision and naming of Jesus: 2:21

D. The presentation of Jesus: 2:22-40

E. The visit of Jesus to the Temple: 2:41-52

Part Two:  The Beginning Of Christ's Ministry 3:1-4:3

I. The ministry of John the Baptist: 3:1-20

II. The baptism of Jesus: 3:21-22

III. The genealogy of Jesus: 3:23-38

IV. The temptation of Jesus: 4:1-13

Part Three:  Jesus In Galilee 4:14-9:62

I. The rejection of Jesus in Nazareth: 4:14-30

II. The demon possessed man in the synagogue at Capernaum: 4:31-37

III. The healing of Peter's mother-in-law: 4:38-39

IV. Further miracles and preaching: 4:40-44

V. A miraculous catch of fish and the call of Simon Peter, James, and John: 5:1-11

VI. The cleansing of a leper: 5:12-16

VII. The forgiving and healing of a paralyzed man: 5:17-26

VIII. The call of Matthew: 5:27-28

IX. The feast with publicans: 5:29-32

X. Remarks about fasting: 5:33-39

XI. Plucking and eating grain on the Sabbath: 6:1-5

XII. Healing of a withered hand: 6:6-11

XIII. Choice of the twelve disciples: 6:12-16

XIV. The sermon on the Mount: 6:17-49

XV. Healing of a centurion's servant: 7:1-10

XVI. Raising a widow's son from the dead: 7:11-17

XVII. The question of John the Baptist: 7:18-35

XVIII. Anointing by and forgiveness of the sinful woman: 7:36-50

XIX. Preaching with support from certain women: 8:1-3

XX. The parable of the seed and the soils: 8:4-15

XXI. Parable of the candle: 8:16-18

XXII. True spiritual relationship: 8:19-21

XXIII. Stilling the storm: 8:22-25

XXIV.   Healing the demoniac: 8:26-40

XXV.    Healing the woman with the issue of blood and raising Jarius' daughter: 8:40-56

XXVI.  The mission of the twelve disciples: 9:1-6

XXVII. The death of John the Baptist: 9:7-9

XXVIII. Feeding of the 5,000: 9:10-17

XXIX.   Peter's confession: 9:18-21

XXX.  Prediction of Christ's death: 9:22

XXXI.  A call to discipleship: 9:23-27

XXXII.  The transfiguration: 9:28-36

XXXIII. The deliverance of a demon possessed boy: 9:37-45

XXXIV. A lesson on greatness: 9:46-48

XXXV. Remarks on tolerance: 9:49-50

Part Four:  Jesus On The Way To Jerusalem 10:1-19:48

I. Determination to go to Jerusalem and the rejection by a Samaritan village: 9:51-56

II. Remarks on discipleship: 9:57-62

III. The mission of the seventy: 10:1-24

IV. The parable of the good Samaritan: 10:25-37

V. Dinner with Mary and Martha: 10:38-42

VI. Teaching on prayer: 11:1-13

VII. Defense against the charge of Satanic power: 11:14-26

VIII. The importance of keeping God's Word: 11:27-28

IX. Seeking for a sign: 11:29-36

X. Exposing the Pharisees and Scribes: 11:37-54

XI. Warnings: 12:1-59

A. Against hypocrisy: 12:1-12

B. Against covetousness: 12:13-21

C. Against anxiety: 12:22-34

D. About servants waiting for masters: 12:35-48

E. About understanding Christ's mission: 12:49-59

XII. A call to repentance: 13:1-9

XIII. The healing of the woman with the spirit of infirmity: 13:10-17

XIV. Parables: 13:18-30

A. The mustard seed: 13:18-19

B. The leaven: 13:20-21

C. The narrow door: 13:22-30

XV. A message from and to Herod: 13:31-33

XVI. A lament over Jerusalem: 13:34-35

XVII. Healing of a man with dropsy: 14:1-6

XVIII. Parables:

A. The marriage feast: 14:7-14

B. The great banquet: 14:15-24

C. The builder: 14:25-30

D. The king who goes to war: 14:31-35

E. The lost sheep: 15:1-7

F. The lost coin: 15:8-10

G. The prodigal son: 15:11-32

H. The unjust steward and further comments on the Pharisees: 16:1-18

I. The rich man and Lazarus: 16:19-31

XIX. Offenses: 17:1-4

XX. Increasing faith: 17:5-10

XXI. Healing of the lepers: 17:11-19

XXII. The future of the Kingdom of God: 17:20-37

XXIII. Parable of the widow and the unjust judge: 18:1-8

XXIV. Parable of the Pharisee and the publican: 18:9-14

XXV. Welcoming little children: 18:15-17

XXVI. The rich young ruler: 18:18-30

XXVII. Prediction of the death and resurrection of Jesus: 18:31-34

XXVIII. Healing of the blind man near Jericho: 18:35-43

XXIX. The conversion of Zacchaeus: 19:1-10

XXX. The parable of the pounds: 19:11-27

Part Five:  Jesus In Jerusalem 19:28-24:53

I. Events prior to the death of Jesus: 19:28-23:25

A. The triumphal entry: 19:28-48

B. Temple disputes: 20:1-47

l. The question of authority: 20:1-8

2. The parable of the faithless tenants: 20:9-18

3. The question of tribute to Caesar: 20:19-26

4. The question of the resurrection: 20:27-40

5. A question and a warning: 20:41-47

C. Temple teachings: 21:1-38

l. The widow's offering: 21:1-4

2. The future: 21:5-28

3. The warning to watch: 21:29-38

D. Passover and the final night: 22:1-71

l. The plot against Jesus: 22:1-6

2. The preparation for the Passover: 22:7-13

3. The Last Supper: 22:14-23

4. True greatness: 22:24-30

5. The warning to Peter: 22:31-34

6. Warning to the disciples: 22:35-38

7. Prayer in the garden: 22:39-46

8. The arrest of Jesus: 22:47-53

9. Peter's denials: 22:54-62

10. The trial of Jesus: 22:63-71

a. Abuse by the soldiers: 22:63-65

b. Condemnation by the Sanhedrin: 22:66-71

c. The hearing before Herod: 23:1-12

d. The hearing before Pilate: 23:13-25

II. The death of Jesus: 23:26-56

A. The crucifixion: 23:26-49

l. On the way to Golgotha: 23:26-31

2. The crucifixion and mocking of Jesus: 23:32-38

3. The repentant criminal 23:39-43

4. The death of Jesus: 23:44-49

5. The burial of Jesus: 23:50-56

III. The resurrection of Jesus: 24:1-12

IV. The post-resurrection ministry: 24:13-49

A. The walk to Emmaus: 24:13-35

B. The appearance in Jerusalem: 24:36-49

C. A final charge: 24:44-49

D. The ascension of Jesus: 24:50-53


1. Who was the author of the book of Luke?

2. State the purpose for the book of Luke.

3. To whom was the book of Luke written?

4. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of Luke.

5. From memory, write the Key Verse of Luke.

 (Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)


1. Luke, the author of this Gospel, also wrote the book of Acts. You will study Acts later in this course.

2. Study the life of Luke, the author of this book which bears his name. His story is recorded in the four Gospels and the book of Acts. 

3. Study the following chart on the disciples of Jesus:


Original Occupation

Area of Ministry



First leader of church

James of Zebedee





Jerusalem, Ephesus, banished to Patmos



Scythia, Greece, Asia






Armenia (now Turkey and Iran)



Parthia, Persia, India


Tax Collector




Palestine, Egypt



Assyria, Persia

Simon the Zealot










Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

·         Name the author of the book of John.

·         Identify to whom the book of John was written.

·         State the purpose for the book of John.

·         Write the Key Verse of the book of John from memory.

·         State the Life and Ministry Principle for the book of John.



TO WHOM: All believers, to whom John portrays Jesus as the Son of God. 

PURPOSE: To convince that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God, and lead men to everlasting life. 

KEY VERSE: John 20:31

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, source of salvation and way to everlasting life.

MAIN CHARACTERS: Jesus, John the Baptist, the twelve disciples 


Part One:  Introduction 1:1-51

I. Introducing Jesus, the Christ: 1:1-18

A. Jesus, the Word, was: 1:1-3

1. From the beginning: 1:1

2. With God:  1:1

3. Was God: 1:1

4. The creative word: 1:2-3

B. Jesus, the life and light: 1:4-13

1. The life and light of men: 1:4

2. The light which shown in darkness: 1:5

3. The light of which John the Baptist gave witness: 1:6-8

4. The true light of man: 1:9

5. Not received by some: 1:10-11

6. Received by others: 1:12-13

C. Jesus in the flesh: 1:14-18

1. Born of God: 1:14

2. The Word was made flesh and lived among us: 1:14

3. John the Baptist gave witness of the Word made flesh: 1:15

D. Jesus, the fullness of God's grace: 1:16-18

II. The witness of John: 1:19-34

A. To Jesus the Messiah: 1:19-28

l. The questioning: 1:19-22

2. The answer: 1:23

3. The questioners: 1:24

4. More questioning: 1:25

5. The answer: 1:26-27

6. The location of the dialogue: 1:28

B. To Jesus the Lamb and the Son: 1:29-36

l. The baptism: 1:29-34

2. The confession: 1:35-36

III. The first disciples:  1:35-51

A. Andrew: 1:34-40

B. Simon: 1:40-42

C. Philip: 1:43-44

D. Nathaniel: 1:45-51

Part Two:  Public Ministry 2:1-12:50

I. Turning water into wine: 2:1-10

A. The setting: 2:1

B. The participants: 2:2

C. The problem: 2:3-5

D. The miraculous solution: 2:6-11

II. Authority over the temple: 2:12-25

A. Transition to Jerusalem: 2:12-13

B. The cleansing of the temple: 2:14-22

l. The cleansing: 2:14-16

2. The disciples remember: 2:17

3. The prophecy: 2:18-21

4. The disciples remember: 2:22

C. Reaction to the cleansing: 2:23-25

III. Conversation with Nicodemus: 3:1-21

A. The setting: 3:1-2

B. The declaration: 3:2

C. The response: 3:3

D. The first question: 3:4

E. The response: 3:5-8

F. The second question: 3:9

G. The response: 3:10-21

IV. Verification of Jesus by John the Baptist: 3:22-36

A. The setting: 3:22-24

B. The question: 3:25-26

C. The answer: 3:27-36

V. A mission among the Samaritans: 4:1-42

A. The setting in Samaria: 4:1-6

B. The witness to a woman: 4:7-26

C. The surprise of the disciples: 4:27

D. The witness of the woman in Samaria: 4:28-30

E. A vision for the disciples: 4:31-38

F. Results of the Samaritan mission: 4:39-42

VI. A miracle in Galilee: 4:43-54

A. Transition to Galilee: 4:43-45

B. Healing of a nobleman's son: 4:46-54

VII. Sickness to health on the Sabbath: 5:1-47

A. Healing on the Sabbath: 5:1-9

B. The Jews and the man who was healed: 5:10-13

C. Jesus and the man who was healed: 5:14

D. The Jews and the man who was healed: 5:15-18

E. A sermon following the healing: 5:19-47

l. Jesus claims equality with God: 5:19-29

a. In works: 5:19-21

b. In resurrection: 5:21

c. In judgment: 5:22-29

d. In honor: 5:23

2. Witnesses to the divine claims of Jesus: 5:30-40

a. A witness to Himself: 5:30-32

b. John the Baptist: 5:33-35

c. The works of Jesus: 5:36

d. The Father: 5:37-38

e. The Scriptures: 5:39

3. Condemnation of unbelief: 5:40-47

VIII. Christ the Bread of Life: 6:1-15

A. The setting: 6:1-4

B. The problem: 6:5-7

C. The feeding of the five thousand: 6:8-13

D. Disappointing results: 6:14-15

IX. Fear into faith in the midst of a storm: 6:16-21

X. The sequel to the feeding of the 5,000: 6:22-71

A. The "five thousand" reassembled: 6:22-24

B. Dialogue on the Bread of Life: 6:25-71

l. The bread of Moses compared to that of Jesus: 6:25-34

2. The bread that nourishes eternal life: 6:35-40

3. The living bread from Heaven: 6:41-51

4. The bread of Christ's death: 6:52-59

C. Results of the dialogue: 6:60-71

l. Many turned back: 6:60-66

2. Twelve were left: 6:67-71

XI. Jesus at the Jerusalem feast: 7:1-53

A. Journey to Jerusalem: 7:1-10

B. Jesus in Jerusalem: A controversial figure: 7:11-13

C. Inconsistency of the critics of Jesus: 7:14-24

D. Jesus:  The object of speculation: 7:25-36

E. The proclamation of Jesus: 7:37-39

F. The divided crowd: 7:40-44

G. The divided council: 7:45-53

XII. Teaching in the temple: 8:1-59

A. The woman in adultery: 8:1-8:11

B. Jesus the light of the world: 8:12-20

C. Preview of the cross and reaction of the crowd: 8:21-30

D. The Jews and discipleship: 8:31-59

l. Freedom through knowledge of truth: 8:31-36

2. Sons of Abraham: 8:37-40

3. Sons of Satan: 8:41-47

4. A charge of demon possession: 8:48-52

E. Reaction to the teaching: Jesus versus Abraham: 8:52-59

XIII. Jesus heals a blind man: 9:1-41

A. Man blind from birth is healed: 9:1-7

B. Reaction of the blind man's neighbors: 9:8-12

C. Reaction of the Pharisees: 9:13-34

l. Interview with the blind man: 9:13-17

2. Interview with his parents: 9:18-23

3. Another interview with the blind man: 9:24-34

D. The conclusion: Jesus, the blind man, and the Pharisees: 9:35-41

XIV. The pastoral dialogue: 10:1-42

A. The True Shepherd of the sheep: 10:1-6

B. The Door to the sheep fold: 10:7-10

C. The Good Shepherd of the flock: 10:11-18

XV. Mounting hostility towards Jesus: 10:19-42

A. Division over demon possession: 10:19-21

B. A demand for plain talk: 10:22-24

C. Jesus' response: 10:25-30

D. Execution for blasphemy is prevented: 10:31-39

E. Refuge beyond Jordan: 10:40-42

XVI. Death turned into life: 11:1-44

A. The setting: 11:1-6

B. The plan: 11:7-16

C. Dialogue on the significance of the event to follow: 11:17-27

D. The hopelessness of death: 11:28-39

E. The raising of Lazarus: 11:40-44

F. Results of the miracle: 11:45-12:11

l. Reaction of some who believed: 11:45

2. Reaction of the council: 11:46-53

3. Implications for the security of Jesus: 11:54-57

4. Anointed for death: 12:1-8

5. Various reactions: 12:9-11

XVII. King Jesus: 12:12-50

A. Increasing popularity of the King: 12:12-19

B. The visit of the Greeks to the King: 12:20-22

C. The death of the King: 12:23-50 

1. Prediction of the King's death: 12:23-27

2. Assurance from the Father to the King: 12:28-30

3. Witness by the King: 12:30-36

4. Unbelief in the King: 12:37-43

5. Belief in the King: 12:44-50

Part Three:  Private Ministry 13:1-17:26

I. The Last Supper: 13:1-38

A. An object lesson:  Foot washing: 13:1-11

1. The occasion: 13:1-3

2. The act: 13:4-5

3. The interpretation of the act: 13:6-17

B. Exposure of Judas: 13:18-30

C. Prediction of Jesus' departure: 13:31-35

D. Prediction of Peter's denials: 13:36-38

II. A message of preparation and comfort: 14:1-27

A. The preparation: 14:1-4

B. The way: 14:5-15

C. The Comforter: 14:16-21,26

D. Manifestation to His own: 14:22-31

III. Vital union with Jesus: 15:1-27

A. Union with the vine: 15:1-8

B. Union in love: 15:9-17

C. Disunion with the world: 15:18-25

D. Union with the Comforter: 15:26-27

IV. Preview of the future: 16:1-33

A. Coming persecution foretold: 16:1-6

B. The Comforter to come: 16:7-16

C. Prophecy of Christ's return to Heaven: 16:16

D. The perplexed disciples: 16:17-19

E. Turning sorrow to joy: 16:20-30

F. Faith for the future: 16:31-33

V. The prayer of Jesus: 17:1-26

A. For Himself: 17:1-8

B. For His present disciples: 17:9-19

C. For His future followers: 17:20-26

Part Four:  The Final Days  18:1-19:42

I. The capture: 18:1-14

A. Meeting in the Garden: 18:1

B. Betrayal of Judas: 18:2-3

C. The non-resistance of Jesus: 18:4-9

D. Violence waived by Jesus: 18:10-11

E. The departure to Annas: 18:12-14

II. Peter's first denial: 18:15-18

III. The hearing before Annas: 18:19-24

A. Testimony of defense: 18:19-21

B. Judgment by Annas: 18:22-24

IV. The second denial by Peter: 18:25-26

V. The third denial by Peter: 18:26-27

VI. The hearing before Pilate: 18:28-19:16

A. Public hearing: 18:28-32

B. Private hearing: 18:33-38

C. Barabbas: 18:38-40

D. Abuse by the Romans: 19:1-3

E. Death demanded: 19:4-8

F. Pardon rejected: 19:9-16

VII. The death of Jesus: 19:17-30

A. The crucifixion: 19:17-18

B. The obituary title: 19:19-22

C. A show of unconcern: 19:23-24

D. The bereaved: 19:25-27

E. The death of Jesus: 19:28-30

VIII. The burial: 19:31-42

A. Inspection of the body: 19:31-37

B. The burial: 19:38-42

Part Five:  Resurrection And Appearances  20:1-21:23

I. The resurrection of Jesus: 20:1-31

A. The evidence of an open tomb: 20:1-10

B. The testimony of two messengers: 20:11-13

C. The witness of the risen Lord: 20:14-29

l. To Mary Magdalene: 20:14-18

2. To the disciples without Thomas: 20:19-25

3. To the disciples and Thomas: 20:26-29

D. A summary conclusion: 20:30-31

II. A meeting by the sea: 21:1-23

A. An unsuccessful night of fishing: 21:1-3

B. The solution of a Master Fisherman (Jesus):  21:4-6

C. Breakfast with Jesus: 21:7-14

D. Reconfirmation of Peter: 21:15-19

E. Origin of a legend: That the disciple John would never die: 21:20-23 Conclusion  21:24-25

I. John is the disciple testifying and writing: 21:24

II. There are many other things Jesus did which are not recorded by John: 21:25


1. Who was the author of the book of John?

2. State the purpose for the book of John.

3. To whom was the book of John written?

4. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of John.

5. From memory, write the Key Verse of John.

 (Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)


1. Jesus makes several statements about Himself in the book of John.  Each of these statements is preceded by the words "I am..." Study the following references:

I am He (the Messiah): 4:26; 8:24,28; 13:19; 18:5,6,8

I am the Bread of Life: 6:35,41,48,51

I am the Light of the World: 8:12

I am the Door: 10:7,9

I am the Good Shepherd: 10:11,14

I am the Resurrection and the Life: 11:25

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: 14:6

I am the Vine: 15:1,5

Before Abraham, I AM: 8:58

2. Study the relationship of Jesus with God:

In working: 5:19

In honor: 5:23

In knowing: 5:20

In regenerating: 5:24-25

In resurrecting: 5:28-29

In self-existence: 5:26

3. John tells of eight private interviews of Jesus with individuals or small groups:

Peter and Nathaniel: 1:35-51

Nicodemus: 3:1-21

The woman at Sychar: 4:6-26

The man born blind: 10:35-51

Martha and Mary: 11:1-57

The apostles: 13:1-16:33

Mary Magdalene: 20:1-18

Peter: 21:15-23

4. There are seven witnesses in John who proclaim Jesus as the Messiah:

John the Baptist: 1:34

Thomas: 20:28

Nathaniel: 1:49

John: 20:31

Peter: 6:69

Jesus Himself: 10:36

Martha: 11:27

5.  Study the life of John the Baptist: 

His office: John 1:6-18

His clothes and food: Matthew 3:4

His message: Matthew 3:2-10; Luke 3:3-6,13-14; John 1:29

Predicted by: Isaiah (40:3-5) and Malachi (3:1)

His testimony: John 1:20,23,27; 3:29-30

His predictions: John 3:34-35; Luke 3:16

Reassurance that Christ was the Messiah: Matthew 11:2-6

The tribute to John by Jesus: Matthew 11:7-11

6. The Disciple John who wrote this Gospel also wrote I, II, and III John and the book of Revelation. You will study these later in this  course.

7. Study the names of the Holy Spirit used by John:

Abiding Presence: 14:16-17

Teacher: 14:25-26

Witness: 15:26

Convictor: 16:7-11

Guide: 16:13-15

8. John presents Jesus as both the Son of God (His divine nature) and the Son of Man (His human nature).  Study the following verses:

Son Of God:  1:34,49; 3:18; 5:25; 10:36; 11:4,27; 19:7, 20:31

Son Of Man:  1:51; 3:13-14; 5:27; 6:27,53,62; 8:28; 9:35; 12:23-24

9. In addition to using the title "Son of God" to stress the deity of Jesus, John used many other references to further confirm His divine nature. The deity of Jesus is mentioned at least once in each chapter in John:  1:49; 2:11; 3:16; 4:26; 5:25; 6:33; 7:29; 8:58; 9:37; 10:30; 11:27; 12:32; 13:13; 14:11; 15:1; 16:28; 17:1; 18:11; 19:7; 20:28; 21:14

10. Study the life of John, the author of this book:

His family: John 21:2, 19:25; Matthew 27:56; Mark 15:40

His occupation: Mark 1:19-20

His leadership in the early church: Acts 4:1-22; 8:14-15; Galatians 2:9

His exile: Revelation 1:1,4,9

11. Study the various oppositions that arose against Jesus. Complete the chart below:


Source Of Opposition

Type Of Opposition

Reason For Opposition






































The book of Acts is the only history book in the New Testament. It records events after the ascension of Jesus back to Heaven and the day of Pentecost, including the birth and historical record of the first Church.





Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

·         Name the author of the book of Acts.

·         Identify to whom the book of Acts was written.

·         State the purpose for the book of Acts.

·         Write the Key Verse of the book of Acts from memory.

·         State the Life and Ministry Principle for the book of Acts.



TO WHOM: All believers, although the  book is specifically addressed to Theophilus.

PURPOSE: The book concerns what Jesus continued to do and teach after  His ascension through His spiritual Body, the Church (Acts 1:1-2).

KEY VERSE:  Acts 1:8

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: The true evidence of the Holy Spirit is directed power: Power to become witnesses for the purpose of extending the Gospel throughout the world.

MAIN CHARACTERS: John, Peter, Paul,  Silas, Barnabas, John Mark, Philip, Stephen, Ananias and Sapphira, Dorcas, Cornelius, Felix, Agrippa. 


(Note: This outline follows the command of the Lord given in Acts 1:8 for the extension of the Gospel from Jerusalem to Judaea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the world).

Introduction: Acts 1:1-11

I. Introduction: 1:1-2

A. To: Theophilus: 1:1

B. Concerning: What Jesus continued to do and teach after His ascension through His spiritual Body, the Church: 1:1-2

II. The ministry of Jesus after the resurrection: 1:3

A. Its duration: Forty days:  1:3

B. Its purpose: Infallible proof: 1:3

C. Its message: The Kingdom Of God:  1:3

III.  The final meeting of Jesus with His disciples: 1:4-8

A. The command to the disciples: 1:4-5

B. The question of the disciples: 1:6

C. The caution to the disciples:  1:7

D. The commission to the disciples: 1:8

IV. The ascension of Jesus into Heaven: 1:9-11

A. Description of the ascension: 1:9

B. Declaration of His second coming: 1:10-11

Part One: Forming The Witness In Jerusalem Acts 1:12-7

I. The forming of the witness:  1:12-2:4

A. Christ's disciples waiting in Jerusalem: 1:12-26

1. The gathering of the disciples: 1:12-15

a. Their meeting place: 1:12-13

b. Their number and names: 1:13-15

c. Their purpose: 1:14

2. The exhortation given to the disciples: 1:15-22

a. The speaker: Peter: 1:15

b. The message 1:16-22

(l)  Background: 1:16-20

(2)  Instructions: 1:21-22

3. The response of the disciples: 1:23-26

a. The nomination: 1:23

b. The prayer: 1:24-25

c. The election: 1:26

B. The baptism in the Holy Spirit: 2:1-4

1. The occasion: 2:1

2. The people: 2:1

3. The place: 2:1

4. The event: 2:2-4

a. The wind: 2:2

b. The tongues as of fire: 2:3

c. Speaking in tongues: 2:4

Part Two: Functioning Of The Witness In Jerusalem Acts 2:5-7

I. The first witness: 2:4-40

A. The manner in which the witness was given: 2:4-6

B. The reaction to the witness: 2:7-13

C. The sermon by Peter: 2:14-36

1. Prophecy concerning the time: 2:17

2. Prophecy concerning the spirit: 2: 17-18

3. Prophecy concerning the event: 2:19-20

4. Prophecy concerning salvation: 2:21

5. The work of Jesus:  2:22-36

a. Jesus was approved of God: 2:22

b. Jesus was crucified: 2:23

c. Jesus arose from the dead: 2:24-32

d. Jesus is exalted at God's right hand: 2:33-35

e. Jesus is now the Lord and Christ: 2:36

D. Response to the message: 2:37-40

1. Conviction:  2:37

2. Inquiry: 2:37

3. Instruction: 2:38

4. Promises: 2:38-39

5. Exhortation: 2:40

II.  The first local church: 2:41-47

A. Membership of the first  church: 2:41

1. Their identity: They which received the Word.

2. Their number: 3,000

B. Spiritual practices of the first church: 2:42

1. The apostles' doctrine.

2. The fellowship of the saints.

3. Communion.

4. Prayer.

C. The living pattern of the first church: 2:44-46

1. Voluntary communal system: 2:44-45

2. Daily worship and testimony: 2:46

3. Fellowship in the homes: 2:46

4. Unity: 2:46

D. The witness of the local church: 2:46-47

1. Nature of the witness: 2:46-47

2. Results of the witness: 2:47

III. The first miracle: 3:1-26

A. The miracle described: 3:1-11

1. The setting: 3:1

2. The man and his need: 3:2-3

3. The message:  3:4-6

4. The miracle: 3:7-8

5. The reaction of the multitude: 3:9-11

B. The miracle explained: 3:12-18

1. The man was not healed by the power of the apostles: 3:12

2. The man was healed by God for the purpose of glorifying Jesus: 3:13-15

3. The man was healed by faith in the name of Jesus: 3:16

4. The man was healed to demonstrate the fulfillment of prophecy: 3:17-18

C. The message of Peter: 3:19-26

1. The promise made by Peter: 3:19-21

a. What God challenged Israel to do: 3:19

b. What God promised He would do: 3:19-21

2. The prophecy of the prophets: 3:22-26

a. The prophecy by Moses and the prophets: 3:22-24

b. The promise of the covenant: 3:25

c. The plan of the Messiah: 3:26

IV. The first opposition: 4:1-31

A. The arrest: 4:1-4

1. Source of the opposition: 4:1

2. Reason for the opposition: 4:2

3. Form of the opposition: 4:3

B. The trial: 4:5-14

1. The court: 4:5-6

2. Questions of the court: 4:7

3. Statement by Peter: 4:8-12

a. Source of his answer: 4:8

b. His answer:  4:9-10

c. His testimony concerning Jesus: 4:10-12

d. His declaration concerning salvation: 4:12

4. The evidence considered by the court: 4:13-14

a. The character of the witnesses: 4:13

b. The testimony of the man who was healed: 4:14

5. The decision:  4:15-22

a. The consultation: 4:15-17

b. The decision: 4:17-18

c. The response of Peter and John: 4:19-20

d. The release: 4:21-22

6. The reaction: 4:21-31

a. The prayer of the church: 4:23-30

b. The activity of the church: 4:31

V. The first discipline of sin: 4:32-5:16

A. Organization of the church: 4:32-37

1. Its fellowship: 4:32

2. Its witness: 4:33

3. Its economy: 4:32-37

B. The first sin disrupting the fellowship: 5:1-10

1. The sin: 5:1-2

2. Exposure of the sin: 5:3-4

3. Disciplining of the sin: 5:5-10

C. The results of discipline:  Fruitful witness of the fellowship: 5:11-16

1. Reverent attitude of the members: 5:11

2. Unity: 5:12

3. Miraculous signs: 5:12, 15-16

4. Community response: 5:12-14

VI. The first persecution: 5:17-43

A. Source of opposition: 5:17

B. Action of the opposition: 5:18

C. Deliverance by God: 5:19-26

1. His act: 5:19

2. His command: 5:20

3. Response to His command: 5:21

4. The discovery of His act: 5:21-23

5. The results of His act: 5:24-26

D. Trial: 5:27-40

1. Indictment by the Sanhedrin: 5:27-28

2. Defense made by Peter: 5:29-32

3. Investigation by the Sanhedrin: 5:33-39

4. Injustice of the decision of the Sanhedrin: 5:40

E. Response to persecution: 5:41-42

1. Rejoicing: 5:41

2. Unity:  Met daily together: 5:42

3. Witnessing: Teaching and preaching: 5:42

VII. The first organization: 6:1-7

A. The need for the organization: 6:1

B. The organization suggested: 6:2-4

1. Source of the suggestion: 6:2

2. The reason for the suggestion: 6:2

3. The suggestion:  6:3

4. The advantage of the suggestion: 6:4

C. The organization set up: 6:5-6

1. The method used: 6:5-6

2. The men chosen: 6:5

3. Their ordination: 6:6

D. The results of the organization: 6:7

1. The word increased: 6:7

2. The disciples multiplied: 6:7

3. Obedience to the faith: 6:7

VIII. The first martyr: 6:8-8:1

A. The description of Stephen:  6:3-15

1. One of the seven: 6:3,5

2. Filled with the Holy Ghost: 6:5

3. A man of good reputation: 6:3

4. A man of faith: 6:5

5. A man of wisdom: 6:3, 10

6. A man with special power: 6:8

7. An effective witness: 6:9-10

B. The persecution of Stephen:  6:11-15

C. The message of Stephen: 7:1-53

1. Abraham: 7:1-8

2. The patriarchs:  7:9-16

3. Moses: 7:17-43

a. In Egypt: 7:17-28

b. In the wilderness: 7:29-43

4. The tabernacle: 7:44-50

a. Of Moses: 7:44

b. Of Joshua: 7:45

c. Of David: 7:45-46

d. Of Solomon: 7:47-50

e. Of God: 7:48-50

5. The prophets:  7:51-53

D. The witness of Stephen: 7:54-8:1

1. The attitude of the council: 7:54

2. The announcement by Stephen: 7:55-56

3. The action of the council: 7:57-59

4. The death of Stephen: 7:59-8:1

Part Three: The Witness In Judaea and Samaria Acts 8-12

I. Transition:  Results of the death of Stephen: 8:1-4

A. The persecution: 8:1,3

B. The burial of Stephen: 8:2

C. The extended witness of the church: 8:4

II. The witness of Philip: 8:5-40

A. Ministry in Samaria: 8:5-25

1. The witness of Philip: 8:5-13

a. The work of Philip: 8:5-7, 12

b. The response of the Samaritans: 8:6-12

c. Simon the Sorcerer: 8:9-13

2. The work Peter and John: 8:14-17

a. The coming of Peter and John: 8:14

b. The coming of the Holy Spirit: 8:15-17

c. The response of Simon: 8:18-19

d. The warning of Simon: 8:20-24

B. Ministry to the Ethiopian: 8:26-40

1. Preparation: 8:26-28

2. The witness: 8:29-35

3. The response: 8:36-38

C. Transition to Azotus: 8:39-40

III.  The witness of Saul: 9:1-31

A. The conversion of Saul: 9:1-9

1. His purpose: 9:1-2

2. His vision: 9:3-9

3. The voice: 9:4-7

4. The blindness: 9:8-9

B. The commissioning of Saul through Ananias: 9:10-19

1. The call: 9:10-16

2. The commission: 9:17-19

C. The mission of Saul:  9:20-31

1. Saul at Damascus: 9:20-25

a. His witness: 9:20-22

b. The response: 9:21-23

c. His escape: 9:23-25

2. Saul at Jerusalem: 9:26-30

a. His reception: 9:26-28

b. His activity: 9:28-29

c. His departure: 9:29-30

D. Transition: Rest in the church:  9:31

IV. The witness of Peter: 9:32-12:35

A. At Lydda: 9:32-35

1. The believers: 9:32

2. The sick man: 9:33

3. Healing of the sick man: 9:34

4. The response: 9:35

B. At Joppa: 9:36-43

1. The death of Dorcus: 9:36-37

2. The call of Peter: 9:38-39

3. The ministry of Peter: 9:40-41

4. Response to the ministry: 9:42-43

C. At Caesarea: 10:1-48

1. Cornelius' vision: 10:1-8

a. The man Cornelius: 10:1-2

b. The vision of Cornelius: 10:3-6

c. The response of Cornelius: 10:7-8

2. Peter's vision: 10:9-22

a. The vision: 10:9-12

b. The voice: 10:13-16

3. The arrival of the messengers: 10:17-22

4. The visit to Cornelius' house: 10:23-48

a. The journey: 10:23

b. The reception: 10:24-27

c. The explanation: 10:27-28

d. The question: 10:29

e. The answer: 10:30-33

f. The unfinished sermon: 10:34-43

(1) God is no respecter of persons: 10:34-35

(2) Spread of the Gospel: 10:36-37

(3) The Gospel message: 10:38-43

g. The response of Cornelius: 8:44-48

D. At Jerusalem: 11:1-12:25

1. The problem of Gentile conversion: 11:1-18

a. The problem: 11:1-3

b. The explanation of God's work among the Gentiles: 11:4-17

(1) The vision: 11:4-10

(2) The visitors: 11:11

(3) The visit: 11:12-16

c. The decision: 4:18

V. The church in Antioch of Syria: 11:19-30

A. Evangelization of Antioch: 11:19-21

B. Visit by Barnabus: 11:22-24

C. Saul chosen as pastor-teacher: 11:25-26

D. Information revealed by Agabus: 11:27-30

VI. Persecution led by Herod: 12:1-25

A. The murder of James: 12:1-2

B. The arrest of Peter: 12:3-4

C. The deliverance of Peter 12:5-19

D. The death of Herod: 12:20-23

VII. The declaration of the Word: 12:24-25

Part Four: Witness To The Uttermost Parts Of The Earth Acts 13-28

I. The first missionary journey:  13:1-14:28

A. The call to ministry: Acts 13:1-3

B. Ministry in Paphos in Cyprus: 13:4-12

C. Ministry in Antioch in Pisidia: 13:13-50

1. Transition to Pisidia: 13:13-16

2. The message: 13:17-37

a. The exodus deliverance: 13:17

b. The wilderness wanderings: 13:18

c. The conquest of Canaan: 13:19

d. The rule of Saul and David: 13:20-23

e. The ministry of John the Baptist: 13:24-25

f. Crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus: 13:26-37

g. The invitation: 13:38-41

3. The response: 13:42-50

D. Ministry in Iconium: 13:51-14:5

E. Ministry in Lystra: 14:6-25

F. Ministry in Syria: 14:26-28 

II. The Jerusalem council:  15:1-35

A. The problem: 15:1-3

B. The sessions: 15:4-21

1. First public session: 15:4-5

2. Private session of the apostles and elders: 15:6

3. Second public session: 15:7-21

a. Peter's report: 15:7-11

b. Paul and Barnabas' report: 15:12

c. James' report: 15:13-21

C. The decision: 15:19-21

D. The letters: 15:22-35

III. Second missionary journey: 15:36-18:22

A. The argument: 15:36-41

B. Ministry at Lystra:  16:1-5

C. Ministry at Troas: 16:6-10

D. Ministry at Philippi:  16:11-40

E. Ministry at Thessalonica: 17:1-9

F. Ministry at Berea: 17:10-14

G. Ministry at Athens: 17:15-34

H. Ministry at Corinth: 18:1-18

I. Ministry at Ephesus: 18:19-21

J. Jerusalem and Antioch:  18:22

IV. Third missionary journey: 18:23-21:14

A. Asia Minor: 18:23

B. Ministry in Ephesus: 18:24-19:41

1. Apollos: 18:24-28

2. Disciples of John: 19:1-7

3. School of Tyranus: 19:8-12

4. The sons of Sceva: 19:13-17

5. Dedication of the converts: 19:18-20

6. The decision: 19:21

7. Defenders of Diana: 19:23-41

C. Ministry in Macedonia and Greece: 20:1-5

D. Ministry in Troas: 20:6-12

E. Ministry in Miletus: 20:13-38

1. The journey: 20:13-16

2. Meeting with the elders from Ephesus: 20:17-35

a. Review of his ministry: 20:17-21

b. Facing the future: 20:22-24

c. Paul's conscience: 20:25-27

d. The warning 20:28-31

e. Commended to God: 20:32

f. Paul's example in labor: 20:33-35

3. The farewell: 20:36-38

F. Ministry in Tyre: 21:1-6

G. Ministry in Ptolemias: 21:7

H. Ministry in Caesarea: 21:8-14

V. The final visit to Jerusalem and the trip to Rome: 21:15-28:31  

A. Jerusalem: 21:15-23:32

1. Transition to Jerusalem: 21:15-17

2. Rumors against Paul: 21:18-30

a. That he had degraded the law of Moses: 21:18-26

b. That he had desecrated the Temple: 21:27-30

3. The reaction of Paul: 21:23-26

4. The rescue of Paul: 21:30-32

5. Replies by Paul: 21:33-23:10

a. The Jewish crowd: 22:1-23

b. The Roman centurion: 22:24-26

c. Chief captain: 22:26-30

d. The Sanhedrin: 23:1-10

(l) Paul's confession: 23:1

(2) Encounter with the high priest: 23:2-5

(3) A divided court: 23:6-10

6. The revelation to Paul: 23:11

7. Revenge against Paul: 23:12-15

8. Rescue of Paul:  23:16-32

a. The plot revealed: 23:16-22

b. The letter: 23:25-30

c. The escape: 23-32

B. Caesarea:  23:33-26:32

1. Before Felix: 23:33-24:27

a. The accusations of Tertulius: 24:1-9

b. The answer of Paul:  24:10-21

c. The response of Felix: 24:22-27

2. Before Festus: 25:1-12

3. Festus and Agrippa: 25:13-27

4. Before Agrippa: 26:1-32

a. Paul speaks for himself: 26:1-23

b. Invitation to the Savior: 26:24-29

c. The verdict: 26:30-32

C. Enroute to Rome: 27:17-28:31

1. The storm:  27:1-44

2. The serpent: 28:1-6

3. The healing: 28:7-10

4. The journey continues: 28:11-15

D. Rome: 28:16-31

l. Meeting with the Jews: 28:16-29

2. Ministry: 28:30-31



1. Who was the author of the book of Acts?

2. State the purpose for the book of Acts.

3. To whom was the book of Acts written?

4. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of Acts.

5. From memory, write the Key Verse of Acts.

 (Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)


1. Create a chart to study all of the miracles which are recorded in the book of Acts.

Type Of Miracle

Method Used


People Involved



Study the sermons of Acts.  Create a chart to record your studies:




Summary Of Message                      

3. Study all the prayers recorded in the book of Acts.  Use a chart to organize your study:



Who Was Praying  

Summary Of Prayer    

Results Of Prayer

4. Study the life of the Apostle Paul using the following outline:

Paul's early life: Acts 22:3

Paul's persecution of Christianity: Acts 8:1-4; 9:1-2

Paul's conversion: Acts 9:3-21

Paul's early years of service: Acts 9:22-31; 11:22-30

First missionary journey: Acts 13:1-14:28

The Jerusalem Council: Acts 15:1-35

Second missionary journey: Acts 15:36-18:22

Third missionary journey: Acts 18:23-21:27

Paul visits Jerusalem, is arrested, sent to Caesarea, appeals to Caesar: Acts 21:17-26:32

The journey to Rome by sea: Acts 27:1-44

Paul's first Roman imprisonment (two years): Acts 28:1-31

Paul's final travels:  Romans 15:28

Paul's second Roman imprisonment and martyrdom: II Timothy  4:6

5. In the Gospel of Luke the Apostle Luke wrote about all that Jesus began to do and teach in His fleshly body.  In the book of Acts, Luke records the things Jesus continues to do and teach through His spiritual Body, the Church.

6. Study the similarities between the ministries of Peter and Paul as recorded in the book of Acts in the chapters indicated:



First sermon: 2

First sermon: 13

Lame man healed: 3

Lame man healed: 14

Simon the sorcerer: 8

Elymas the sorcerer: 13

Influence of shadow: 5

Influence of handkerchiefs: 19

Laying on of hands: 8

Laying on of hands: 19

Peter worshiped: 10

Paul worshiped: 14

Tabitha raised: 9

Eutychus raised: 20

Peter imprisoned: 12

Paul imprisoned: 28

7. Life in the first church was:

-Confessing: 2:4

-Convicting: 2:7

-Converting: 2:37

-Consistent: 2:42

-Continuing: 2:46

-Communing:  2:46

-Contagious: 2:47

8. The following summary will help you remember the content of the  book of Acts.

Person: Jesus Christ

Power: Holy Spirit

Preachers: Peter, Paul, Stephen, Philip

Places: Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria, uttermost parts of the world

Program: Extension of the Gospel message

9. In Acts 2, Peter refers to the prophecy given by the prophet Joel.  You can read this prophecy in Joel 2:28-32.




The next division in the New Testament are the letters, also known as the Epistles. They include the following books:

Romans: A presentation of the Gospel which stresses salvation by faith alone.

I Corinthians: Written to correct errors of Christian conduct in the local church.

II Corinthians: Speaks of the true ministry of the Gospel, stewardship, and Paul's apostolic authority.

Galatians: Deals with the error of mixing law and faith. The theme is justification by faith alone.

Ephesians: Encourages believers everywhere who share a heavenly position with Jesus as members of the Church.

Philippians: Emphasizes the joy of the Christian experience.

Colossians: Deals with the error of "Gnosticism," a false teaching  which denied Jesus was truly Son of God and Son of Man. The book also emphasizes Jesus as head of the Church.

I Thessalonians: Counsel in Christian living and emphasis on the return of Jesus.

II Thessalonians: Further instruction on the Lord's return and how knowledge of this should  affect everyday life.

I Timothy: Stresses sound doctrine, orderly church government, and principles to guide the church in the years to come.

II Timothy: Describes the true servant of Jesus Christ. Warns of the apostasy (spiritual decline) which had already started and presents the Word of God as the remedy to correct all error.

Titus: Paul's letter to a young minister named Titus who was serving God on the island of
Crete. Doctrine and a godly life are stressed.

Philemon: Paul's intercession for a runaway slave of a wealthy Colossian Christian. It illustrates the intercession of Jesus on the behalf of believers who were once slaves to sin.

Hebrews: Explains the superiority of Christianity over  Judaism. Presents Jesus as the Great
High Priest and the one mediator between God and sinful man.

James: Teaches that true faith is evidenced by works, although salvation is by faith alone.

I Peter: A letter of comfort and encouragement to believers, especially those suffering from spiritual attacks from without through unbelievers.

II Peter: A warning against spiritual attacks  from within. For example, false teachers who had already gained position in the church.

I John: Written to combat Gnosticism which denied Christ's position as Son of God and Son of Man. Emphasizes fellowship and love among believers and assures true believers of eternal life.

II John: Warns against any compromise with doctrinal error and emphasizes that truth be guarded in love.

III John: Warns of the sin of refusing fellowship with those who are true believers.

Jude: Another warning against apostasy and false doctrine. The theme is similar to that of II Peter.


These can also be grouped by...

Books Concerning Christ's Return: I and II Thessalonians

Books Emphasizing The Gospel: Romans, Galatians, I and II Corinthians

Books Written By Paul In Prison: Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, Philemon

Pastoral Letters: These Books focus on practical matters of church leadership and organization: I and II Timothy and Titus.

General Epistles: The remaining Epistles


"Apostasy" is a term with which you should be familiar as you survey the epistles. This word means "to depart from the faith."  In several of the epistles the writers deal with the problem of apostasy in the church. 





Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

·         Name the author of the book of Romans.

·         Identify to whom the book of Romans was written.

·         State the purpose for the book of Romans.

·         Write the Key Verses of the book of Romans from memory.

·         State the Life and Ministry Principle for the book of Romans.


AUTHOR:  Paul 

TO WHOM: Believers in Rome.

PURPOSE: To present the meaning of the Gospel in relation to law, prophecy, and the
universal need of man for justification by faith.

KEY VERSES: 1:16-17

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: The just shall live by faith.

MAIN CHARACTERS: Paul, Adam, Abraham, Isaac  (See list of names in chapter 16.) 


I. Introduction: 1:1-7

A. The messenger:  Paul: 1:1-6

l. Servant of Jesus Christ.

2. Called as an apostle.

3. Separated to the Gospel of God.

B. The readers: 1:7

l. Believers in Rome.

2. The beloved of God.

3. Those called to be saints.

C. The greeting: Grace and peace from God and Jesus: 1:7

II. Paul's relation to the Romans: 1:8-16

A. His thanksgiving for them: 1:8

B. His prayer for them: 1:9-10

C. His desire to visit them: 1:11-16

1. The desire: 1:11

2. The purpose of the desire: 1:11-12

3. Hindrances to its fulfillment: 1:13

4. The motivation behind the desire: 1:14-16

a. Desire to bear fruit: 1:14

b. His feeling of obligation to all Gentiles:  1:14

c. His readiness to preach at Rome: 1:15

d. His confidence in the Gospel message: 1:16

III. Statement of the theme of the book:  The Gospel of power reveals the righteousness of  God: 1:16-17

Part One:  Doctrinal

The Righteousness of God as revealed in the Gospel 1:18-8:39

I. The need for righteousness because of universal sin: 1:18-3:20

A. A condemnation of the Gentile world: 1:18-32

l. The wrath of God against sin: 1:18

2. Reasons for the wrath of God: 1:19-23

a. Their knowledge of God leaves them without excuse: 1:19-20.

b. Their corruption of the knowledge of God confirms their guilt: 1:21-23

3. The wrath of God: 1:24-32

a. They are given up to uncleanness: 1:24-25

b. They are given up to evil passions: 1:26-27

c. They are given up to a reprobate mind: 1:28-32

(l) Consequences of their choice: 1:28

(2) The description of their condition:  1:28-32

B. The condemnation of the Jew: 2:1-3:8

1. The principle of divine judgment: 2:1-16

a. The judgment of God according to truth: 2:1-5

(1) The guilt of the one judging others: 2:1

(2) The principle of judgment: 2:2

(3) An appeal to the guilty: 2:3-5

b. The judgment of God according to works: 2:6-15

(1) The principle of judgment: 2:6

(2) The two classes in the judgment: 2:7-12

(3) Obedience to light as the test in judgment: 2:13-15

c. The judgment in relation to Paul's Gospel:  2:16

2. The Jew's moral failure: 2:17-29

a. Claims of the Jew: 2:17-20

b. Refutation of the claims of the Jew: 2:21-24

c. Failure to live up to responsibilities: 2:25-29

(l) Of circumcision: 2:25

(2) Of obedience: 2:26-27

(3) A true and false view of a Jew: 2:28-29

3. The Jew's objections: 3:1-8

a. The question of the Jews: 3:1-4

(1) The question: 3:1

(2) The answer: 3:2-4

(3) The objection: 3:5

(4) Denial of the objection: 3:6-8

C. Condemnation of the whole world: 3:9-20

1. The charge that all have sinned: 3:9

2. The proof of universal sin from Scripture: 3:10-18

a. The character of sin: 3:10-12

b. The practice of sin: 3:13-17

(1) In speech: 3:13-14

(2) In conduct: 3:15-17

c. The reason for sin: 3:18

3. The application to the Jew who has the law: 3:19-20

II. The righteousness of God in justification: 3:21-5:21

A. Justification by faith:  3:21-26

1. It is the manifestation of the righteousness of God: 3:21

2. The description of justification by faith: 3:21-26

a. Its relation to the Old Testament: 3:21

b. Availability through faith: 3:22-23

c. Its basis in Christ's redemption: 3:24-25

d. The demonstration of God's justice: 3:25-26

B. Summary of the doctrine of justification: 3:27-31

1. The exclusion of personal merit: 3:27-28

2. The presentation of God's character: 3:29-30

3. The establishment of the law: 3:31

C. The proof of justification by faith from Scripture: 4:1-25

1. Abraham's justification: 4:1-12

a. The question about Abraham's experience: 4:1

b. The means of his justification: 4:2-3

c. The comparison of the two ways of justification: 4:4-5

d. The confirmation from David's testimony:  4:6-8

2. Justification by faith apart from circumcision:  4:9-12

a. The question about circumcision: 4:9-10

b. The answers from Abraham's condition: 4:10

c. Abraham's circumcision: 4:11-12

3. The promise achieved by faith: 4:13-17

a. The means of attaining the inheritance: 4:13

b. The reason for the faith method: 4:14-15

c. The recipients of the promise: 4:16

d. The harmony with Scripture: 4:17

4. The example of the faith of Abraham: 4:17-25

a. The object of his faith: 4:17

b. The nature of his faith: 4:18-21

c. The reward of his faith: 4:22

d. The importance of his faith:  4:23-25

D. The permanency of justification: 5:1-11

1. The present results of justification: 5:1-2

2. The inability of trials to destroy this hope: 5:3-5

a. The effect of trials: 5:3-4

b. The experience of God's love: 5:5

3. The love of God in Christ confirms this hope:  5:6-11

a. God's love: 5:6-10

(l) The demonstration of His love for the lost: 5:6-8

(2) The assurance of salvation:  5:9-10

b. The experience of reconciliation: 5:11

E. The foundation of righteousness: 5:12-21

l. Two representative men: 5:12-14

a. The result of Adam's act: 5:12-14

b. The headship of Adam as a type of Christ: 5:14

2. The differences between Adam and Christ: 5:15-17

a. In quality: 5:15

b. In operation: 5:16

c. In results: 5:17

3. The similarities of Adam and Christ: 5:18-21

a. Similarity in scope: 5:18

b. Similarity in operation: 5:19

c. Similarity in measure: 5:20-21

III. The righteousness of God in sanctification: 6:1-8:39

A. The believer's relationship to sin: 6:1-23

1. Death to the principle of sin: 6:1-14

a. The question of remaining in sin: 6:1

b. Rejection of the suggestion: 6:2

c. Our position in baptism: 6:3-11

(l) The question of ignorance concerning baptism: 6:3

(2) The importance of baptism: 6:4

(3) The application to believers: 6:5-10

(4) The call to this position: 6:11

2. The believer's death to the practice of sin: 6:15-23

a. The question of continued sin: 6:15

b. Rejection of the suggestion: 6:15

c. An answer from the illustration of slavery:  5:16-23

(1) The question concerning two services: 6:16

(2) The believer's experience with both services: 6:17-18

(3) An appeal for the new position: 6:19

(4) The contrast between the two: 6:20-22

(5) The result of the two services: 6:23

B. The believer's relationship to the law:  7:1-25

1. Dead to the law but alive to God:  7:1-6

a. The dominion of the law: 7:1

b. An illustration from the law of marriage:  7:2-3

c. The application of the principle to the believer: 7:4-6

2. The inability of the law to deliver from sin:  7:7-25             

a. The relation of the law to sin: 7:7-13

(1) The nature of the law is not sinful: 7:7

(2) The revelation of sin through the law: 7:7-13

(3) The work of sin through the law: 7:8-11

(4) The law's revelation of the sinfulness of sin: 7:12-13

b. The law's inability to give victory over sin: 7:14-25

(l) The first confession of defeat by sin: 7:14-17

(2) The second confession of indwelling sin: 7:18-20

(3) The third confession and the way of victory: 7:21-25

C. The believer's victory through the Spirit: 8:1-39

1. Deliverance from the power of the flesh by the Spirit: 8:1-11

a. The believer's freedom from condemnation: 8:1-2

b. The basis for the deliverance: 8:3

c. The purpose of the deliverance: 8:4

d. The method of the deliverance: 8:5-10                  

(1) The two classes of men: 8:5

(2) The two minds: 8:6-7

(3) The two spheres: Flesh and spirit:  8:8-11

e. The deliverance from physical death: 8:11

2. The life of sonship through the Spirit: 8:12-17

a. The obligation to live in the Spirit: 8:12-13

b. Evidence of life in the Spirit: 8:14-17

(1) The leading of the Spirit: 8:14

(2) The nature of the Spirit: 8:15

(3) The witness of the Spirit: 8:16

(4) The heirship of the believer: 8:17

3. Glorification in present suffering: 8:18-30

a. The evaluation of present suffering: 8:18

b. Assurances of glorification: 8:19-30

(1) Assurance from creation: 8:19-22

(2) Assurance from the present hope:  8:23-25

(3) Assurance by the Spirit: 8:26-27

(4) Assurance by God at work in the circumstances of life: 8:28

(5) Assurance by God's continued working in us: 8:29-30

4. The assurance of the believer's victory: 8:31-39

a. The believer's relation to God: 8:31-33

b. The believer's relation to Christ: 8:34

c. The believer's relation to circumstances of evil: 8:35-39

(l) The inability of evils of the visible world to separate from Christ: 8:35-37

(2) The inability of evils from the invisible world to separate from Christ: 8:38-39

Part Two:  Historical

The righteousness of God in His dealings with Israel and all mankind 9:1-11:36

I. The sorrow of Paul because of Israel's rejection: 9:1-5

A. His feeling: 9:1

B. The intensity of his feeling: 9:2-3

C. The basis for his feeling: 9:3-5

II. The rejection of Israel and God's sovereignty: 9:6-29

A. The rejection of Israel and God's promise: 9:6-13

l. The denial of the failure of God's Word: 9:6

2. The proof that the promise is not based on  physical descent: 9:6-13

a. Proof from the family of Abraham: 9:6-9

b. Proof from the family of Isaac: 9:10-13

B. The rejection of Israel and God's justice: 9:14-29

1. The justice of God in the manifestation of His will: 9:14-18

a. The question of God's justice: 9:14

b. The revelation of God's will: 9:15-17

(1) His mercy revealed according to His will: 9:15-16

(2) His judgment is exercised according to His will: 9:17

c. God's action according to His will: 9:18

2. The sovereign power of God: 9:19-29

a. The question and the rebuke: 9:19-20

b. The right of God to act: 9:20-21

c. The exercise of God's power: 9:22-24

(1) His patience with the wicked: 9:22

(2) His revelation of glory: 9:22-24

d. Anticipation of the call of Jew and Gentile: 9:25-29

(1) The call of the Gentile: 9:25-26

(2) Announcement concerning the fate of Israel: 9:27-29

III. The rejection of Israel: 9:30-10:21

A. The failure of Israel to achieve righteousness: 9:30-33

1. The fact of Israel's failure: 9:30-31

2. The reason for Israel's failure: 9:32

3. An explanation of Israel's failure: 9:32

4. The confirmation of the results: 9:32

B. The refusal by Israel to accept God's righteousness: 10:1-11

1. The cause for Israel's rejection: 10:1-4

2. The nature of righteousness by faith: 10:5-11

a. The comparison of two methods for righteousness: 10:5-8

(l) Righteousness through keeping the law: 10:5

(2) Righteousness through faith: 10:6-8

b. The realization of righteousness through faith: 10:9-10

c. Scriptural assurance of righteousness by faith: 10:11

C. The neglect by Israel of the universal Gospel: 10:12-21

l. The fact of a universal Gospel:  10:12-13

2. The proclamation of the universal Gospel: 10:14-15

3. The reaction of Israel to this universal Gospel: 10:16-21

a. Disregarded: 10:16-17 

b. Rejected: 10:18-21

IV. The rejection of Israel and God's purpose for their future: 11:1-32

A. The rejection of Israel left a remnant: 11:1-10

1. The denial that God has cut off His people: 11:1-2

2. The proof of a remaining remnant: 11:2-6

a. The proof from Scripture: 11:2-4

b. The proof from the existence of the remnant: 11:5-6

3. The contrast of the remnant with the nation: 11:7-10

B. The rejection of Israel is not permanent: 11:11-32

1. Israel's condition: 11:11-16

a. The fall of Israel is not permanent: 11:11

b. The fall of Israel is overruled for Gentile salvation: 11:11

c. The restoration of Israel will bring universal blessing: 11:12-15

d. The indication of Israel's future from the past: 11:16

2. The warning to the Gentiles: 11:17-24

a. Against boastfulness: 11:17-18

b. Against pride: 11:19-21

c. Against presumption: 11:22-24

3. The argument for the restoration of Israel:  11:23-24

4. The prophecy concerning Israel's future restoration: 11:25-32

a. The revelation concerning Israel's restoration: 11:25-26

b. Harmony of the restoration with prophecy: 11:26-27.

c. Harmony with the divine call of Israel: 11:28-29

d. Harmony with God's purposes: 11:30-32

V. The benediction in praise of God: 11:33-36

A. The declaration concerning God: 11:33

B. The questions about God: 11:34-35

C. Praise to God: 11:36

Part Three:  Practical

The righteousness of God applied to the life of the believer 12:1-15:13

I. The believer in relation to God: 12:1-2

A. Self-presentation to God: 12:1

B. Continued experience of transformation: 12:2

II. The believer in relation to the church: 12:3-13

A. The use of spiritual gifts with humility: 12:3-8

l. The need for humility: 12:3

2. The relation of the members to each other in the Body: 12:4-5

3. The expression of humility in service: 12:6-8

a. The diversity of the gifts given: 12:6

b. The ministering gifts: 12:6-8

B. The practice of love to members in the church: 12:9-13

l. The nature of this love: 12:9

2. The manifestations of such love: 12:9-13

a. Without dissimulation: 12:9

b. Abhor that which is evil: 12:9

c. Cleave to that which is good: 12:9

d. Be kindly affectioned to each other: 12:10

e. Show brotherly love: 12:10

f. In honor prefer one another: 12:10

g. Do not be slothful in business: 12:11

h. Be fervent in spirit: 12:11

i. Serve the Lord: 12:11

j. Rejoice in hope: 12:12

k. Be patient in tribulation: 12:12

l. Be continually instant in prayer: 12:12

m. Distribute to the needs of the saints:  12:13

n. Be given to hospitality: 12:13

o. Bless them which persecute you: 12:14

p. Rejoice with them that rejoice: 12:15

q. Weep with them that weep: 12:15

r. Be of the same mind one to another: 12:16

s. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate: 12:16

t. Be not wise in your own conceits: 12:16

u. Recompense no man evil for evil: 12:17

v. Provide things honest in the sight of all men: 12:17

w. Live peaceably with all men: 12:18

x. Avenge not yourselves: 12:19

y. Respond in love and care to your enemy: 12:20

z. Do not be overcome with evil but overcome evil with good: 12:21

III. The believer in relation to mankind: 12:14-21

A. Love your enemies: 12:14

B. Love towards the interest of others: 12:15

C. Love towards associates: 12:16

D. Love towards a sinful world: 12:17-21

1. The passive bearing of evil: 12:17-19

2. The active reaction toward evil: 12:20-21

IV. The believer in relation to the state: 13:1-14

A. The believer's duties to the government: 13:1-7

1. The duty of obedience to the government: 13:1

2. The reason for obedience to the government: 13:1

3. Refusing obedience to the government: 13:2

4. The motives for obedience to the state: 13:3-5

a. From the function of the government: 13:3-4

b. From Christian conscience: 13:5

5. An illustration of obedience to government: 13:6

6. The call for obedience to the government: 13:7

B. The believer's duties to fellow citizens: 13:8-10

C. The believer's motivation in the hope of the return of Jesus: 13:11-14

1. An appeal to alertness: 13:11

2. The reason for alertness: 13:11-12

3. An exhortation for alertness: 13:12-13

4. The provision for alertness: 13:14

V. The believer in relation to a weaker brother: 14:1-15:13

A. The warning against judging a brother: 14:1-12

1. The proper attitude toward the weaker brother: 14:1

2. The areas of difficulty: 14:2-5

a. The first problem and its adjustment: 14:2-4

b. The second problem and its adjustment: 14:5

3. Making the adjustment: 14:6

4. The motivation: 14:7-9

5. The rebuke for judging a brother: 14:10-12

a. The questions of rebuke: 14:10

b. The basis for the rebuke: 14:10-12

c. The prohibition against the violation of a brother's conscience: 14:13-23

(1) Exhortation not to judge one another: 14:13                 

(2) The apostle's conviction concerning foods: 14:14

(3) The application of this conviction to conduct: 14:15-20

(4) The guiding principle for a strong brother: 14:21

(5) An appeal to both strong and weak: 14:22-23

B. The effort toward unity by following Christ's example: 15:1-13

1. The obligation of a strong brother: 14:1

2. The appeal for unity from Christ's example: 4:2-4

a. The statement of the appeal: 14:2

b. Arguments for the appeal: 14:3

(1) The example of Christ: 14:3

(2) The purpose of the Scriptures: 14:4

3. The request of the Apostle: 15:5-6

4. The command to receive one another: 15:7

5. The illustration from Christ's relation to Jew and Gentile: 15:8-12

a. The ministry of Christ: 15:8-9

b. Scriptural proof: 15:9-12

6. The Apostolic prayer: 15:13 The Conclusion: 15:14-16:20

I. Personal matters: 15:14-33

A. Paul's explanation for writing: 15:14-21

1. His attitude in writing: 15:14-16

a. His recognition of them: 15:14

b. His boldness in writing them: 15:15

c. The statement of his commission: 15:16

2. His authorization for writing: 15:17-21

a. His personal boasting: 15:17

b. His humility in speaking of his work: 15:18

c. His ministry to the Gentiles: 15:18-19

d. His aim in selecting a field of labor: 15:20-21

B. His personal plans at the time of writing: 15:22-29

1. Unfulfilled plans: 15:22-24

a. His plans to visit Rome: 15:22-23

b. His plans for Spain: 15:24

2. His immediate plans: 15:25-27

a. His present plans: 15:25

b. Significance of his present plans: 15:26-27

3. His plans for the future: 15:28-29

C. His request for their prayers: 15:30-33

1. The request for prayer: 15:30-32

2. The benediction: 15:33

II. Friendship matters: 16:1-23

A. A commendation of Phoebe: 16:1-2

B. The greeting to friends at Rome: 16:3-16

1. Greetings to individuals at Rome: 16:3-15

2. Greetings among believers at Rome: 16:16

3. Greeting from the churches to the Roman believers: 16:16

C. The warning to believers at Rome: 16:17-20

1. Contents of the warning: 16:17

2. Description of the men of whom he is warning: 16:18

3. The reason for the warning: 6:19

4. The promise of victory: 16:20

5. The benediction: 16:20

D. Greetings from his companions: 16:21-24

III. The concluding benediction: 16:25-27

A. The recipient of the praise: 16:25-27

1. The One able to establish them: 16:25-29

2. The only wise God, through Christ: 16:27

B. The praise: 16:27


1. Who was the author of the book of Romans?

2. State the purpose for the book of Romans.

3. To whom was the book of Romans written?

4. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of Romans.

5. From memory, write the Key Verse of Romans.

(Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)


1. Romans provides the most detailed record of God's hatred of sexual perversion: 1:18-32.

2. Romans gives the most detailed explanation of  the dealings of God with the nation of Israel in the past, present, and future.  See chapters 9-11.  

3. Romans contains five benedictions or blessings which close portions of the book.  See 11:33-36; 15:30-33; 16:20; 16:24-27.

4. Seven results of justification by faith are listed in Romans 5:1-11. Being justified by faith means we:

Have peace with God.

Have access by faith.

Rejoice in the hope of glory.

Glory in tribulations.

Have the love of God which is shed in our hearts.

Shall be saved from the wrath of God.

Possess joy in God.

5. There are three deaths spoken of in the book of Romans:

Dead to sin, alive to God: 6:11

Dead to the law, married to Christ: 7:4

Dead to the flesh, led by the Spirit: 8:13




Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

Name the author of the books of I and II Corinthians.

Identify to whom the books were written.

State the purposes for I and II Corinthians.

Write the Key Verses of the books of I and II Corinthians from memory.

State the Life and Ministry Principles for these books.




AUTHOR:  Paul 

TO WHOM:  Believers at Corinth

PURPOSE:  Paul deals with problems which have been brought to his attention and questions
which the Corinthian believers have asked.

KEY VERSE:  13:13

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE:  Love is the greatest spiritual key to effective Christian
life and ministry.

MAIN CHARACTERS:  Paul, Timothy, Apollos, Stephanas (See also the names in closing
greetings in chapter 16.)


I. Introduction: 1:1-9

A. The writers:  Paul and Sosthenes: 1:1

B. The readers: 1:2

1. To the church of God at Corinth.

2. Them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus.

3. Those called to be saints.

4. All that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ.

C. The greeting:  Grace and peace from God and Jesus: 1:3

D. The thanksgiving: 1:4-8

1. The nature of the thanksgiving: 1:4

2. The basis for the thanksgiving: 1:4

3. The thanksgiving for their past enrichment: 1:5-6

4. Thanksgiving for their present condition: 1:7-8

E. The affirmation of faith: 1:9

II. Church divisions: 1:10-4:21

A. Reaction to the report of their divisions: 1:10-17

1. An appeal for unity: 1:10

2. The source of his information about their divisions: 1:11

3. The nature of their divisions: 1:12

4. Questioning the divisions: 1:13

5. Their divisions not due to his ministry: 1:14-17

B. Arguments against church divisions: 1:18-4:5

1. Division is inconsistent with the Gospel: 1:18-3:4

a. The Gospel is not worldly wisdom: 1:18-2:5

(1) The proof from reactions to the Gospel: 1:18-25

(2) The proof from the composition of the church: 1:26-31

(3) The proof from Paul's work: 2:1-5

b. The Gospel is heavenly wisdom: 2:6-3:4

(1) The recipients of this wisdom: 2:6

(2) The nature of the wisdom: 2:6-12

(3) The acquisition of this wisdom: 2:13-3:4

2. Description of true ministers: 3:5-4:5

a. The ministers are laborers in God's field: 3:5-9

(1) The function of ministers: 3:5

(2) The work and reward of ministers: 3:6-8

(3) Summary of the teaching: 3:9

b. Ministers are builders of God's sanctuary:  3:10-23

(1) The work of the builder will be tested: 3:10-15

(2) The destruction of God's sanctuary is punished: 3:16-17

(3) An exhortation concerning their view of ministers: 3:18-23

c. The ministers are stewards of the mysteries of God: 4:1-5

(1) The view to be taken of ministers: 4:1

(2) The demand for faithfulness in the steward: 4:2

(3) The Lord as judge of stewards: 4:3-4

(4) The appeal to withhold judgment until the Lord comes: 4:5

C. The appeal to the Corinthians: 4:6-21

1. Application of the argument to their divisions: 4:6-21

a. The purpose of the application: 4:6

b. The failure to recognize talents as gifts: 4:7

c. The results: 4:8

d. The experience of the apostles: 4:9-13

(l) The low position of the apostles: 4:9

(2) The contrast between them and the Corinthians: 4:10

(3) The description of their experiences: 4:11-13

2. The appeal to follow his example: 4:14-17

a. His aim in writing: 4:14

b. His relation as their spiritual father: 4:15-16

c. His reason for sending Timothy to them: 4:17

3. The warning that their attitude will determine his actions: 4:18-21

a. The puffed-up attitude of some believers: 4:18

b. The coming of Paul to Corinth: 4:19-21

III. Moral problems in the church: 5:1-6:20

A. Immorality: 5:1-13

1. Discipline of the incestuous person: 5:1-8

a. The nature of the sin: 5:1

b. Failure of the church to act: 5:2

c. Judgment of the guilty person: 5:3-5

d. Appeal to the church to act: 5:6-8

2. The general principle in handling such cases: 5:9-13

a. His former instructions: 5:9-11

b. The call to act upon this principle: 5:12-13

B. The evil of litigation before worldly courts: 6:1-11

1. The question of such litigations: 6:1

2. The reasons for settling problems in the church: 6:2-6

a. Because of the church's future work of judging: 6:2-3

b. Because their lawsuits set up unqualified judges: 6:4-5

c. Because it shows the church's failure to exercise judgment: 6:5-6

3. The results: 6:7-8

4. The warning against unrighteousness: 6:9-11

C. Holiness of the body: 6:12-20

1. The limitation on Christian liberty: 6:12

2. The application of the principle in two areas: 6:13-14

a. To foods: 6:13

b. To sex: 6:13-14

3. The nature of the believer's body forbids fornication: 6:15

4. A contrast between two unions: 6:16-17

5. Warning to flee fornication: 6:18

6. The nature of the sin of fornication: 6:18

7. The proper use of the body: 6:19-20

IV. Marriage: 7:1-40

A. The problem of marriage and celibacy (remaining single for spiritual purposes): 7:1-9

1. The approval of the celibate life: 7:1

2. Instructions concerning married life: 7:2-6

a. The reason for preferring marriage: 7:2

b. The nature of marriage relations: 7:2

c. Duties in the marriage relation: 7:3-4

d. Regulation of sex relations: 7:5-6

3. The recognition of both marriage and celibacy as proper: 7:7

4. Advice to the unmarried: 7:8-9

B. The problem of marriage and separation: 7:10-16

1. A charge to Christian couples: 7:10-11

a. Authority for the charge: 7:10

b. Contents of the charge: 7:10-11

2. A charge to those of mixed marriages: 7:12-16

a. Nature of the charge: 7:12

b. Contents of the charge: 7:12-16

(1) Separation not to be caused by the believer: 7:12-14

(2) Separation when caused by the unbeliever: 7:15-16

C. The believer's life and earthly position: 7:17-24

1. The basic principle of life for the believer: 7:17

2. The application of the principle to life: 7:18-24

a. The principle applied to form religious distinctions: 7:18-20

b. The principle applied to the social status of believers: 7:21-24

D. Advice concerning the unmarried: 7:25-40

1. Advice concerning virgins: 7:25-35

a. The nature of the advice: 7:25-27

b. The reason for the advice: 7:28-31

c. Freedom resulting from his advice: 7:33-35

2. Advice to parents of marriageable daughters: 7:36-38

a. Conditions when marriage should be permitted: 7:36

b. Conditions when permission to marry should be denied: 7:37

c. Both are proper: 7:38

3. Advice to widows: 7:39-40

V. Food offered to idols: 8:1-11:1

A. The relationship of love to knowledge: 8:1-13

1. The need for love with knowledge: 8;1-3

2. The claim to liberty through knowledge: 8:4-8

a. Liberty to eat: 8:4-6

b. Danger to a weaker brother: 8:7

c. Food does not determine relationship to God: 8:8

3. Warning against causing a weaker brother to sin:  8:9-12

a. The warning to those with knowledge: 8:9

b. The effect of this knowledge: 8:10

c. Consequences of acting on knowledge: 8:11-12

d. The voluntary restriction of liberty: 8:13

B. Paul's example of voluntary restriction of liberties: 9:1-27

1. His authority as an apostle: 9:1-3

2. His rights as an apostle: 9:4-12

a. The rights claimed: 9:4-7

b. Justification of his claim: 9:8-12

3. His reasons for waiving these rights: 9:12-23

a. He would not hinder the Gospel: 9:12-14

b. It gives him ground for boasting: 9:15-18

c. It enables him to win more to Christ: 9:19-23

4. An appeal for them to follow his example: 9:24-27

C. The history of Israel as a warning against abuse of liberty: 10:1-13

1. The reminder of Israel's history: 10:1-5

a. Privileges of Israel: 10:1-4

b. The fate of Israel: 10:5

2. Warnings from the history of Israel: 10:6-10

a. Lessons in Israel's history: 10:6-10

(1) The general warning against lusting: 10:6

(2) Specific examples: 10:7-10

b. The significance of Israel's experiences: 10:11

3. The resulting admonition to those under testing: 10:12-13

a. Realize the danger of falling: 10:12

b. Encouragement to those being tempted: 10:13

4. The appeal to avoid idolatry: 10:14-22

a. Flee from idolatry: 10:14

b. The argument against participation: 10:15-22

(l) Recipient of the argument: 10:15

(2) The significance of participation: 10:16-22

D. Summary of general principles governing conduct: 10:23-11:1

1. Limitations upon Christian liberty: 10:23

2. Proper consideration for others: 10:24

3. Instructions concerning meats sold for food: 10:25-30

a. Instructions to those eating at home: 10:25-26

b. Instructions to those eating with unbelievers: 10:27-30

E. Concluding instructions: 10:31-11:1

1. Do all to God's glory: 10:31

2. Maintain proper relations with all men: 10:32-33

3. Follow the apostolic example: 11:1

VI. Public worship: 11:2-14:40

A. The covering of women: 11:2-16

1. Praise for their obedience: 11:2

2. The principle of subordination: 11:3-6

3. Establishing the principle of subordination: 11:7-15

a. From the creative relation: 11:7-12

b. From the spiritual relationship: 11:13-15

c. Conclusion of the discussion: 11:16

B. Disorders connected with the Lord's Supper: 11:17-34

1. Corinthian disorders at the Lord's Supper: 11:17-22

a. The nature of their disorders: 11:18-21

(1) The report of their divisions: 11:18-19

(2) The description of disorders at the Lord's Supper: 11:20-21

b. The rebuke for disorders: 11:22

2. The Lord's Supper: 11:23-28

a. Revelation concerning the Lord's Supper: 11:23

b. The order of the Lord's Supper: 11:23-25

c. The meaning of the Lord's Supper: 11:26

d. Participation in an unworthy manner: 11:27

e. Participation in a worthy manner: 11:28

3. Consequences of disorderly participation: 11:27-34

C. The problem concerning spiritual gifts in the Church: 12:1-14:40

1. The endowment of the gifts: 12:1-31

a. The test of the Spirit: 12:1-3

(1) The desire for them to be informed: 12:1

(2) The reminder of their past condition: 12:2

(3) The test for one speaking in the Spirit: 12:3

b. The diversity of gifts: 12:4-11

(1) The common source: 12:4-6

(2) The purpose of the gifts: 12:7

(3) The gifts: 12:8-10

(4) The source of all gifts: 12:11

c. The nature of the Body of Christ: 12:12-31

(1) Unity of the Body: 12:12

(2) Entrance into the Body: 12:13

(3) Harmony in the Body: 12:14-26

(4) Identification of the Body: 12:27

(5) Differing functions of the members: 12:28-31

2. Using the gifts: 13:1-13

a. The necessity for love in the use of gifts: 13:1-3

(1) The need for love with the gifts of tongues: 13:1

(2) Love and superior gifts: 13:2

(3) Love and giving: 13:3

b. Characteristics of love: 13:4-7

(1) Negative characteristics of love: 13:4-6

(2) Positive characteristics of love: 13:6-7

c. The superiority of love: 13:8-13

(l) The comparison of love with passing things: 13:8-12

(2) The superiority of love among permanent things: 13:13

3. The proper use of spiritual gifts: 14:1-40

a. Comparison of the value of tongues and prophecy: 14:1-25

(1) The comparison of their value in the church: 14:1-19

(2) The comparison of their function to unbelievers: 14:20-25

b. The orderly use of tongues and prophecy:  14:26-36

(1) Order in worship: 14:26

(2) Instructions concerning worship services: 14:27-36

c. Concluding statements: 14:37-40

VII. The resurrection: 15:1-58

A. The Gospel of Christ's resurrection: 15:1-11

1. The proclamation and reception of the Gospel: 15:1-2

2. The nature of the Gospel: 15:3-4

3. Witnesses to the resurrection of Christ: 15:5-10

4. Summary statement: 15:11

B. The necessity of Christ's resurrection: 15:12-34

1. The necessity of His resurrection for salvation: 15:12-19

a. The denial of the resurrection by some: 15:12

b. Consequences of their denial: 15:13-19

2. Historic necessity of the resurrection: 15:20-28

a. Historic necessity: 15:20

b. The divine provision: 15:21-22

c. The divine order in the program: 15:23-28

(1) The resurrection of Christ as the first fruits: 15:23

(2) The resurrection of those in Christ at His return: 15:23

(3) The end of God's program: 15:24-28

3. The necessity of Christ's resurrection for present Christian conduct: 15:29-34

a. The question concerning baptism for the dead: 15:29

b. The question of jeopardizing our lives: 15:30-34

(l) The foolishness of such conduct: 15:30-32

(2) The rebuke: 15:33-34

4. The prospect of the Christian's resurrection: 15:35-58

a. The nature of the resurrected body: 15:35-49

(l) Questions about the resurrected body:  15:35

(2) Answers about the resurrected body: 15:36-49

b. The change that produces the resurrected  body: 15:50-58

(1) The condition requiring the change: 15:50

(2) The nature of the change: 15:51-52

(3) The requirement for the change: 15:53

(4) The triumph of the change: 15:54-57

(5) The concluding appeal for steadfastness:  15:58

VIII. Practical and personal matters: 16:1-24

A. Instructions for raising the collection: 16:1-4

1. Instructions also to be given to the Galatians churches: 16:1

2. The method to be used in collecting money: 16:2

3. The transmission of the collection: 16:3-4

B. Planned visits to Corinth: 16:5-12

1. Paul's visit: 16:5-9

2. The visit of Timothy: 16:10-11

3. The visit of Apollos: 16:12

C. Concluding admonitions to the Corinthians: 16:13-14

D. Acknowledgment of the representatives from Corinth: 16:15-18

1. An appeal concerning the house of Stephanas: 16:15-16

2. A statement about the coming of the three representatives: 16:17-18

E. Concluding greetings: 16:19-24

1. Greetings from others: 16:19-20

2. Salutation from Paul himself: 16:21-24

a. His signature: 16:21

b. A final warning: 16:22

c. The benediction: 16:23

d. The expression of affection: 16:24




AUTHOR:  Paul 

TO WHOM:  Believers at Corinth.

PURPOSE:  To reestablish  his  apostolic authority was the major purpose, but it also deals
with additional important issues.  (See 8:10.)

KEY VERSE:  12:9

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE:  Human weakness provides opportunity for
manifestation of the power of God.

MAIN CHARACTERS:  Paul, Timothy, Titus


I. Introduction: 1:1-11

A. Greeting: 1:1-2

1. From:  Paul and Timothy: 1:1

2. To: The Church of God at Corinth and all saints in Achaia: 1:1

3. Grace and peace from God and Jesus: 1:2

B. Suffering: 1:3-11

1. Praise to God for suffering: 1:3

a. The father of Jesus Christ.

b. Father of mercies.

c. God of all comfort.

2. Value of suffering: 1:4-7

a. Ability to comfort others with the comfort by which we were comforted: 1:4

b. Personal consolation in Christ: 1:5

c. Consolation and salvation for others: 1:6-7

3. An example of suffering:  Paul in Asia: 1:8-11

Part One: Exhortation Regarding The Ministry 1:12-7:16

I. Paul's conduct: 1:12-14

A. His testimony: 1:12

l. Simplicity.

2. Godly sincerity.

3. Not with fleshly wisdom.

4. By the grace of God.

B. His letters: 1:13

C. His relationship: 1:14

D. His plans: 1:15-2:4

1. Original plan: 1:15-16

2. The change of plans: 1:17-22

3. Reason for the change: 1:22-2:4

E. Instructions regarding the repentant offender: 2:5-11

1. The offense: 2:5

2. Action advised: 2:6-8

3. Motive for the action: 2:9-11

II. The nature of the ministry: 2:12-6:10

A. Triumph of the ministry: 2:12-17

1. Anxiety at Troas: 2:12-13

2. Triumph in Christ: 2:14-17

B. Authorization of the ministry: 3:1-3

1. Questions about their authorization: 3:1

2. Basis of the authority: 3:2-3

C. The glory of the ministry: 3:4-18

1. It is empowered by God: 3:4-6

2. It is a glorious ministry: 3:7-11

3. It is a simple ministry: 3:12

4. It is an open, revealed ministry: 3:13-16

5. It is a ministry of liberty: 3:17

6. It is a ministry which changes lives into the image of the Lord: 3:18

D. The perseverance of the ministry: 4:1-5:10

1. Perseverance in spite of blindness to the Gospel message: 4:1-7

a. Sincerity of the ministers: 4:1-2

b. Spiritual blindness of the lost: 4:3-4

c. Satanic opposition to the ministry: 4:4

d. Light of the Gospel penetrates darkness: 4:5-6

e. The treasure of this ministry in earthen vessels: 4:7

2. Perseverance in suffering: 4:7-15

a. Description of suffering: 4:8-9

b. Purpose of suffering: 4:10-12

c. Victory in suffering: 4:13-15

3. Perseverance inspired by hope: 4:16-5:10

a. Hope in this life: 4:16-18

b. Hope in the future life: 5:1-10

4. The present attitude because of this hope: 5:6-8

a. Confidence: 5:6

b. Faith: 5:7

c. Fearlessness of death: 5:8

d. Acceptable living: 5:9

5. The end of this hope: 5:10

E. The motivation for the ministry: 5:11-17

1. Motive of fear of the Lord: 5:11

2. Motive of concern for others: 5:12-13

3. Motive of the love of Christ: 5:14-15

4. Motive of new life in Christ: 5:16-17

F. The message of the ministry: 5:18-21

1. The position of the ministers: Reconciled 5:18

2. The ministry of the ministers: Reconciliation: 5:18-19

3. The plea of the ministers:  Reconciliation: 5:20

4. The basis for the message: 5:21

III. A summary of the ministry: 6:1-10

A. Position of the minister: Workers together with Him: 6:1

B. Plea of the ministers: 6:1-2

C. Conduct of the ministers: 6:3-10

1. Negative:  Giving no offense in anything: 6:3

2. Positive:  Approving themselves as ministers of God in all things: 6:4-10

a. In patience: 6:4

b. In afflictions: 6:4

c. In necessities: 6:4

d. In distresses: 6:4

e. In stripes: 6:5

f. In imprisonments: 6:5

g. In tumults: 6:5

h. In labors: 6:5

i. In watchings: 6:5

j. In fasting: 6:5

k. In pureness: 6:6

l. In knowledge: 6:6

m. In long suffering: 6:6

n. In kindness: 6:6

o. By the Holy Ghost: 6:6

p. By love unfeigned: 6:6

q. By the word of truth: 6:7

r. By the power of God: 6:7

s. Armor of righteousness: 6:7

t. Honor and dishonor: 6:8

u. Evil and good report: 6:8

v. Deceivers yet true: 6:8

w. Unknown yet well known: 6:9

x. Dying yet living: 6:9

y. Chastened and not killed: 6:9

z. Sorrowful yet rejoicing: 6:10

aa. Poor, yet making many rich: 6:10

bb. Having nothing, yet possessing all things: 6:10

IV. Consequent appeals in view of this ministry: 6:11-7:4

A. A fatherly appeal: 6:11-13

B. Appeal for separation: 6:14-7:1

1. The command for separation: 6:14

2. Arguments for separation: 6:14-16

3. The results of separation: 6:17-6:18

a. Removal: 6:17

b. Reception: 6:17

c. Relationship: 6:18

C. Appeal for holiness: 7:1

D. Appeal for affection: 7:2-4

V. Recognition of the ministry: 7:5-16

A. Afflictions in Macedonia: 7:5

B. The coming of Titus: 7:6-7

1. Comfort through Titus: 7:6

2. His message: 7:7

C. Paul's former letter: 7:8-12

1. The letter: 7:8

2. Results of the letter: 7:8-11

a. Godly sorrow: 7:8-9

b. Repentance: 7:9-10

c. Salvation: 7:10

d. Carefulness: 7:11

e. Clearing of selves: 7:11

f. Indignation: 7:11

g. Fear: 7:11

h. Desire: 7:11

i. Zeal:  7:11

j. Revenge: 7:11

k. Approval in all things: 7:11

3. Purpose of the former letter: 7:12

D. Comfort from the joy of Titus: 7:13-15

E. Confidence expressed in the Corinthian believers: 7:16

Part Two: A Plea Concerning The Collection 8:1-9:15

I. Example: The giving of the Macedonians: 8:1-6

A. The explanation concerning their giving: 8:1

B. The circumstances of their giving: 8:2

1. Great trial of affliction.

2. Abundance of joy.

3. Deep poverty.

4. Riches of liberality.

C. The manner of their giving: 8:3-5

D. The result their giving: 8:6

II. Exhortation: The appeal for Christian giving: 8:7-15

A. The appeal: 8:7

B. The motives of such giving: 8:8-12

l. Love: 8:8

2. Example of Jesus Christ: 8:9

3. Willingness: 8:19-12

C. Principles of equality in giving: 8:13-15

III. The messengers to Corinth:  8:16-9:5

A. Approval of the messengers: 8:16-24

1. The coming of Titus to Corinth: 8:16-17

2. Brethren accompanying Titus to Corinth: 8:18-22

3. Recommendation of the messengers: 8:23

4. Request to receive them properly: 8:24

B. Explanation for sending the messengers: 9:1-5

1. The situation in Achaia concerning the collection: 9:1-2       

2. Purposes for sending the brethren about the collection: 9:3-4

3. Commission of the brethren concerning the collection: 9:5

IV. The blessings of liberal giving: 9:6-15

A. The basic principle of giving: 9:6

B. The right spirit for giving: 9:7

C. The results of liberal giving: 9:8-14

1. All grace from God: 9:8

2. Sufficiency in all things: 9:8

3. Abounding in every good work: 9:8

4. Blessings on the poor: 9:9

5. Material blessings: 9:10

6. Spiritual blessings: 9:10

7. Increase in fruits of righteousness: 9:10

8. Enriched in all things: 9:11

D. Reaction of those receiving the gift: 9:11-14

1. Thankfulness to God: 9:11-13

2. Regard for the givers; 9:14

E. The basis of the blessings of giving: 9:15

V. Vindication: Paul's defense of his ministry: 10:1-13:10

A. Power:  The apostle's authority: 10:1-18

1. His appeal to the church: 10:1-6

a. The basis for his appeal: 10:1

b. The contents of his appeal: 10:2

c. A description of his warfare: 10:3-6

(1) The spiritual nature of his warfare: 10:3

(2) The spiritual weapons of his warfare: 10:4

(3) The battle in the warfare: 10:5-6

B. The answer to a misled member: 10:7-11

1. An appeal to consider reality: 10:7

2. The verification of his authority: 10:8-9

3. The criticism: 10:10

4. The warning to "such a one": 10:11

C. The claims of false teachers: 10:12-18

1. The boasting of false teachers: 10:12

2. Justified boasting: 10:13-18

a. The standard of measurement: 10:13

b. The achievement to be measured: 10:14-18

VI. Apostleship:  Paul's boasting: 11:1-12:13

A. His request to be permitted to boast: 11:1-4

1. Statement of the request: 11:1

2. Reasons for the request: 11:2-4

a. His personal concern for them: 11:2

b. His anxiety concerning them: 11:3-4

B. Refuting personal inferiority: 11:5-15

1. His position: 11:5

2. His preaching: 11:6

3. His service: 11:7-15

C. Paul's reasons for boasting: 11:16-12:10

1. The preparation for boasting: 11:16-21

a. The reluctance to boast: 11:16-17

b. The need for the boasting: 11:18

c. The consolation in his boasting: 11:19-21

2. The first boasting: 11:22-33

a. Boasting as to the flesh: 11:22

b. Boasting concerning service: 11:23-29

c. Boasting in infirmities: 11:30-33

3. The second boasting: 12:1-10

a. His feeling about boasting: 12:1

b. Boasting about visions: 12:2-5

c. Boasting in weakness: 12:6-10

D. A review of his boasting: 12:11-13

1. The feeling about the boasting: 12:11

2. The cause for the boasting: 12:11-13

a. Their failure to commend him:  12:11

b. Their obligation to commend him: 12:11-13

VII. The apostle's proposed visit to Corinth:  12:14-13:10

A. His service to them: 12:14-18

1. His free service upon arrival: 12:14

2. The reasons for his attitude: 12:14

3. His willingness to be spent for them: 12:15

4. Refutation of slander against him: 12:16-18

B. His concern about conditions upon his arrival: 12:19-21

1. Correction of false impressions: 12:19

2. His concerns about them: 12:20-21

C. His plan upon arrival: 13:1-4

1. The investigation he will make: 13:1-2

2. The proof that will be given them: 13:3-4

D. A final appeal to the Corinthian believers: 13:5-10

1. An appeal for self-testing: 13:5-10

2. A prayer for them: 13:7-9

3. The purpose of his letter to them: 13:10 Conclusion 13:11-14

I. An exhortation: 13:11

A. The command:  13:11

1. Be perfect.

2. Be of good comfort.

3. Be of one mind.

4. Live in peace.

B. The result: 13:11

II. The closing greetings: 13:12-13

III. The benediction: 13:14 

A. Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.

B. Love of God.

C. Communion of the Holy Ghost.


1. Who was the author of the books of I and II Corinthians?

2. State the purpose for the book of I Corinthians.

3. To whom was the book of I Corinthians written?

4. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of I Corinthians.

5. From memory, write the Key Verse of I Corinthians.

6. State the purpose for the book of II Corinthians.

7. To whom was the book of II Corinthians written?

8. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of II Corinthians.

9. From memory, write the Key Verse of II Corinthians.

 (Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)


1. Study I Corinthians 3:10-15 to identify the following:

·         The building

·         The building material

·         The owner

·         The test of building

·         The builder

2. One of the reasons Paul wrote I Corinthians was to instruct the church to remove an unrepentant sinful member (I Corinthians 5:1-8). In II Corinthians he instructs the church to receive back that one who had since become repentant (II Corinthians 2:6-11).

3. II Corinthians reveals much about the person and work of Satan.  See 2:10-11; 4:4; 11:3, 13-15; 12:7.

4. At least four names for believers are found in II Corinthians which are not found elsewhere in the Bible. These are: Living epistles: 3:2-3; A sweet savor of Christ: 2:15; Treasure carried in earthen vessels: 4:7; Ambassadors of Christ: 5:20

5. One of the most important reasons why God allows a believer to suffer is explained in this book: 1:1-6.

6. Paul told the Corinthian believers: "Be ye imitators of me, even as I also am of Christ" (I Corinthians 4:16 and 11:1). Study Paul's example as revealed in I Corinthians:

Loyal in message, method, and motive: 2:1-5

Sound in building: 3:10-23

Trustee of the truth of the Gospel: 4:1-6

Endured tribulations for Jesus: 4:9-16

Considerate of weaker brethren: 6:12; 8:13

Relinquished his rights: 9:12-18

Denied himself in order to reach souls: 9:19-23

Self-disciplined: 9:27; 10:33

Demonstrated proper restraint in public assemblies: 14:18-20

Humble: 15:9-10

7. I Corinthians 15 is the longest passage in the Bible concerning the future resurrection of believers.  Study the changes that will occur:

The body is sown (dies, is buried) in corruption, it is raised (through resurrection) in incorruption.

·         It is sown in dishonor and raised in glory.

·         It is sown in weakness and raised in power.

·         It is sown a physical body and raised a heavenly body.

·         It is sown a flesh and blood body but raised a changed body.

·         It is sown a mortal body and raised an immortal body.

8. Study II Corinthians 7:10.  Make a list of the contrasts (differences) between godly sorrow and the sorrow of the world.

9. Study II Corinthians 6:8-11.  Make a list of the contrasts in this passage.

10. Read about the founding and history of the church at Corinth: Acts 18:1-18; 19:1-22; 20:3,31

11. Is God still writing "epistles" or letters?  Read II Corinthians 3:3.  The believer is a living epistle through which God is revealing His message to the world.

12. I Corinthians chapters 12-14 concern the use of spiritual gifts in the church.  Use the following notes to study this section:


The Holy Spirit divides or distributes these gifts among believers as He will: Chapter 12

·         There are many gifts, but one Spirit: 4-11

·         There are many members but one body: 12-27

·         There are many ways to serve, but one Church: 28-31

The gifts have no value unless they are used with love:  Chapter 13

·         Spiritual gifts are not effective without love: 1-3

·         The characteristics of love: 4-8

·         Love is the greatest gift of all: 9-13

The most desirable gift is the gift of prophecy: Chapter 14

·         It edifies the church: 1-22

·         It convinces outsiders (the unsaved): 23-28

·         It should be used properly: 29-40






Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

·         Name the author of the book of Galatians.

·         Identify to whom the book of Galatians was written.

·         State the purpose for the book of Galatians.

·         Write the Key Verse of the book of Galatians from memory.

·         State the Life and Ministry Principle for the book of Galatians.


AUTHOR:  Paul 

TO WHOM: Believers at Galatia.

PURPOSE: To correct false teaching of Jewish legalism in the Church.


LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: Jesus delivered us from law to liberty.

MAIN CHARACTERS: Paul, Peter, James, Cephas, John, Barnabas, Titus, Abraham


I. Introduction: 1:1-5

A. From: Paul:  1:1

1. An apostle.

2. Not of men.

3. By Jesus Christ and God the Father.

B. To:  The churches of Galatia: 1:2

C. Grace and peace from Jesus: 1:3-5

1. Who gave Himself for our sins: 1:4

2. Who delivered us from the present evil world: 1:4

3. According to the will of God the Father: 1:4

4. To whom be glory for ever: 1:5

II. The rebuke: 1:6-10

A. Astonishment at the departure from the Gospel: 1:6

B. Statement of the departure to "another gospel" which is false: 1:6-7

C. The seriousness of the matter: No matter who preaches another gospel, they are accursed: 1:8-9

D. Paul's attitude towards the matter: 1:10


Part One: The Liberty Of The Gospel

A Personal Argument 1:11-2:21

I. How Paul received the Gospel: 1:11-24

A. The origin through revelation: 1:11-12

B. His conduct previous to receiving the Gospel: 1:13-14

1. Taught the Jewish religion: 1:13

2. Persecuted the Church of God: 1:13

3. Profited in the Jewish religion above his equals: 1:14

4. Was zealous of the Jewish tradition: 1:14

C. Description of the revelation received: 1:15-17

1. Source of the revelation:  God: 1:15

2. Subject of the revelation:  His Son: 1:16

3. Purpose of the revelation: That Paul might preach Him among the heathen: 1:16

4. Response to the revelation: 1:16-17

a. He conferred not with flesh and blood: 1:16

b. He did not go to the apostles at Jerusalem: 1:17

c. He went to Arabia and Damascus: 1:17

D. Paul's independence of the Jerusalem apostles: 1:18-20

l. His first visit to Jerusalem: 1:18-20

a. The time of the visit: 1:18

b. The purpose of the visit: 1:18

c. The duration of the visit: 1:18

d. Contacts during the visit: 1:19-20

E. Paul's subsequent absence from Jerusalem: 1:21-24

1. The place of his withdrawal: 1:21

2. The lack of acquaintance with the churches in Judea:  1:22

3. The response of the churches to reports about him: 1:23-24

II. How the Gospel received by Paul was confirmed by the apostles at Jerusalem: 2:1-10

A. The circumstances of its presentation to them: 2:1-2

1. The journey to Jerusalem: 2:2

2. The presentation made by Paul at Jerusalem: 2:2

B. The result of Paul's presentation of the Gospel to them: 2:3-10

1. His position as reflected in Titus: 2:3

2. His conflict with false brethren: 2:4-5

a. Their presence: 2:4

b. Paul's refusal to yield to their demands: 2:5

3. Approval by Jerusalem leaders of the Gospel received by Paul: 2:6-10

a. Their failure to add anything to his Gospel: 2:6

b. Their approval of his Gospel: 2:7-10

c. The basis of their approval: 2:7-9

d. The expression of their approval: 2:9

e. The one request made in their approval: 2:10

III. Paul's rebuke of Peter for his yielding to legalistic pressure in Antioch: 2:11-21

A. Reason for the rebuke: 2:12

B. Effect of the inconsistent conduct of Peter: 2:13

C. Justification for giving the rebuke: 2:14-21

l. Paul's question to Peter: 2:14

2. Paul's explanation of his doctrinal position: 2:15-21

a. Insufficiency of the law: 2:15-18

(1) We are justified by faith, not the law nor by works: 2:16

(2) If we rely on the law, we are transgressors: 2:17-18

b. The new life in Christ: 2:19-21

(1) The effect of the law led to the new life: 2:19

(2) The nature of the new life: 2:20

(3) The grace of God is nullified by law keeping: 2:21


Part Two: The Liberty Of The Gospel

A Doctrinal Argument 3:1-4:31

I. The doctrine of justification by faith: 3:1-4:7

A. Justification by faith: 3:1-14

1. Inconsistency of their conduct: 3:1-5

a. Turning from Christ: 3:1

b. Question about the start of their Christian life: 3:2

c. A question about their method of perfection: 3:3

d. The question about their sufferings as believers: 3:4

e. The question about the basis of God's work in them: 3:5

B. The example of Abraham's justification: 3:6-9

1. The means of Abraham's justification: 3:6

2. The identity of the sons of Abraham: 3:7

3. The announcement to Abraham by God of justification through faith: 3:8

4. The heirs of the blessings of Abraham: 3:9

C. Deliverance from law and works through Jesus Christ: 3:10-14

1. The curse on those under law and works: 3:10

2. The inability of law and works to justify: 3:11-12        

3. Deliverance from the curse through Jesus: 3:13-14

a. The means of deliverance from the curse: 3:13

b. The purpose in deliverance from the curse: 3:14

D. The limitations of the law and its relation to faith: 3:15-14:7

1. The covenant of faith with Abraham: 3:15-18

a. The covenant was binding: 3:15

b. It was to Abraham and his seed: 3:16

c. The promise was not altered by the law: 3:17

d. The inheritance is not through the law but by promise: 3:18

2. The true place and purpose of the law: 3:19-29

a. The temporary nature of the law: 3:19-20

b. The inability of the law to produce life: 3:21-22

c. The law was an instrument to bring us to Christ: 3:23-29

E. The contrasts of law and faith: 4:1-7

1. The illustration of the position of an heir as a minor: 4:1-2

2. Application of the illustration to believers: 4:3-6

a. Bondage as minors: 4:3

b. Free as sons: 4:4-6

3. The conclusion for the believer: 4:7

II. An appeal to the Galatian believers to drop their legalism: 4:8-31

A. Accepting Jewish legalism is a return to bondage: 4:8-11

1. Their past condition of bondage: 4:8

2. Their deliverance from bondage: 4:9

3. Legalism is returning to bondage: 4:9-10

4. Their actions cause concern to Paul: 4:11

B. The appeal from his relation to them: 4:12-20

1. An appeal for them to adopt Paul's position: 4:12

2. A reminder of his past relation to them: 4:12-14

3. The change in their relation to him: 4:15-18

4. The travail he is experiencing for them: 4:19-20

C. The appeal from the two contrasted covenants, law and grace: 4:21-31 

1. A question to those desiring to be under the law: 4:21

2. The story of Abraham's two sons: 4:22-23

3. The interpretation of the story: 4:24-23

a. The two methods represent two covenants: 4:24

b. The description of the two covenants: 4:24-28

(l) One represents bondage: 4:24-25

(2) The other represents freedom: 4:26-28

c. The expulsion of the son of bondage: 4:29-30

d. Conclusion of the story: 4:31


Part Three: The Liberty Of The Gospel

Practical Application 5:1-6:18

I. The call to maintain Christian liberty: 5:1-12

A. The peril in circumcision: 5:2-6

1. It makes Christ useless to them: 5:2

2. It makes them subject to the whole law: 5:3

3. It severs them from Christ: 5:4

4. It is a fall from grace: 5:4

5. The proper Christian attitude: 5:5-6

B. The condemnation of the false teacher: 5:7-12

1. Their error: 5:7-8

2. Example of their teaching: 5:9

3. Condemnation of the one troubling them: 5:10-12

II. The life of Christian liberty: 5:13-6:10

A. The life is directed by love: 5:13-15

1. The believer is called to liberty: 5:13

2. The proper use of Christian liberty: 5:13

3. The fulfillment of the law through love: 5:14

4. The results of a lack of love: 5:15

B. It is a walk in the Spirit, not in the flesh: 5:16-25

1. The command to walk in the Spirit: 5:16

2. The conflict between the Spirit and the flesh: 5:17-18

3. The contrast between products of the flesh and the Spirit: 5:19-23

a. The works of the flesh: 5:19-21

b. The fruit of the Spirit: 5:22-23

4. The people living by the Spirit: 5:24-25

a. They have crucified the flesh: 5:24

b. They live and walk in the Spirit: 5:25

C. It is a life of mutual burden bearing: 5:26-6:10

1. Bearing faults: 5:26-6:5

a. The warning against wrong attitudes toward others: 5:26

b. The attitude of humility in restoring the fallen: 6:1

c. The duty of mutual burden-bearing: 6:2

d. The proper attitude towards self: 6:3-5

D. It is a life governed by basic principles: 6:6-10

1. The principle of communication: 6:6

2. The principle of spiritual harvest: 6:7-8

3. The principle of well doing: 6:9-10

III. The conclusion:

A. Reference to his large letters: 6:11

B. Rebuke of his adversaries: 6:12-13

C. His confidence in the cross: 6:14-16

1. Glorying in the cross: 6:14

2. Crucifixion through the cross: 6:15

3. Blessings on those accepting this principle: 6:16

4. He bears the marks of the Lord in his own body: 6:17

IV. The benediction: 6:18


1. Who was the author of the book of Galatians?

2 State the purpose for the book of Galatians.

3. To whom was the book of Galatians written?

4. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of Galatians.

5. From memory, write the Key Verse of Galatians.

 (Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)


1. See Habakkuk 2:4. This verse is quoted in Galatians 3:11.

2. Study the contrast between the fruit of the Holy Spirit and the works of the flesh: Galatians 5:19-23.

3. The key word of Galatians is liberty. It is used 11 times. Locate these verses and summarize what is taught about liberty.

4. Compare Paul before and after his conversion: Galatians 1:13-17.

5. The doctrinal error in the church in Galatia is referred  to by Paul as "another gospel." These believers were seeking to be justified by the law (5:4).  They were requiring observance of special holy days (4:10) and circumcision as necessary to salvation (5:2; 6:12-13). They were seeking to supplement the work of the Holy Spirit by law and their own works of righteousness (3:3). They were insisting on conformity to the law of Moses (4:21).  It was not that the Gospel was being denied, but they were adding to the Gospel legalistic and ritualistic ideas.

6. Study the contrasts of the book of Galatians. These include faith versus works; the Spirit versus the flesh; grace versus law; circumcision versus new creation; the cross versus the world, freedom versus bondage; the natural (Ishmael) versus the spiritual (Isaac).

7. Things to bear:

·         Fruit-bearing: Galatians 5:22-23

·         Burden-bearing: Galatians 6:2

·         Seed-bearing: Galatians 4:7,9

·         Brand-bearing:  Galatians 6:17 (the marks of the Lord Jesus)




Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

Name the author of the book of Ephesians.

Identify to whom the book of Ephesians was written.

State the purpose for the book of Ephesians.

Write the Key Verse of the book of Ephesians from memory.

State the Life and Ministry Principle for the book of Ephesians.


AUTHOR:  Paul 

TO WHOM:  The church at Ephesus.

PURPOSE:  To inform believers of their wealth in Christ and instruct concerning their walk
in Christ. 


LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE:  Believers are heirs to both the blessings (the wealth)
and the responsibilities (the walk) of their calling in Christ.

MAIN CHARACTERS:  Paul, Tychicus 


Part One:  Our Wealth In Christ 1:1-3:21


Introduction: 1:1-2


From Paul: 1:1


To the saints at Ephesus: 1:1


Grace and peace from God and Jesus: 1:2


Praise for spiritual possession: 1:3-14


He has chosen us: 1:4


He has predestined us: 1:5-6


We have redemption in Him: 1:7


He shows wisdom towards us: 1:8


He reveals the mystery of His will: 1:9-10


In Him we have obtained an inheritance: 1:11-12

G. We have been sealed by the Spirit: 1:13-14

III. Prayer for spiritual perception through Christ: 1:15-23

A. The basis of the prayer: 1:15

B. The nature of the prayer: 1:16

C. The God addressed by the prayer: 1:17

D. The gifts requested in the prayer: 1:17

1. Wisdom.

2. Revelation in the knowledge of Him.

E. The purpose of the prayer: 1:18-23

1. That they may realize the hope of His calling: 1:18

2. That they may receive the riches of His inheritance: 1:18

3. That they may know His power: 1:19-23

a. The nature of His power: 1:19

b. The manifestation of His power in Christ: 1:20-23

IV. Our condition in Christ: 2:1-10

A. Before Christ: 2:1-3

1. Spiritual death: 2:1

2. Walked according to the way of the world: 2:2

3. Subject to Satan: 2:2

4. Disobedient spirit: 2:2

5. Evil conversation: 2:3

6. Children of wrath: 2:3

7. Flesh bound affections: 2:3

a. Desire of the flesh:  Worldly appetites

b. Desires of the mind: Worldly ambitions

B. Our new condition in Christ: 2:4-10

1. Quickened: 2:5

2. Saved by grace: 2:5

3. Raised to heavenly places: 2:6

4. In favor with God: 2:7  

C. The reason for the new condition: 2:8-10

1. Salvation which is: 2:8

a. By faith: 2:8

b. A gift of God: 2:8

2. Salvation which is not: 2:8-9

a. Of ourselves: 2:8

b. Of works: 2:9

3. The continual working of Christ Jesus in our lives: 2:10

V. Our old relationship: 2:11-12 "At times ye were..."

A. Without Christ: 2:12

B. Aliens: 2:12

C. Strangers: 2:12

D. Having no hope: 2:12

E. Without God: 2:12

VI. The new relationship: 2:19-22 "Now therefore ye are..."

A. Citizens of one city: 2:19

B. Members of one family: 2:19

C. Built on one foundation: 2:20

D. Parts of one building: 2:21

E. Indwelt by one Spirit: 2:22

VII. How the change happened: 2:13-18 "But now in Christ Jesus..."

A. Distance done away: Ye are made nigh: 2:13

B. Disunion done away: Both made one: 2:14

C. Division done away: Broken middle wall: 2:14

D. Dissension done away: Abolished enmity: 2:15

E. Distinction done away: 2:15-18

1. One new man: 2:15

2. Reconciled to God: 2:16

3. Peace with God: 2:17

4. Access to God: 2:18

5. No more strangers and foreigners: 2:19-22

a. Fellow citizens: 2:19

b. Built on the right foundation: 2:20

c. A proper spiritual building: 2:21

d. A holy temple in the Lord: 2:21

e. A habitation of God through the Spirit: 2:22

VIII. Revealing the divine mystery: 3:1-12

A. Paul as a messenger of the mystery: 3:1-13

1. His relation to the mystery: 3:1-5

a. His position as prisoner on behalf of the Gentiles: 3:1

b. His stewardship of God's grace towards the Gentiles: 3:2

c. His knowledge of the mystery by revelation: 3:3-5

2. Statement of the mystery: 3:6

3. Paul's ministry in connection with this mystery: 3:7-12

a. The source of his ministry: 3:7

b. The attitude of one given this ministry: 3:8

c. The contents of the ministry: 3:8-9

d. The purpose of the ministry: 3:10-11

e. The blessings of the ministry: 3:12

f. The sufferings of the ministry: 3:13

IX. Possessing the divine mystery: 3:14-21

A. Introduction to the prayer for possession: 3:14-15

B. The request: 3:16-17

1. That they might be strengthened with might by the Spirit in the inner man: 3:16

2. That they might experience the presence of Christ: 3:17

3. That they will be rooted and grounded in love: 3:17

4. That they will have spiritual comprehension of the love of Christ: 3:18-19

a. Its boundaries: 3:18

b. Its divine nature: 3:19

5. That they might be filled with the fullness of God: 3:19

C. Conclusion of the prayer: 3:20-21

1. The ability of the One addressed: 3:20

2. Praise to the One addressed: 3:21

Part Two: Our Walk In Christ 4:1-6:24

I. The corporate walk of the church:  Walk worthy:  4:1-16

A. Through proper attitude: 4:2

1. Lowliness.

2. Meekness.

3. Long suffering.

4. Forbearing one another in love.

B. Through unity: 4:3-6

1. In peace: 4:3

2. In one body: 4:4

3. In one spirit: 4:4

4. In one hope of your calling: 4:4

5. In one Lord: 4:5

6. In one faith: 4:5

7. In one baptism: 4:5

8. In one God: 4:6

a. Father of all.

b. Above all.

c. Through all.

d. In you all.

C. By following the example of Christ: 4:7-10

D. Through proper structure: 4:11-13

1. Spiritual gifts: 4:11

a. Apostles.

b. Prophets.

c. Evangelists.

d. Pastors.

e. Teachers.

2. Their purposes: 4:12-16

a. Perfecting of saints: 4:12

b. Work of the ministry: 4:12

c. Edifying the Body of Christ: 4:12

d. Unity of the faith: 4:13

e. Knowledge of the Son of God: 4:13

f. Perfection after Christ: 4:14

g. Spiritual maturity: 4:14-15

E. By becoming part of the Body: 4:16

1. Joined together.

2. Each part of the body functioning in its place.

3. Increasing through the edification of love.

II. The individual walk of believers: 4:17-5:2

A. How not to walk: 4:17-25

1. In vanity of mind: 4:17

2. With understanding darkened: 4:18

3. Alienated from the life of God through ignorance and blindness: 4:18

4. Given over to lasciviousness, uncleanness, and greediness: 4:19

B. How to walk: 4:20-5:2

1. In Christ: 4:20-21

2. Putting off the old man: 4:22

3. Renewing the spirit of your mind: 4:23

4. Put on the new man: 4:24

5. Put away sinful conduct: 4:25-30

a. Lying: 4:25

b. Anger: 4:26-27; 31

c. Stealing: 4:28

d. Corrupt communication: 4:29

e. Grieving the Holy Spirit: 4:30

f. Bitterness: 4:31

g. Wrath: 4:31

h. Anger: 4:31

i. Evil speaking: 4:31

j. Malice: 4:31 

6. Assume righteous conduct: 4:32-5:1

a. Kind: 4:32

b. Tenderhearted: 4:32

c. Forgiving: 4:32

d. As obedient children: 5:1

III. Our walk in relation to the world: 5:2-21

A. Walk in love following Christ's example: 5:2

B. Walk in holiness: 5:3-5

1. Without fornication: 5:3

2. Without uncleanness: 5:3

3. Without covetousness: 5:3

4. Without filthiness: 5:4

5. Without foolish talking: 5:4 

6. Without jesting: 5:4

7. With an attitude of thankfulness: 5:4

C. Walk with eternity in mind: 5:5

D. Do not be deceived with vain words: 5:6

E. Do not form evil alliances: 5:7

F. Walk in the light: 5:8

G. Develop the fruit of the Spirit: 5:9

l. Goodness.

2. Righteousness.

3. Truth.

H. Prove what is acceptable unto the Lord: 5:10

I. Do not walk in darkness: 5:11-14

1. Have no fellowship with darkness: 5:11

2. Reprove unfruitful works: 5:11

3. Do not speak of things done in darkness: 5:12

4. Spread light in darkness: 5:13

5. Awake those who are sleeping in spiritual darkness: 5:14

J. Walk as the wise, not as fools: 5:15

K. Redeem the time: 5:16

L. Understand God's will: 5:17

M. Do not be drunk with wine: 5:18

N. Be filled with the Spirit: 5:18

1. Speak to yourselves in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs: 5:19

2. Making melody in your heart: 5:19

3. Giving thanks for all things to God in the name of Jesus: 5:20 

IV. Our walk in regards to special relationships: 5:21-6:9

A. Other believers: Submit yourselves in the fear of God: 5:21

B. Wives:  5:22-24

1. Submit yourselves unto your own husband as unto the Lord: 5:22

2. Recognize the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the Church: 5:23

3. Be subject to your husband in everything just as the Church is subject to Christ: 5:24

C. Husbands: 5:25-33

1. Love your wives as Christ loved the church: 5:25-29

2. Be joined to your wife as the Church is joined to Christ: 5:30-33

a. One body: 5:30

b. Forsaking all others: 5:31-32

D. To both husband and wife: 5:33

1. Husband love your wife as yourself: 5:33

2. Wife reverence your husband: 5:33

E. Children: Honor your parents: 6:1-3

F. Fathers: 6:4

1. Do not provoke your children to wrath.

2. Bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

G. Servants: 6:5-8

1. Be obedient to your masters: 6:5

2. Have an attitude of respect: 6:5

3. Be loyal (singleness of heart): 6:5

4. Serve them as you are serving Christ: 6:6-7

5. Recognize your reward comes from the Lord: 6:8

H. Masters: 6:9

1. Treat your servants the same way: 6:9

2. Recognize that you also serve a Master: 6:9

3. There is no respect of person by the Lord: 6:9

V. Our walk as it regards Satanic powers: 6:10-20

A. Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might: 6:10

B. Put on the whole armor of God: 6:11-20

1. The purpose: That you are able to stand against Satan and his wiles: 6:11,13

2. The enemy: 6:12

a. Principalities.

b. Powers.

c. Rulers of the darkness of this world.

d. Spiritual wickedness in high places.

3. The armor: 6:14-20

a. Loins girt with truth: 6:14

b. Breastplate of righteousness: 6:14

c. Feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace: 6:15

d. The shield of faith: 6:16

e. The helmet of salvation: 6:16

f. The sword of the Spirit: 6:17

g. Prayer: 6:18-20

VI. Conclusion: 6:21-24

A. Personal matters: 6:21-22

1. Commissioning of Tychicus as messenger: 6:21

2. The purpose of sending Tychicustothem: 6:21-22

a. To make known the message: 6:21-22

b. To inform of Paul's affairs: 6:22

c. To comfort them: 6:22

B. The conclusion: 6:23-24


1. The desire for the brethren: 6:23

a. Peace.

b. Love.

c. Faith.

2. The blessing on those loving Christ: 6:24


1. Who was the author of the book of Ephesians?

2. State the purpose for the book of Ephesians.

3. To whom was the book of Ephesians written?

4. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of Ephesians.

5. From memory, write the Key Verse of Ephesians.

 (Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)


1. The book of Ephesians compares believers to several things:

·         Citizens: 2:19

·         A body: 1:22-23; 4:4,12,16

·         A church: 5:22-23

·         Servants:  6:6-9

·         A building: 2:20-22

·         Soldiers: 6:10-17

2. Our relationship with God is like that of a family (3:15).  We are:adopted (1:5-6);  a household (2:19); and dear children (5:1).

3. Study Paul's prayers for the Ephesians.  He prayed that they might know certain things (1:16-19) and that they might have certain things (3:14-19).  Both are necessary to claim our spiritual inheritance. We must know about it and we must also claim it. Study the guidelines given in Ephesians as to how we are to pray:  5:18-20; 6:18.

4. There are several passages in Ephesians concerning the church. List each verse and summarize what is taught.

5. Study the key words in Ephesians:  Mystery, walk, love, grace, glory, power, in working, peace, riches, together, one in the heavenlies.

6. Study Ephesians 4:22-23 and 6:11-18. List the things we are to put off and put on. Compare this list to a similar list given in Colossians chapter 3.

7. Make a list of  the contrasts in the book of Ephesians. Here are some examples to start you on your study:

Salvation by works: 2:9   

Salvation by grace: 2:8

Revelation unknown: 3:5

Mystery revealed: 3:3

Children of disobedience: 5:6

Children of light: 5:8

Contrast everything Ephesians teaches about what we are in Christ compared to what we were in times past when we were dead in trespasses and sin.

8. A man by the name of Tychicus is mentioned in Ephesians 6:21-22. Find other references to him in Acts 20:4; II Timothy 4:12; Titus 3:12, Colossians 4:7.

9. Find the twelve references to the Holy Spirit in the book of Ephesians. The references in chapters 1-3  tell what the Holy Spirit is and does toward the believer. The references in chapters 4-6 tell us what we are to be and do toward Him.




Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

Name the author of the book of Philippians.

Identify to whom the book of Philippians was written.

State the purpose for the book of Philippians.

Write the Key Verse of the book of Philippians from memory.

State the Life and Ministry Principle for the book of Philippians.



TO WHOM: The Church at Philippi

PURPOSE: To present an appeal for Christian unity.


LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE:  Unity in Jesus brings joy.

MAIN CHARACTERS: Paul, Timotheus, Epaproditus, Ceasar


I. Introduction: 1:1-26

A. Greeting: 1:1-2

1. From Paul and Timotheus: 1:1

2. To: Saints in Christ Jesus, bishops, and deacons at Philippi: 1:1

3. Grace and peace: 1:2

B. Prayer for Philippians: 1:3-11

1. His thanksgiving for them: 1:3-5

a. Motivation for thanksgiving: 1:3

b. Expression of thanksgiving: 1:4

c. Cause for thanksgiving: 1:5

2. His confidence in them: 1:6-7

a. The nature of the confidence: 1:6

b. The justification for this confidence: 1:7

3. His longing: 1:8

4. His prayer for them: 1:9-11

a. That love may abound in knowledge and judgment: 1:9

b. That you may approve things that are excellent: 1:10

c. That you may be sincere and without offense: 1:10

d. That you will be filled with the fruit of righteousness: 1:11

C. Personal matters: 1:12-26

1. Events which have served to spread the Gospel: 1:12-18

a. Imprisonment: 1:12-14

b. Preaching: 1:15-18

c. Prayer: 1:19

2. Questioning as to whether it is best to live or die: 1:19-26

a. The contrast of life and death: 1:20-21

b. The appeal of life: 1:22

c. The competing desire for death: 1:23-24

d. Assurance for a longer life: 1:25-26

II. Exhortations for unity 1:27-2:18

A. Appeal for unity in suffering: 1:27-30

1. Proper conversation: 1:27

2. Stand fast in one spirit with one mind: 1:27

3. Striving together for the faith of the Gospel: 1:27

4. In nothing terrified by your adversaries: 1:28-30

B. Unity in Christ: 2:1-11

l. Through proper conduct: 2:1-4

a. Love: 2:1-2

b. Fellowship: 2:1

c. Mercy: 2:1

d. One accord: 2:2

e. One mind: 2:2

f. Nothing done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness of mind esteem others: 2:3

g. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others: 2:4

2. Christ's humiliation:  Unify your minds after the pattern of His: 2:6-8

a. No reputation: 2:7

b. Form of servant: 2:7

c. Likeness of men: 2:7

d. Humbled self: 2:8

e. Obedient to death of cross: 2:8

3. Christ's exaltation: 2:9-11

a. Highly exalted: 2:9

b. A name above all others: 2:9

c. Every knee shall bow: 2:10

d. Every tongue will confess: 2:11

C. Spiritual growth brings unity: 2:12-18

1. Work out your salvation in fear: It is God: 2:12-13

2. Do all things without murmuring: That ye be blameless: 2:14-15

3. Hold forth the Word of life: That I may rejoice: 2:16-18

III. Paul's plans: 2:19-30

A. His plans for Timothy: 2:19-23

1. The plan: 2:19

2. The motive for the plan: 2:19

3. Reasons for choosing Timothy: 2:20-21

4. The relation of Timothy and Paul: 2:22

5. The timing of Timothy's trip: 2:23

B. Plans for himself: 2:24

C. Plans for Epaphroditus: 2:25-30

1. Statement of the plan: 2:25

2. Testimony of Epaphroditus: 2:25

3. The reason for sending Epaphroditus: 2:26-27

4. The welcome to be given: 2:28-30

IV. Warnings 3:1-4:1

A. Against Judaizing teachers: 3:1-16

1. The joy of the Lord as a defense against them: 3:1

2. Admonition to watch them: 3:2

3. Identification of true Israelites: 3:3

4. Paul's experiences in relation to this matter: 3:4-11

a. His grounds for legalistic pride: 3:4-6

(1) Circumcised: 3:5

(2) Of the stock of Israel: 3:5

(3) Of the tribe of Benjamin: 3:5

(4) A Pharisee: 3:5

(5) Zealous (persecuted Church): 3:6

(6) Righteous under the law: 3:6

b. His change of values: 3:7-11

(1) Nature of the change: 3:7

(2) Reasons for the change: 3:8

(3) Motives for the change: 3:8-11

5. Perfection as a defense against legalism: 3:12-16

a. Attitude towards perfection: 3:12

b. Efforts to reach the goal: 13-14

c. Exhortation to perfection: 3:15-16

B. Against false teachers: 3:17-21

1. Their character: 3:18

2. Their fate: 3:19

3. The response of the believer: 3:20-21

V. Exhortations: 4:1-9

A. Unity between Euodias and Syntyce: 4:1-3

B. Unity in joy: 4:4

C. Unity in moderation: 4:5

D. Unity in prayer: 4:6

E. Unity in peace: 4:7

F. Unity in mind:  Proper thought process: 4:8

1. True.

2. Honest.

3. Just.

4. Pure.

5. Lovely.

6. Good report.

7. Things of virtue.

8. Things worthy of praise.

G. Unity between knowledge and actions: 4:9

VI. Thanks for their gift: 4:10-20

A. The secret of contentment: 4:10-13

1. His thanks for their gift: 4:10

2. His independence of material need: 4:11

3. Explanation of his secret: 4:11-12

4. His source of strength: 4:13

B. The secret of provision: 4:14-20

1. His appreciation of the gift: 4:14

2. His reminder of their past record: 4:15-16

3. His attitude towards their gift: 4:17

4. His receipt of the gift: 4:18

5. The secret of provision: 4:19-20

VII. Benediction 4:21-23

A. Salute the saints in Christ Jesus: 4:21

B. The brethren with Paul send greetings: 4:21

C. The saints and those of Caesar's household send greetings: 2:22

D. Grace be with you: 2:23


1. Who was the author of the book of Philippians?

2. State the purpose for the book of Philippians.

3. To whom was the book of Philippians written?

4. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of Philippians.

5. From memory, write the Key Verse of Philippians.

 (Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)


1. Study the key words rejoice and joy. They appear a total of 18 times in this book.

2. Here is another way to study Philippians:


Key Verse




The believer’s life



The believer’s mind



The believer’s goal



The believer’s strength

3. The church at Philippi was founded as a result of a vision experienced by Paul.  Read about this in Acts 16:8-10.

4. Philippians describes one of two kinds of peace mentioned in the Bible.  Peace with God experienced by all believers is mentioned in Romans 5:1.  Peace of God available to all believers is mentioned in Philippians 4:7.

5. God worked marvelously in the lives of three individuals in the Church at Philippi:

·         A Greek soothsayer: Acts 16:16-18

·         A businesswoman: 16:13-15

·         A Roman jailer: Acts 16:19-20

6. Note the objectives of Paul in chapter 3:

·         That I may gain: 8

·         That I may know: 10

·         That I may attain: 11

·         That I may apprehend: 12

7. List Paul's worldly qualifications: 3:8-12

8. Read Philippians 1:12-21.  List the different ways in which the Gospel was advanced.

9. List the virtues mentioned in Philippians 4:8-9.





Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

·         Name the author of the book of Colossians.

·         Identify to whom the book of Colossians was written.

·         State the purpose for the book of Colossians.

·         Write the Key Verses of the book of Colossians from memory.

·         State the Life and Ministry Principle for the book of Colossians.



TO WHOM: Believers at Colosse who were to share the letter with the believers at Laodecea.

PURPOSE: To deal with doctrinal issues in the church.

KEY VERSES:  3:1-3

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLES: Christ is all and is in all.

MAIN CHARACTERS: Paul, Tychicus, Anesemus, Aristarchus, Markus, Justus, Epaphras, Luke, Demas, Nymphas, Archippus 


I. Introduction: 1:1-14

A. Greetings: 1:1-2

1. From:  Paul and Timothy: 1:1

2. To: The saints and faithful brethren in Christ at Colosse: 1:2

3. Grace and peace from God and Jesus: 1:2

B. Thanksgiving: 1:3-8

C. Paul's prayer for Christians at Colosse: 1:9-14

1. Continual: 1:9

2. Desiring they might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding: 1:9

3. That they might walk worthy of the Lord: 1:10

4. That they might be fruitful in every good work:  1:10

5. That they might increase in the knowledge of God: 1:10

6. That they be strengthened with all might unto patience and long suffering with joyfulness: 1:11

7. That thanks be given to the Father: 1:12-13

a. For making us partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: 1:12

b. For delivering us from the power of darkness: 1:13

c. For translating us into the Kingdom of His Son: 1:13

II. The person and work of Jesus: 1:15-23

A. Lord of creation: 1:15-17

1. In relation to its origin: 1:15-16

2. In relation to its continuity: 1:17

B. Lord of the church: 1:18-19

1. Head of the body: 1:18

2. The beginning: 1:18

3. The firstborn from the dead: 1:18

4. He is to have preeminence in all things: 1:18

5. In Him, all fullness dwells: 1:19

C. Reconciler: 1:20-23

1. He has made peace through the blood of His cross: 1:20

2. He has reconciled all things to Himself, both in earth and Heaven: 1:20

3. Those alienated by wicked works He has reconciled: 1:21

4. Through His death, we can be presented: 1:22

a. Holy.

b. Unblamable.

c. Unreproveable in His sight.

5. We are to continue in the faith: 1:23

a. Grounded: 1:23

b. Settled: 1:23

c. Not moved from the Gospel which was: 1:23

(l) Heard by them.

(2) Preached to every creature.

(3) Whereby Paul was made a minister.

III. Paul: God's minister of reconciliation: 1:24-2:7

A. Sufferings: 1:24

1. Physical.

2. With a spiritual purpose.

B. Minister of the mystery of Christ: 1:25-29

1. The circumstances of his ministry: 1:25

2. The message of his ministry: 1:26-27

a. Mystery of God: 1:26-27

b. Jesus Himself: 1:27

3. The methods of his ministry: 1:28

a. Preaching.

b. Warning.

c. Teaching.

4. The goal of his ministry: Presenting every man perfect in Jesus: l:28

5. The power behind his ministry:  Striving according to His working which worketh mightily: 1:29

C. Desire for unity and stability in Christ: 2:1-7

1. His striving for the believers: 2:1

a. At Colosse.

b. At Laodicea.

c. For those he has not seen.

2. The persons for whom He strives: God the Father and Christ: 2:2

3. The purpose of the striving: 2:2-7

a. That their hearts might be comforted:  2:2

b. That they might be knit together in love: 2:2

c. Unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding: 2:2

d. That they might understand the treasures of wisdom and knowledge hid in Christ: 2:3

e. To prevent them from being beguiled by enticing words: 2:4

f. That they might be steadfast in the faith: 2:5

g. That they might walk in Christ:  2:6

h. That they would be rooted in Him: 2:7

i. That they would be built up in Him:  2:7

j. That they would be established in the faith as they were taught: 2:7

k. That they would abound therein with thanksgiving: 2:7

IV. Christ's Lordship over false teaching: 2:8-3:4

A. Lord of every power: 2:8-10

1. Philosophy: 2:8

2. Vain deceit: 2:8

3. Tradition of men: 2:8

4. Rudiments of the world and not after Christ: 2:8

a. In Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily: 2:9

b. Ye are complete in Him: 2:10

c. He is the head of all principality and power:  2:10

B. The new life: 2:11-14

1. Circumcision of the heart: 2:11

2. Buried with Him in baptism: 2:12

3. Risen with Him through faith: 2:12

4. Quickened together with Him: 2:13

5. All trespasses forgiven: 2:13

6. Eliminating the ordinances against us: 2:14

C. Conqueror of principalities and power: 2:15

1. Spoiled them: 2:15

2. Made a show of them openly: 2:15

3. Triumphing over them:  2:15

D. Practices denying Christ's lordship: 2:16-3:4

1. Ritual: 2:16-17

a. Meat: 2:16

b. Drink: 2:16

c. Holy days: 2:16

d. New moon: 2:16

e. Sabbath days: 2:16

2. Angel worship:  A person who practices this is: 2:18-19

a. Intruding into those things which he hath not seen: 2:18

b. Vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind: 2:18

c. Not holding Christ as the Head: 2:19

(1) From which the body has nourishment.

(2) By whom we are knit together in love.

(3) By whom we increase with the increase of God.

3. Subject to rudiments of the world: 2:20-23

a. We are not to be subject to them: 2:20

b. What they concern: 2:21

c. The commandments and doctrines of men: 2:22

d. They are an outward shew: 2:23

(1) Of wisdom in will worship.

(2) Of humility.

(3) Of neglecting the body.

(4) Not in any honor to the satisfying of the flesh.

4. Worldly, temporal affections: 3:1-4

a. Seek those things above: 3:1

b. Set your affections on things above, not on this earth: 3:2

c. This is possible because of your union with Jesus: 3:3

(1) Past: Ye were raised with Christ: 3:3

(2) Present: Your life is hid with Christ in God: 3:3

(3) Future: When Christ shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory: 3:4

V. Christ's lordship and the Christian life: 3:5-4:6

A. We are responsible to mortify our fleshly desires: 3:5

B. The wrath of God comes on those who disobey and walk in these desires: 3:6

C. In times past, we walked in these sinful ways but now we are to put them off: 3:7-8

D. Old life to put off: 3:5-9

1. Fornication: 3:5

2. Uncleanness: 3:5

3. Inordinate affection: 3:5

4. Evil concupiscence: 3:5

5. Covetousness which is idolatry: 3:5-7

6. Anger: 3:8

7. Wrath: 3:8

8. Malice: 3:8

9. Blasphemy: 3:8

10. Filthy communication out of your mouth: 3:8

11. Lies: 3:9

E. New life to put on:  3:10-17

1. The new man: 3:10

a. Which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created him: 3:10

b. In whom there is no division: 3:11

2. Bowels of mercies: 3:12

3. Kindness: 3:12

4. Humbleness of mind: 3:12

5. Meekness: 3:12

6. Long suffering: 3:12

7. Forbearing: 3:13

8. Forgiveness: 3:13

9. Charity: 3:14

10. The peace of God: 3:15

11. Unity in the body: 3:15

12. Thankfulness: 3:15

13. God's Word dwelling in you richly:  3:16

a. In all wisdom.

b. Teaching.

c. Admonishing one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.

14. Good works: 3:17

a. Both word and deed.

b. To be done in the name of Jesus.

c. Giving thanks to God.

F. Special situations: 3:18-4:6

1. Home: 3:18-21

a. Wives: 3:18

b. Husbands: 3:19

c. Children: 3:20

d. Fathers: 3:21

2. Work relationships: 3:22; 4:1

a. Obey your masters: 3:22

b. Serve as unto Christ: 3:22

c. Masters are to give servants that which is just and equal: 4:1

3. General guidelines: 3:23-25

a. Do all as unto the Lord and not unto men:  3:23

b. Recognize that you serve the Lord and from Him you will receive your reward: 3:24

c. Understand that those who do wrong will receive justice from God: 3:25

VI. Final instructions: 4:2-6

A. Duty of prayer: 4:2-4

1. Responsibility to continue in prayer: 4:2

2. To watch with thanksgiving: 4:2

3. To pray for open doors for those spreading the Gospel: 4:3-4

B. Duty of witness: 4:5-6

1. Proper walk in wisdom: 4:5

2. Proper use of time: 4:5

3. Proper speech: 4:6

a. With grace.

b. Seasoned with salt.

c. With knowledge of how to answer every man.

VII. Closing: 4:7-18

A. Personal greetings: 4:7-17

1. The bearers of the letter: 4:7-9

a. Tychicus: 4:7-8

b. Onesimus: 4:9

2. Greetings from his companions: 4:10-14

3. Salutations to the Laodiceans and command to have the epistle read there also: 4:15-16

4. A special message to Arcippus: 4:17

B. Salutation: 4:18

1. By the hand of Paul.

2. Request to remember his bonds.

3. Grace be with you.


1. Who was the author of the book of Colossians?

2. State the purpose for the book of  Colossians.

3. To whom was the book of Colossians written?

4. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of Colossians.

5. From memory, write the Key Verse of Colossians.

 (Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)


1. Study Colossians 3:2-17. Make a list of the things believers should "put off" and the things they should "put on" in their spiritual lives.

2. Study Colossians 3:18-25. This passages speaks to different members of the church. List the commands given to wives, husbands, children, fathers, and servants.

3. The book of Colossians teaches many things about Jesus. Read through the book and list each verse which refers to Jesus and then summarize what you learn about Him from each verse.

4. Colossians is one of two New Testament epistles with a command for the church to exchange and read the letters before various local assemblies. Compare Colossians 4:16 with I Thessalonians 5:27.

5. Colossians and Ephesians are related. In Ephesians Paul discusses the Body of Christ, the Church. In Colossians he writes of the Head of that Body, Jesus Christ. A total of 78 out of the 95 verses in Colossians are nearly identical to verses in Ephesians. Study and compare these two books. 

6. Read Colossians 1:12-22. There are seven important aspects of salvation mentioned here:

·         Inheritance: Partakers of the inheritance of saints in light: 12

·         Deliverance: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness: 13

·         Translation: And hath translated us into the Kingdom of the Son of His love: 13

·         Redemption: In whom we have redemption through His blood: 14

·         Forgiveness: Even the forgiveness of sins: 14

·         Reconciliation: And you hath He reconciled: 21

·         Transfiguration: To present you holy and unblameable in His sight: 22






·         Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

·         Name the author of the books of I and II Thessalonians.

·         Identify to whom the books were written.

·         State the purposes for I and II Thessalonians.

·         Write the Key Verses of the books of I and II Thessalonians from memory.

·         State the Life and Ministry Principles for the books.




TO WHOM: Believers at Thessalonica

PURPOSE: To confirm that  the  Lord is coming back: To commend and exhort for the faith and correct false doctrine. Paul also answers false charges against his ministry.

KEY VERSES:  4:16-18

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: Comfort should focus on the glorious hope of the return of Jesus Christ.

MAIN CHARACTERS: Paul, Silvanus, Timotheus


I. Introduction: 1:1

A. From:  Paul, Silvanus, and Timotheus.

B. To:  Believers at Thessalonica.

C. Grace and peace from God and Jesus: 1:1

II. Looking back: 1:2-3:13

A. Exemplary conversion to Christ: 1:2-10

1. Power of the Gospel: 1:2-5

2. Examples of the Gospel: 1:5-6

a. The believers at Thessalonica followed the example of Paul: 1:5-6

b. They became examples to other believers: 1:7

3. Witnesses of the Gospel: 1:8-10

a. The faith of the Thessalonian believers was spread in every place: 1:8

b. Their testimony was witness to the truth of the Gospel: 1:9-10

B. Exemplary evangelism: 2:1-20

1. In motive: 2:1-6

a. Not in vanity: 2:1

b. In boldness: 2:2

c. Not in deceit, uncleanness, or guile: 2:3

d. To please God rather than men: 2:4

e. Without flattering words: 2:5

f. Without covetousness: 2:5

g. Not to seek glory of men: 2:6

2. In conduct: 2:7-11

a. Gentleness: 2:7

b. Dealing as a nurse with children: 2:7

c. In affection: 2:8

d. In labor and travail: 2:9

e. With proper behavior: 2:10

f. As a father with children: 2:11

3. In message: 2:12-13

a. That you walk worthy of God: 2:12

b. It was based on the Word of God: 2:13

4. In reception: 2:13-16

a. The nature of their reception of the Word: 2:13

b. The result of their reception of the Word: 2:14-16

(l) They became imitators of the Judean  churches: 2:14

(2) They entered the fellowship of suffering for the Word: 2:14-16

C. Exemplary follow up care of converts: 3:1-13

1. Their concern: 3:1-5

a. Their motive: 3:1

b. The sending of Timothy: 3:2

c. Description of the one sent: 3:2

(1) Our brother.

(2) Minister.

(3) Fellow-laborer in the Gospel.

d. The purpose in sending Timothy: 3:2-4

(1) To establish you: 3:2

(2) To comfort you:  3:2

(3) To encourage stability despite afflictions: 3:3-4

(4) To guard from the tempter: 3:5

(5) To protect their labor: 3:5

2. The follow up process: 3:6-8

a. The contents of Timothy's report: 3:6

b. The reaction to Timothy's report: 3:7-10

(1) Comfort and encouragement: 3:7-8

(2) Thanksgiving and prayer: 3:9-13

III. Looking ahead:  Conduct in light of the return of the Lord: 4:1-5:24

A. God-pleasing conduct: 4:1-2

B. Sanctification: 4:3-8

1. The basis for sanctification: It is God's will: 4:3

2. The application of sanctification: 4:3-8

a. To abstain from fornication: 4:3-5

b. To abstain from defrauding a brother: 4:6

C. Reasons for proper conduct: 4:6-8

1. Sin brings God's vengeance: 4:6

2. Proper conduct is in accord with the call of God: 4:7

3. Rejection of proper conduct is rejection of God: 4:8 

D. Brotherly love: 4:9-10

1. Commendation of their love: 4:9

2. Exhortation to further love: 4:10

E. Exhortations to be industrious: 4:11-12

1. Study to be quiet: 4:11

2. Do your own business: 4:11

3. Work with your own hands: 4:11

4. Walk honestly toward unbelievers: 4:12

F. Instructions concerning the dead in Christ: 4:12-18

1. The need for proper instruction: 4:12-13

2. The relation of the dead to the returning Christ: 4:14-15

a. The dead in Christ will be brought with Him: 4:14

b. The living will not precede the dead in  Christ: 4:15

3. The manner and results of Christ's coming: 4:16-17

a. The manner of His coming: 4:16

b. The results of His coming: 4:16-17

(1) The dead raised first: 4:16

(2) The living caught up: 4:17

(3) Believers forever with the Lord: 4:17

4. The comfort in these words to be utilized by believers: 4:18

G. Watchfulness in view of the Lord's coming: 5:1-11

1. Uncertainty in the time of His coming: 5:1-2

a. Their lack of need for instruction: 5:1

b. Their knowledge concerning the manner of His coming: 5:2

2. The result of this uncertainty for those who are unprepared: 5:3

3. The effect of this uncertainty upon believers: 5:4-11

a. Be prepared: 5:4

b. Walk in the light: 5:5

c. Do not sleep spiritually: 5:6

d. Watch: 5:6

e. Be sober: 5:6-8

f. Put on the breastplate of faith and love: 5:8

4. The assurance of the believer: 5:9-11

a. Appointed to salvation, not to wrath: 5:9-10

b. Comfort and edification because of this hope: 5:11

H. Church relationships: 5:12-15

1. Know those who labor among you and are over you:  5:12

2. Esteem them highly because of their labor on behalf of you: 5:13

3. Warn the unruly: 5:14

4. Comfort the feebleminded: 5:14

5. Support the weak: 5:14

6. Be patient towards all: 5:14

7. Do not return evil for evil: 5:15

8. Follow that which is good: 5:15

I. Personal conduct: 5:16-22

1. Rejoice evermore: 5:16

2. Pray without ceasing: 5:17

3. In everything give thanks: 5:18

4. Quench not the Spirit: 5:19

5. Despise not prophesying: 5:20

6. Prove all things: 5:21

7. Hold fast that which is good: 5:21

8. Abstain from the appearance of evil: 5:22

IV. Conclusion: 5:23-28

A. A blessing upon them: 5:23-24

B. Request for prayer: 5:25

C. Greetings: 5:26

D. The charge: 5:27

E. The wish for grace of the Lord: 5:28



AUTHOR:  Paul 

TO WHOM:  Church at Thessalonica

PURPOSE:  To instruct believers waiting for the return of the Lord.


LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE:  Since there will be a great falling away before the day
of the Lord, it is important to teach and live by sound doctrine.

MAIN CHARACTERS:  Paul, Silvanus, and Timotheus


I. Introduction: 1:1-2

A. From Paul, Silvanus, and Timotheus: 1:1

B. To the church of the Thessalonians: 1:1

C. Grace and peace from God and Jesus: 1:2

II. Comfort in the hope of Christ's return: 1:3-12

A. Thanksgiving for their Christian example: 1:3-4

1. The reasons for the thanksgiving: 1:3

a. Their faith groweth exceedingly: 1:3

b. They have charity towards each other: 1:3

2. The effect of their conduct upon the writers: 1:4

B. Comfort in the righteous judgment of God: 1:5-10 

1. The indication of God's righteous judgment: 1:5

2. The revelation of God's righteous judgment: 1:6-8

a. The outcome of His judgment: 1:6-7

(1) God sends tribulation to them that trouble: 1:6

(2) Those who are troubled will find rest when the Lord returns: 1:7

b. The time of the judgment: When the Lord is revealed from Heaven with His angels: 1:7

c. The subjects of the judgment: 1:8

(1) Those that know not God.

(2) Those that obey not the Gospel of the Lord Jesus.

3. The consequences of God's righteous judgment: 1:9-10

a. Eternal punishment of the lost: 1:9

b. Glorification of the saints: 1:10

C. Prayer for the believers: 1:11-12

1. The content of the prayer: 1:11

a. That God would count you worthy of this calling: 1:11

b. That God will fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness: 1:11

c. That God will fulfill the work of faith with power: 1:11

2. The purpose of the prayer: That the name of Jesus may be glorified in you and you in Him:  1:12 

III. Caution regarding the time of Christ's return: 2:1-17

A. Paul's concern: 2:1-2

l. His concern is about the coming of the day of the Lord: 2:1

2. Attitudes prohibited: 2:2

a. Being shaken in mind.

b. Being troubled in spirit, word, or letter.

c. Believing that it has already happened.

B. Signs of the end: 2:3-12

1. A great falling away: 2:3

2. The man of sin (antichrist) is revealed: 2:3-6

a. He opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God: 2:4

b. He will sit as God in the temple: 2:4

c. He will claim to be God: 2:4

d. He will be revealed in his time: 2:5-6

3. He already is at work in the world, but will not be revealed until the Holy Spirit is removed: 2:7-8

4. His destiny: 2:8

a. The Lord will consume him with the spirit of His mouth: 2:8

b. The Lord will destroy him with the brightness of His coming: 2:8

5. Signs by which to recognize the antichrist: 2:9-12

a. He will come after the working of Satan: 2:9

b. He will have power, signs, and lying wonders: 2:9

c. He will deceive with unrighteousness them that perish because they received not the truth unto salvation: 2:10

d. He will cause strong delusions: 2:11

e. He will bring to damnation those who: 2:12

(1) Believed not the truth.

(2) Had pleasure in unrighteousness.

C. A prayer for the Thessalonian believers: 2:13-17

1. Thanksgiving because of God's choice of them: 2:13-14

a. He chose them to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: 2:13

b. He called them by the Gospel to the obtaining of the glory of Jesus: 2:14

2. Exhortation to steadfastness:  Hold fast that which you have been taught: 2:15

3. A prayer for their comfort and stability: 2:16-17

a. The ones to whom the prayer is directed: 2:16

b. Contents of the prayer: 2:17

(1) Comfort you.

(2) Establish you in every good word and work.

IV. Commands in the light of Christ's return: 3:1-15

A. A command to pray: 3:1-2

1. For liberty to spread the Gospel: 3:1

2. For safety of the messengers: 3:2

a. From unreasonable men.

b. From wicked men.

c. From all who do not have the faith.

B. A command to grow spiritually: 3:3-5

1. Be established in the Lord: 3:3

2. Be kept from evil in the Lord: 3:3

3. Do the things commanded: 3:4

4. Direct your hearts into the love of God: 3:5

5. Wait patiently for the return of Christ: 3:5

C. Commands regarding conduct and relationships: 3:6-12

1. Withdraw from those who walk disorderly and not according to the Word: 3:6

2. Follow right examples of spiritual leadership: 3:7-10

3. Each believer is to be productive: 3:10-12

4. Do not be weary in well-doing: 3:13

5. Have no company with those who do not obey the Word: 3:14

6. Do not count the disorderly as enemies, but admonish them as brothers: 3:15

V. Conclusion: 3:16-18

A. The supplication: 3:16

l. The Lord give you peace.

2. The Lord be with you all.

B. The authentication: Signature by the hand of Paul: 1:17

C. The benediction: 1:18


1. Who was the author of the books of I and II Thessalonians?

2. State the purpose for the book of I Thessalonians.

3. To whom was the book of I Thessalonians written?

4. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of I Thessalonians.

5. From memory, write the Key Verse of I Thessalonians.

6. State the purpose for the book of II Thessalonians.

7. To whom was the book of II Thessalonians written?

8. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of II Thessalonians.

9. From memory, write the Key Verse of II Thessalonians.

(Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)


1. Thessalonians contains one of the New Testament's two most extended passages on the coming of the antichrist. (See II Thessalonians 2:1-12 and Revelation 13:1-8.)

2. The church at Thessalonica was founded by Paul during his second missionary journey. (See Acts 17:1-10.)

3. No other book in the Bible gives as much attention to the rapture (catching up) of the Church as does I Thessalonians. The event is referred to in each of its five chapters. (See 1:10; 2:19; 3:13; 4:13-18; 5:1-11,23.)  Make a summarizing list about what you learn concerning the coming of the Lord.

4. Note the things that must happen before Christ's final return:

·         A falling away of believers: II Thessalonians 2:3

·         Man of sin (antichrist) revealed: II Thessalonians 2:3

·         The Holy Spirit removed from the world: II Thessalonians 2:7

·         Strong delusion (deception): II Thessalonians 2:11

5. In I Thessalonians chapters 4 and 5 there are several truths about those "who have fallen asleep" and those "who are alive and remain." List what you observe about each of these.

6. In II Thessalonians Paul addresses several problems which need correction. Make a list of these and note the instructions or commands related to each problem addressed.

7. In II Thessalonians Paul also praises the Thessalonians and encourages them about things they are doing well. List these exhortations.

8. According to II Thessalonians, what will happen to those who do not obey the Gospel?

9. Key words in I Thessalonians: Gospel, faith, love, hope, Lord Jesus Christ, God, Holy Spirit, affliction (tribulation, suffering), day of the Lord.

10. Key words in II Thessalonians: Affliction, suffering, coming of Jesus, God, Spirit, glory, man of lawlessness, undisciplined (unruly), day of the Lord, truth.





Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

Name the author of the books of I and II Timothy.

Identify to whom the books were written.

State the purposes for I and II Timothy.

Write the Key Verses of the books of I and II Timothy from memory.

State the Life and Ministry Principles for the books.




TO WHOM: Timothy

PURPOSE: Paul wrote this letter to a co-laborer named Timothy who was ministering  as an interim pastor in the church at Ephesus. The book concerns some of the problems and needs which existed in this church.


LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: We should live a life exemplary of the ministry to which we have been called.

MAIN CHARACTERS: Paul, Timothy, Hymenaeus, Alexander


I. Introduction: 1:1-3

A. From: Paul, an apostle of Jesus by the commandment of God and Jesus: 1:1

B. To: Timothy, a son in the faith: 1:2

C. Grace, mercy, and peace from God and Jesus: 1:2

D. Personal instructions to stay in Ephesus: 1:3


Part One: A Charge To Timothy - Preserve Sound Doctrine  1:3-20

I. Preserve the purity of the Gospel: 1:3-11

A. The charge: 1:3-4

1. Teach no other doctrine: 1:3

2. Do not give heed to fables: 1:4

3. Do not give heed to genealogies: 1:4

B. The aim of the charge:  Charity: 1:5

1. Out of a pure heart.

2. Of a good conscience.

3. Of faith unfeigned.

C. The reason for the charge: 1:6-11

1. Some have turned aside to vain jangling: 1:6

2. They desire to be teachers but have no understanding: 1:6

3. They use the law improperly: 1:8-11

a. The law is good if it is used properly: 1:8

b. The law was not made for the righteous: 1:9

c. The law was made for the lawless: 1:9-10

(l) The disobedient: 1:9

(2) Ungodly: 1:9

(3) Sinners: 1:9

(4) Unholy: 1:9

(5) Profane: 1:9

(6) Murderers: 1:9

(7) Whoremongers: 1:10

(8) Them that defile themselves with mankind: 1:10

(9) Men stealers: 1:10

(10) Liars: 1:10

(11) Perjured: 1:10

(12) Any others contrary to sound doctrine:  1:10

4. The law must be harmonized with the Gospel: 1:11

II. Paul's relation to the Gospel: 1:12-17

A. Thanksgiving for his call into God's service: 1:12

1. His call was from Jesus: 1:12

2. He was enabled by Jesus: 1:12

3. He was counted faithful: 1:12

4. He was put in the ministry: 1:12

B. The description of the one called: 1:13

1. He was a blasphemer: 1:13

2. He was a persecutor: 1:13

3. He was injurious: 1:13

4. But he obtained mercy because he did it ignorantly in unbelief: 1:13

C. The explanation for his appointment: 1:13-26

1. Due to God's grace: 1:13-14

2. To make him an example to others: 1:15-16

D. Paul's praise for his relationship to the Gospel: 1:17

III. Review of the charge of Timothy: 1:18-20

A. The committing of the charge: 1:18

B. The work of Timothy: 1:18-19

1. War a good warfare: 1:18

2. Hold faith: 1:29

3. Have a good conscience: 1:29-20

a. Warning concerning certain men who have lost faith and conscience: 1:29

b. Hymenaeus and Alexander who have been delivered to Satan: 1:20

Part Two: Organization And Administration Of The Church 2:1-3:13

I. Prayer: 2:1-8

A. The duty of prayer: 2:1

B. The nature of prayer: 2:1

1. Supplication.

2. Prayers.

3. Intercessions.

4. Giving of thanks.

C. The scope of prayer: 2:1-2

1. For all men: 2:1

2. For kings: 2:2

3. For all in authority: 2:2

D. The results of prayer: 2:2-3

1. A quiet, peaceable life in godliness and honesty: 2:2

2. Approval in God's sight: 2:3

E. The mediator of prayer: 2:5-7

1. Jesus Christ the Savior: 2:5-6

2. By this mediator Paul is ordained as a preacher, apostle, and teacher: 2:7

F. The universality of prayer: 2:8

1. All men everywhere are to pray: 2:8

2. They are to lift up holy hands: 2:8

3. They are to pray without wrath and doubting: 2:8

II. Women in the church: 2:9-15

A. Their appearance: 2:9-10

1. Modest apparel: 2:9

2. Emphasis on attitude and good works rather than appearance: 2:9-10

B. Their worship: 2:11-12

1. Learn with a humble attitude: 2:11

2. Do not teach in own authority ("usurp" is to take authority to yourself. We should all teach with God's authority, not our own): 2:12

C. Their salvation: Although the woman was first deceived, it was through a woman (childbearing) that the Messiah came: 2:13-15

III. Qualifications of bishops: 3:1-7

A. Without reproach (blameless): 3:2

B. Husband of one wife: 3:2

C. Vigilant: 3:2

D. Sober (serious minded): 3:2

E. Good behavior, respectable: 3:2

F. Given to hospitality: 3:2

G. Able to teach: 3:2

H. Not given to wine: 3:3

I. Not a striker: 3:3

J. Patient: 3:3

K. Not contentious (not a brawler): 3:3

L. Not a lover of money: 3:3

M. Not covetous: 3:3

N. Must rule his own house well: 3:4-5

O. Not a novice (new convert): 3:6

P. Must have a good reputation in the unsaved community: 3:7

IV. Qualifications of deacons: 3:8-13

A. Grave, men of dignity: 3:8

B. Not double-tongued: 3:8

C. Not given to wine: 3:8

D. Not a lover of money: 3:8

E. Sound doctrine with a pure conscience: 3:9

F. Not a novice (new convert): 3:10

G. Proven (tested) and found blameless: 3:10

H. If married, the husband of a godly wife: (Wives have come to be known as deaconesses.) They are to be: 3:11

1. Grave.

2. Not slanderers.

3. Sober.

4. Faithful in all things

I. The husband of one wife: 3:12

J. Must rule his own house well: 3:12

V. Paul's reason for writing: Proper behavior in the church: 3:14-16 Part Three:  The Minister And His Conduct 4:1-6:21

I. The minister and false teaching: 4:1-5

A. Some will depart from the faith in the last days: 4:1

B. Their errors: 4:1-5

1. Giving heed to seducing spirits: 4:1

2. Giving heed to doctrines of devils: 4:1

3. Speaking lies in hypocrisy: 4:2

4. Having their conscience seared: 4:2

5. Forbidding to marry: 4:3

6. Commanding to abstain from meat: 4:3-5

II. Miscellaneous instructions on being a good minister: 4:6-16

A. Instruct the brethren in sound doctrine: 4:6

B. Refuse fables: 4:6

C. Exercise thyself to godliness: 4:7-8

D. Accept faithful sayings: 4:9

E. Labor and suffer for God: 4:10

F. Command and teach sound doctrine: 4:11

G. Do not let your youth be despised, but be an example of believers: 4:12

1. In word.

2. In conversation.

3. In charity.

4. In spirit.

5. In faith.

6. In purity.

H. Give attention to: 4:13

1. Reading.

2. Exhortation.

3. Doctrine.

I. Neglect not the gift within thee: 4:14

J. Meditate and give yourself wholly to these things: 4:15

K. Take heed to yourself and doctrine: 4:16

1. Continue in sound doctrine.

2. You will save yourself.

3. You will save those who hear you.

III. The minister and his conduct towards various groups in the church: 5:1-6:10

A. Older and younger: 5:1-2

1. Treat an elder as a father: 5:1

2. Treat younger men as brothers: 5:1

3. Treat elderly women as mothers: 5:2

4. Treat younger women as sisters with purity: 5:2

B. Widows: 5:3-16

1. Honor those who are widows indeed: 5:3

2. Responsibilities of relatives of widows: 5:4

3. Definition of a "widow indeed": 5:5-6

a. Desolate: 5:5

b. Trusts in God: 5:5

c. Continues in supplication and prayer: 5:5

d. Does not live in worldly pleasure: 5:6

4. Responsibilities of relatives of widows continued: 5:7-8

5. Qualifications for "widows indeed": 5:9-13

a. A select number who are dedicating their lives to God: 5:9

b. Not under three score years old: 5:9

c. Wife of one man: 5:9

d. Well reported of for her good works: 5:9

(l) Raised her children.

(2) Lodged strangers.

(3) Washed the saint's feet.

(4) Relieved the afflicted.

(5) Diligently followed every good work.

6. Those not qualified:  Younger widows: 5:11-15

a. They will marry again: 5:11

b. This would result in breaking their vow to be dedicated to God's service: 5:12

c. They would engage in improper conduct: 5:13

(l) Idleness.

(2) Wandering from house to house.

(3) Tattlers.

(4) Busybodies.

(5) Speaking things they should not.

7. Instructions to younger widows not in this group of dedicated older widows: 5:16-17

a. Marry: 5:16

b. Bear children: 5:16

c. Guide the house: 5:16

d. Live beyond reproach: 5:16

e. Warning that some have turned aside after Satan: 5:17

C. Elders: 5:17-25

1. Honor those who rule well: 5:17

2. Provide for those who labor full time in this position: 5:17-18

3. Those who have not ruled well: 5:19-20

a. Accusation must be by more than one witness: 5:19

b. They are to be rebuked before the assembly: 5:20

D. Miscellaneous: 5:21-25

1. Do not be in a hurry in the laying on of hands: 5:21

2. Do nothing by partiality: 5:21

3. Do not partake in the sins of others: 5:22

4. Keep yourself pure: 5:22-23

5. Recognize that judgment belongs to God: 5:24-25

a. Some sin is judged now, some later: 5:24

b. Some good works are apparent now, some later: 5:25

E. Servants: 6:1-8

1. Honor masters: 6:1

2. Do not take advantage of masters who are believers: 6:2

F. All men:

1. If they teach contrary to sound doctrine of Jesus they are (3):

a. Proud: 6:4.

b. Know nothing: 6:4

c. Dispute over questions and strife of words from which come: 6:4-5

(1) Envy: 6:4

(2) Strife: 6:4

(3) Railings: 6:4

(4) Evil surmising: 6:4

(5) Perverse disputing of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: 6:5

2. Withdraw yourself from these type of men: 6:5

3. Godliness with contentment is great gain: 6:6-7

a. We came into the world without anything: 6:7

b. We can take nothing out of the world: 6:7

c. We should be content to have our basic needs met: 6:8

G. Rich: 6:9-19

1. The problems of the rich: 6:9

a. They fall into temptation.

b. They fall into snares.

c. They engage in foolish and hurtful lusts.

d. They drown in destruction and perdition.

2. The wrong motive of the rich: 6:10

a. The love of money.

b. Covetousness which results in erring from the faith and many sorrows.

3. Response of the minister towards riches: 6:11-19

a. Flee these things: 6:11

b. Follow after: 6:11

(l) Righteousness.

(2) Godliness.

(3) Faith.

(4) Love.

(5) Patience.

(6) Meekness.

c. Fight the good fight of faith: 6:12

d. Lay hold on eternal life: 6:12

(l) By which you are called.

(2) By which you have a good testimony before others.

e. Keep this commandment: 6:13-16

(l) Without spot: 6:14

(2) Unrebukeable: 6:14

(3) Until the appearing of Jesus: 6:14-16

f. Charge them that are rich in this world:  6:17-19

(l) That they be not high minded: 6:17

(2) Not to trust in uncertain riches but in God: 6:17

(3) Do good: 6:18

(4) Be rich in good works: 6:18

(5) Be ready to distribute to others: 6:18

(6) Be willing to communicate: 6:18

(7) Lay up an eternal foundation: 6:19

(8) Lay hold on eternal life: 6:19

IV. Conclusion: 6:20-21

A. Keep that which is committed to your trust: 6:20

B. Avoid profane and vain babblings:  6:20

C. Avoid oppositions which are falsely called "science" through which some have erred: 6:21

D. Grace be with you: 6:21




TO WHOM: Timothy

PURPOSE: Paul wrote this  book from prison to challenge Timothy to assume responsibility for the ministry which the apostle was handing over due to his forthcoming death. Paul knew he would soon be executed for his faith.


LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: The  divine  pattern for multiplication of the Gospel message is "each one teach one to reach one."

MAIN CHARACTERS: Paul, Timothy, Phygellus, Hermogenes, Onesiphorus, Hymenaeus, Philetus, Demas, Titus, Luke, Mark, Tychicus, Alexander, Prisca, Aquila, Erastus, Trophimus, Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, Claudia, Jannes, Jambres, Moses. 


I. Introduction: 1:1-2

A. From:  Paul: 1:1

1. An apostle.

2. According to the promise of life which is in Jesus.

B. To:  Timothy: 1:2

1. A son in the faith.

2. Grace, mercy, and peace from God and Jesus.

II. Thanksgiving: 1:3-5

A. Gratitude to God: 1:3

B. Reasons for his gratitude: 1:3-5

1. His memory of Timothy: 1:3

2. His longing for Timothy: 1:4

3. His memory of Timothy's steadfast faith: 1:5     

III. Exhortation to faithful ministry: 1:6-2:13

A. Use your spiritual gifts: 1:6

B. Have a courageous attitude: 1:7-8

1. Do not be fearful: 1:7

2. Have a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind: 1:7

3. Do not be ashamed of your testimony: 1:8

4. Be a partaker of the afflictions of the Gospel according to the power of God: 1:8

C. Recognize your calling: 1:9-12

1. It is from God: 1:9

2. It is through salvation, not works: 1:9

3. It is to accomplish God's purpose: 1:9

4. It is through the grace of God: 1:9

5. It is based on Jesus Christ: 1:10-11

6. It will bring suffering: 1:12

7. It is based on eternal values: 1:12

IV. Exhortation to sound doctrine: 2:13-26

A. Hold it fast: 1:13-14

B. The reason for the exhortation: 1:15-18

1. The turning away from sound doctrine by those in Asia:  Phyge11us and Hermogenes: 1:15

2. The mercy of Onesiphrous: 1:16-18

C. The commission of sound doctrine to others: 2:1-2

1. To faithful men: 2:2

2. Who will be able to teach others: 2:2

D. The guarding of sound doctrine like a soldier: 2:3-4

1. Endure hardness: 2:3

2. Do not get entangled with the affairs of this life: 2:4

3. Please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier: 2:4

E. Striving for sound doctrine like an athlete: 2:5

F. Laboring for sound doctrine like a farmer: 2:6

G. The duty regarding sound doctrine: 2:7

H. Suffering for sound doctrine: 2:8-13

1. Based on the example of Jesus: 2:8

2. Suffering does not stop sound doctrine: 2:9

3. If we are dead with him, we will live with him: 2:10

4. If we suffer we will reign: 2:12

5. If we deny Him, He will deny us: 2:12

6. If we believe not, yet He abides faithful: 2:13

I. Do not strive over unimportant issues: 2:14

J. Study sound doctrine in order to: 2:15

1. Be approved by God.

2. Not be ashamed.

3. Rightly divide the word of truth.

K. Shun profane and vain babblings: 2:16-18

1. They increase to more ungodliness: 2:16 

2. Hymenaeus and Philetus are examples of this: 2:17-18

1. Establish yourself on the true foundation: 2:19

1. In Christ.

2. In righteousness.

M. Be a vessel of honor: 2:20-21

N. Flee youthful lusts: 2:22

O. Follow after: 2:22

1. Righteousness.

2. Faith.

3. Charity.

4. Peace.

5. Godly associates.

P. Avoid foolish and unlearned questions: 2:23-26

1. They gender strife: 2:23

2. The servant of God must not strive but must: 2:24-26

a. Be gentle to all men: 2:24

b. Able to teach: 2:24.

c. Patient: 2:24

d. Instructing in meekness to repentance:  2:25-26

V. Exhortation for the last days: 3:1-4:8

A. Announcement of coming perilous times: 3:1

B. Description of evil men of last days: 3:2-7

1. Lovers of their own selves: 3:2

2. Covetous: 3:2

3. Boasters: 3:2

4. Proud: 3:2

5. Blasphemers: 3:2

6. Disobedient to parents: 3:2

7. Unthankful: 3:2

8. Unholy: 3:2

9. Without natural affection: 3:3

10. Trucebreakers: 3:3

11. False accusers: 3:3

12. Incontinent: 3:3

13. Fierce: 3:3

14. Despisers of those that are good: 3:3

15. Traitors: 3:4

16. Heady: 3:4

17. High minded: 3:4

18. Lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God: 3:4

19. Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof: 3:5

20. Creep into houses and lead captive silly women: 3:6

21. Laden with sins: 3:6

22. Led away with lust: 3:6

23. Ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of truth: 3:7

C. Jannes and Jambres as an example of such evil men: 3:8

1. Withstood Moses.

2. Resisted the truth.

3. Men of corrupt minds.

4. Reprobate concerning the faith.

D. The limitation on such evil men: 3:9

1. They will proceed no further.

2. Their folly will be made manifest to all.

E. Persecution in the last days: 3:10-12

1. Paul as an example of one who has borne persecution: 3:10-11

a. His doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, long suffering, charity, and patience endured the persecution: 3:10

b. God delivered him from persecution in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra: 3:11

2. All who live godly will suffer persecution: 3:12

F. Deteriorating conditions of the last days: 3:13

1. Evil men and seducers shall wax worse: 3:13

2. They will deceive others: 3:13

3. They will be deceived themselves: 3:14

G. The response of the minister to the conditions of the last days: 3:14-4:5

1. Continue in sound doctrine: 3:14-15

2. Be established in the Scriptures: 3:15-17

a. They will make you wise unto salvation through faith in Jesus: 3:15

b. They were given by inspiration of God: 3:16

c. They are profitable: 3:16

(l) For doctrine.

(2) For reproof.

(3) For correction.

(4) For instruction in righteousness.

d. The Word results in perfection: 3:17

e. The Word results in equipping for good works:  3:17

H. Hold the sacred charge: 4:1

I. Preach the Word: 4:2

J. Be ready in season and out: 4:2

K. Reprove, rebuke, exhort with long suffering and doctrine: 4:2-4

1. This is necessary because the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine: 4:3

2. They will want teachers who teach what they want to hear: 4:3

3. They will turn away from the truth: 4:4

4. They will be turned unto fables: 4:4

L. Watch in all things: 4:5

M. Endure affliction: 4:5

N. Do the work of an evangelist: 4:5

O. Make full proof of your ministry: 4:5

VI. Conclusion: 4:6-22

A. Paul's testimony: 4:6-8

1. He is ready and facing death: 4:6

2. He has fought a good fight: 4:7

3. He has finished the plan for his life: 4:7

4. He has kept the faith: 4:7

5. There is a reward laid up for him: 4:8

6. There is a reward laid up for those who follow his example: 4:8

B. A request for Timothy to come: 4:9-13

1. The request to come: 4:9

2. The reason: 4:10-12

3. Instructions for what to bring: 4:13

VII. Paul's trials: 4:14-18

A. The evil done by Alexander: 4:14-15

B. Paul had to stand alone at first: 4:16

C. But God stood with him through the trial: 4:17

D. God will stand with him in future trials: 4:18

VIII. Conclusion: 4:19-22

A. Salutations to Prisca, Aquila, and the household of Onesiphrous: 4:19

B. News regarding Paul's companions: 4:20

C. A final appeal for Timothy to come: 4:21

D. Special greetings: 4:21 

E. Benediction: 4:22


1. Who was the author of the books of I and II Timothy?

2. State the purpose for the book of I Timothy.

3. To whom was the book of I Timothy written?

4. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of I Timothy.

5. From memory, write the Key Verse of I Timothy.

6. State the purpose for the book of II Timothy.

7. To whom was the book of II Timothy written?

8. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of II Timothy.

9. From memory, write the Key Verse of II Timothy.

(Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)


1. Study the use of the word "charge" in I and II Timothy. What are the things Paul charges Timothy to do?

2. Study the word "faith" used in these two books.  What does Paul say regarding the faith?

3. These books contain much about the ministry of teaching.  Study all Paul writes regarding teachers, teaching, and the responsibility to teach.

4. Study the word "godliness" in I and II Timothy.  Summarize what is taught regarding godliness.

5. Believers are compared to several things in the book of II Timothy: A soldier (2:3), an athlete (2:5), a farmer (2:6), a student (2:15), a vessel (2:21), and a servant (2:24).

6. Read Paul's summary and evaluation of his own ministry:  II Timothy 4:6-8

7. Study the qualifications for elders and deacons given in I Timothy 3:1-13.

8. Study the life of Timothy.   In addition to the information on Timothy in the books of I and II Timothy, study the following passages:

·         Acts 13:5; 14:19-20; 16:1-3; 17:14; 19:22; 20:4

·         I Corinthians 4:17; 9:20; 16:10

·         II Corinthians 1:1,19 

·         I Thessalonians 3:2,6

·         Philippians 1:1; 2:19-23

·         Colossians 1:1

·         Philemon 1:1

·         Hebrews 13:23





·         Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

·         Name the author of the book of Titus.

·         Identify to whom the book of Titus was written.

·         State the purpose for the book of Titus.

·         Write the Key Verse of the book of Titus from memory.

·         State the Life and Ministry Principle for the book of Titus.



TO WHOM: Titus, a Greek convert and fellow worker with Paul.

PURPOSE: To correct problems and establish proper order in the churches located on the island of Crete.


LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: Founding a good work is not enough. That work must be established and organized according to the principles of God's Word.

MAIN CHARACTERS: Paul and Titus. Others mentioned are Artemas, Tychicus, Zenas, and Apollos.


I. Introduction: 1:1-4

A. From Paul: 1:1-3

1. Servant of God: 1:1

2. Apostle of Jesus Christ: 1:1-2

3. Minister under appointment: 1:3

B. To Titus: 1:4

II. Purpose: "For this cause left I thee in Crete": 1:5

A. To set things in order.

B. To establish church structure under Paul's direction.

III. Leaders in the church: 1:6-16

A. Their qualifications: 1:6-9:

1. Blameless: 1:6-7

2. The husband of one wife: 1:6

3. In control of his home with faithful, obedient children: 1:6

4. A good steward: 1:7

5. Not soon angry: 1:7

6. Not given to wine: 1:7

7. Not self-willed: 1:7

8. Not a striker: 1:7

9. Not given to filthy lucre (money gained by dishonest means): 1:7

10. A lover of hospitality: 1:8

11. A lover of good men: 1:8

12. Sober: 1:8

13. Just: 1:8

14. Holy:  1:8

15. Temperate: 1:8

16. Doctrinally sound: 1:9

17. Man of the Word: 1:9

B. The necessity for their qualifications: 1:9-16        

1. To be able to reprove erring believers by sound doctrine: 1:9,13

2. These erring believers described: 1:10-16

a. Unruly: 1:10 

b. Vain talkers: 1:10

c. Deceivers: 1:10

d. Subvert whole houses: 1:11

e. Teach things for money: 1:11

f. Liars: 1:12

g. Evil beasts: 1:12

h. Slow bellied: 1:12

i. Not sound doctrinally: 1:13

j. Heed commandments of men that turn from the truth: 1:14

k. Defiled in mind and conscience: 1:15

l. Unbelieving: 1:15

m. Profess to know God, but in works deny Him: 1:16

n. Abominable: 1:16

o. Disobedient: 1:16

p. Unto every good work reprobate (or void of judgment): 1:16

IV. Different classes in the church: 2:1-3:2 This is the teaching that should be given them (2:1,15)

A. Older men should be: 2:2

1. Sober.

2. Grave.

3. Temperate.

4. Sound in faith.

5. Charitable.

6. Patient.

B. Older women should be: 2:3-4 

1. "Likewise":  They should have qualities like those listed for the older men: 2:3

2. Holy behavior: 2:3

3. Not false accusers: 2:3

4. Not given to much wine: 2:3

5. Teachers of good things: 2:3

6. Teachers of the younger women: 2:4

C. Young women should be: 2:4-8

1. Sober: 2:4

2. Lovers of their husbands: 2:4

3. Lovers of their children: 2:4

4. Discreet: 2:5

5. Chaste: 2:5

6. Keepers at home: 2:5

7. Good: 2:5

8. Obedient to their own husbands, that the Word of God be not blasphemed: 2:5

D. Young men:  2:6

1. "Likewise": They should develop similar qualities as the young women: 2:6

2. Sober minded: 2:6

E. All classes of believers: 2:7-8

1. A pattern of good works: 2:7

2. Sound doctrine: 2:7

3. Grave: 2:7

4. Sincere: 2:7

5. Sound speech that cannot be condemned:  2:8

6. Beyond reproach: 2:8

F. Those in service to masters: 2:9-10

1. Obedient: 2:9

2. Please their masters: 2:9

3. Not talking back to them: 2:9

4. Not purloining (stealing): 2:10

5. Shewing good fidelity: 2:10

6. Example of doctrine: 2:10   

G. All believers: 2:11-3:2 

1. Deny ungodliness and worldly lusts: 2:12

2. Live soberly: 2:12

3. Live righteously: 2:12

4. Live godly: 2:12

5. Look for the return of Jesus: 2:13

6. Live a redeemed life: 2:14

7. Life a holy life: 2:14

8. Align himself with God's people: 2:14

9. Be zealous of good works: 2:14

10. Subject to authorities: 3:1

11. Ready to every good work: 3:1

12. Speak evil of no man: 3:2

13. Not to be brawlers: 3:2

14. Gentle: 3:2

15. Meek: 3:2

V. Additional instructions for church order: 3:3-11

A. Deal with members on the basis of how God dealt with you: 3:3-7

1. In times past you were: 3:3

a. Foolish.

b. Disobedient.

c. Deceived.

d. Serving divers lusts and pleasures.

e. Living in malice and envy.

f. Hateful.

g. Hating one another.

2. But God loved you despite this and: 3:4-7

a. You were saved by His mercy: 3:5

b. You were washed clean: 3:5

c. You were regenerated: 3:5

d. You were renewed of the Holy Ghost: 3:5-6

e. You were justified by grace: 3:7

f. You were made heirs of eternal life: 3:7

B. Maintain good, profitable, and necessary works that are fruitful: 3:8,14

C. Avoid these things because they are unprofitable and vain: 3:9

1. Foolish questions.

2. Genealogies.

3. Contentions.

4. Striving about the law.

D. After the first and second admonition of a heretic: 3:10-11

1. Reject him: 3:10

2. Recognize that he is subverted: 3:11

3. Recognize his sin: 3:11

4. Know that he is condemned of himself: 3:11

VI. Conclusion: Personal instructions and greetings: 3:12-15


1. Who was the author of the book of Titus?

2. State the purpose for the book of Titus.

3. To whom was the book of Titus written?

4. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of Titus.

5. From memory, write the Key Verse of Titus.

 (Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)


1.The subject of good works recurs frequently in the book of Titus.  Read the following verses.  Record on the chart what is taught about the believer and good works:

















2. Study the qualifications for church leadership which are given in the book of Titus.

3. Note the three tenses of salvation in 2:11-13:

·         Past: Brings salvation.

·         Present: Teaching us.

·         Future: Looking for the blessed hope.

4. For the geographical background of Crete see I Samuel 30:14, Ezekiel 25:16, Acts 2:11, and 27:17.

5. Note the relation between I and II Timothy and Titus:

I Timothy: Protect the Gospel.

II Timothy: Proclaim the Gospel.

Titus: Practice the Gospel.





Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

·         Name the author of the book of Philemon.

·         Identify to whom the book of Philemon was written.

·         State the purpose for the book of Philemon.

·         Write the Key Verse of the book of Philemon from memory.

·         State the Life and Ministry Principle for the book of Philemon.



TO WHOM: Philemon, a Christian who lived at Colosse

PURPOSE: To appeal for Onesimus, the runaway slave of Philemon who had become a believer. The book also serves as a practical  example of Christian principles applied to social relationships. It also illustrates the principle of forgiveness, and the ministry of intercession.

KEY VERSE:  1:10

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: Christian principles must be applied to social relationships.

MAIN CHARACTERS: Paul, Onesimus, Philemon.  Minor characters mentioned are Apphia, Archippus, Epaphras, Marcus, Demas, Lucas, Aristarchus


I. Introduction: 1:1-7

A. Greetings of grace and peace: 1:1-3

1. From Paul and Timothy: 1:1

B. To: 1:1-2

l. Philemon: 1:1

2. Apphia: 1:2

3. Archippus: 1:2

4. Church in Philemon's home: 1:2

C. Thanksgiving for: 1:4-7

1. Love: 1:5

2. Faith: 1:5

3. Communication of faith: 1:6

4. Refreshing of saints: 1:7

II. The request: 1:8-21

A. Paul's personal interest in Onesimus: 1:8-14

1. He was an unprofitable servant: 1:11

2. He is now a profitable believer: 1:11,13

B. Paul's plea for Onesimus: 1:15-18

1. Forgive him for your sake: 1:15

2. Forgive him for his sake: 1:16

3. Forgive him for my sake: 1:17-18

C. The basis of his request: 1:19-20

D. Confidence in an answer: 1:21

III. Conclusion: 1:22-25

A. Paul's proposed visit: 1:22

B. Greetings: 1:23-25


1. Who was the author of the book of Philemon?

2. State the purpose for the book of Philemon.

3. To whom was the book of Philemon written?

4. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of Philemon.

5. From memory, write the Key Verse of Philemon.

 (Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)


1. Many things about the man Philemon are revealed in this short book.  Study the following summary:

·         Philemon was a friend:

To Paul in Rome: 1:2

To Christians in Colosse: 1:5,7

·         He was a man of wealth since he had servants (1:15-16) and extra room for guests (l:22).

·         He owed Paul his life: 1:19 

·         He had a church in his home: 1:2

·         He was a fellow-laborer with Paul: 1:1

·         He had positive Christian qualities shown by his:

a)    Love: 1:5

b)    Faith: 1:5

c)    Communicating of his faith: 1:6

d)    Refreshing of the saints: 1:7

e)    Obedience: 1:21

f)     Prayerfulness: 1:22

·         He apparently visited those in prison, as Paul asked him to salute Epaphras, fellow-prisoner in bonds in his city: 1:23

2. Many thing are learned about Paul:

·         He was a prisoner: 1:1

·         He was a man of prayer: 1:4

·         He had joy in the midst of bad circumstances: 1:7

·         He did not take advantage of a relationship although he could have: 1:8-9,13-14,19

·         He was reproducing spiritually even in prison: 1:10

·         He was unselfish: 1:13-14

·         He was a man of love: 1:18-19

·         He was a man of faith: 1:22

·         He was a man who cherished relationships: Onesimus, Philemon, and others he salutes in the chapter.

3. Make a list of things you learn about Onesimus from this chapter.





Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

·         Name the author of the book of Hebrews.

·         Identify to whom the book of Hebrews was written.

·         State the purpose for the book of Hebrews.

·         Write the Key Verse of the book of Hebrews from memory.

·         State the Life and Ministry Principle for  the book of Hebrews.



TO WHOM: Jewish (Hebrew) believers

PURPOSE: To present Jesus Christ as superior over all.


LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: Jesus is the mediator of a better covenant established on better promises.

MAIN CHARACTERS: Paul, Abraham, Moses, Aaron, Melchizedek.  See also the list of names in Hebrews chapter 11.


I. The superior exponent: Jesus is superior to the prophets: 1:1-4

A. God's revelation by the prophets to the fathers: 1:1

1. At various times.

2. In various manners.

B. God's revelation by His Son: 1:2-4

1. God now has spoken through Christ: 1:2

2. Universal dominion has been given the Son: 1:2

3. Christ's redemptive work is accomplished: 1:3-4

II. A superior mediator: 1:3-2:18

A. Jesus is superior over angels: 1:3-4

1. By inheritance.

2. By name.

B. Christ's superiority to angels is evident in the Old Testament: 1:5-14

1. Angels: 1:5-7

2. The Son, Jesus Christ: 1:8-12

3. Angels: 1:13-14

C. (First) Warning passage: 2:1-4

1. Exhortation: 2:1

2. Old Testament example: 2:2

3. Present obligation in view of this warning: 2:3-4

D. Christ's superiority to angels is not contradicted by His humanity: 2:5-8

1. Angels: 2:5

2. The Son: 2:6-8

E. Christ' superiority to angels is not contradicted by His suffering: 2:9-18

1. Suffering was necessary to complete His identification with humanity: 2:9-13

2. Suffering to death was necessary to destroy the Devil: 2:14

3. Suffering was necessary to deliver believing men: 2:15-16

4. Suffering was necessary to qualify Jesus as a merciful high priest: 2:17-18

III. A superior founder: Christ is superior to Moses: 3:1-4:13

A. Christ and Moses:  A comparison: 3:1-6

1. Both Christ and Moses were faithful to God: 3:1-2

2. Christ is the builder of the house. Moses was a part of the house: 3:3-4

3. Christ is the Son over the house.  Moses was only a servant in the house: 3:5-6

B. (Second) Warning passage: 3:7-4:13

1. Exhortation: 3:7-8

2. Israel's wilderness experience: 3:8-11

a. Attitude of Israel: 3:8-9

b. Response of God: 3:10-11

3. Warning against unbelief: 3:12-19

a. The warning: 3:12

b. Believer's response in view of the warning: 3:13

c. Motivation for the response: 3:14

d. Example of Israel: 3:15-19

4. Warning against missing God's rest: 4:1-13

a. The warning: 4:1-2

b. Rest: 4:3-5

c. Unrest: 4:6-8

d. The rest of God: 4:9-11

e. Confirmation of warning by God's Word and knowledge: 4:12-13

IV. A superior priesthood. Jesus is superior to Aaron: 4:14-7:28

A. Jesus is the great high priest: 4:14-16

B. The priesthood of Aaron: 5:1-4

C. The priesthood of Jesus: 5:5-10

D. (Third) Warning passage: 5:11-6:20

1. Rebuke for spiritual immaturity: 5:11-14

2. Encouragement toward spiritual maturity: 6:1-3

a. Progress beyond foundational principles: 6:1-2

(1) Repentance from dead works: 6:1

(2) Faith toward God: 6:1

(3) Doctrine of baptisms: 6:2

(4) Laying on of hands: 6:2

(5) Resurrection of the dead: 6:2

(6) Eternal judgment: 6:2

b. Go on to perfection: 6:1,3

3. Warning against the consequences of apostasy: 6:4-8

a. Apostasy explained: 6:4-6

b. The consequences of apostasy: 6:4,6

c. The reason for the consequences: 6:6

d. An illustration from nature: 6:7-8

4. Reminder of the certainty of God's promises: 6:9-20

a. The persuasion: 6:9

b. The faithfulness of God: 6:10

c. The response of believers: 6:11-12

d. An example of the certainty of God's promises: 6:13-20

(l) Abraham: 6:13-15

(2) The oath: 6:16-17

(3) Assurance of God's faithfulness to His Word: 6:18-20

E. The priesthood of Melchizedek: 7:1-28

1. General description: 7:1-3

2. Melchizedek and Abraham: 7:4-10

3. The Levitical priesthood: 7:11-13

4. The new priesthood: 7:14-17

5. Priesthood under the law: 7:18-21

6. Priesthood under the new covenant: 7:22-27

7. Summary of the teaching: 7:28

V. A superior ministry:  The two covenants: 8:1-10:18

A. Introduction: 8:1-6

1. Summary of previous teaching: 8:1-2

2. Ministry of the high priest: 8:3-5

3. A more excellent ministry: 8:6

B. The two covenants: 8:7-13

1. The first (old) covenant: 8:7-8

2. The second (new) covenant: 8:8-12

a. Maker: 8:8

b. Covenant: 8:9-12

3. Contrast between the new and the old: 8:13 

C. Operation of the first covenant: 9:1-10

1. The tabernacle: 9:1-5

2. The ministry of the high priest: 9:6-10

D. Operation of the new covenant: 9:11-10:18

1. General description: 9:11-12

a. The tabernacle: 9:11

b. The ministry of the high priest: 9:11-28

(l) In atonement for sin: 9:12-22

(2) In Heaven: 9:23-28

2. Contrasts between the old and new: 10:1-18

VI. Superior resources for faith:  Practical exhortation: 10:19-13:17

A. Use the new access to God: 10:19-31

1. Draw near in faith: 10:19-22

a. With boldness: 10:19

b. Through the new and living way:  10:20

c. By the high priest (Jesus): 10:20-21

d. With a true heart: 10:22

e. In full assurance of faith: 10:22

f. With our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience: 10:22

g. With our bodies washed with pure water: 10:22

2. Hold fast the faith: 10:23

3. Encourage one another in the faith: 10:24-25

a. Provoke unto love and to good works: 10:24

b. Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together: 10:25

c. Exhort one another: 10:25

B. (Fourth) Warning passage: 10:26-31

1. The warning: 10:26-27

2. The Old Testament example: 10:28

3. The present situation: 10:29-31

C. Remember former experiences: 10:32-34

D. Cast not away your confidence: 10:35

E. Be patient: 10:36-37

F. Live by faith: 10:38-11:40

1. The command to live by faith: 10:38-39

2. The definition of faith: 11:1

3. The function of faith: 11:2-3

4. Examples of faith: 11:4-38

a. Abel: 11:4

b. Enoch: 11:5-6

c. Noah: 11:7

d. Abraham and Sara: 11:8-19

e. Isaac: 11:20

f. Jacob: 11:21

g. Joseph: 11:22

h. Moses: 11:23-29

i. Joshua (Jericho): 11:30

j. Rahab: 11:31

k. Other examples of faith: 11:32-38

5. Recipients of the promise of faith in Jesus Christ: 11:39-40

G. Endure suffering and chastening: 12:1-29

1. Examples of suffering: 12:1-3

a. A multitude of those gone before us (witnesses): 12:1

b. Jesus: 12:2-3

2. The explanation of suffering: 12:4-11

a. Increased resistance against sin: 12:4

b. God loves those He chastens and is dealing with them as sons: 12:5-7

c. Only those who are not sons are not chastened: 12:8

d. The comparison to the example of earthly fathers: 12:9-10

e. Results of chastening: 12:11

(1) Immediate chastening is not pleasant.

(2) Afterwards it results in the peaceable fruit of righteousness.

3. The believer's response to suffering: 12:12-17

a. Lift up the hands which hang down and the feeble knees: 12:12

b. Make straight paths for your feet: 12:13

c. Let those suffering be healed: 12:14

d. Follow peace with all men: 12:14

e. Follow holiness with all men: 12:14

f. Watch diligently lest anyone fail of the grace of God: 12:15

g. Be careful lest any root of bitterness trouble and defile you: 12:15

h. Guard against fornicators and profane persons: 12:16-17

H. (Fifth) Warning passage: 12:18-29

1. The position of Israel at Mt. Sinai: 12:18-21

2. The position of believers at Mt. Sion: 12:22-24

3. The consequent response of believers: 12:25-29

I. An exhortation to fulfill Christian responsibilities: 13:1-17

1. Social duties: 13:1-6

a. Relationships: Let brotherly love continue: 13:1

b. Hospitality: 3:2

c. Remember them that are in bonds and those suffering: 13:3

d. Marriage:  It is honorable, but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge: 13:4

e. Conversation: Do not speak covetously: 13:5

f. Possessions: Be content with what you have: 13:5

g. Remember God is always with you to help you: 13:5-6

2. Religious duties: 13:7-17

a. Remember those who rule over you: 13:7

b. Remember Jesus never changes: 13:8

c. Do not be carried about with strange doctrines: 13:9

d. Do not be entangled in legalistic doctrines: 13:9-12

e. Bear the reproach of the Gospel: 13:13

f. Seek for the city which is to come: 13:14

g. Continually offer the sacrifice of praise: 13:15

h. Do good and communicate: 13:16

i. Obey them which rule over you and submit yourselves: 13:17

VII. Personal instructions: 13:18-25

A. A request for prayer: 13:18-19

1. For a good conscience: 13:18

2. Willingness to live honestly: 13:18

3. For soon release: 13:19

B. A prayer for the readers: 13:20-21

l. The one addressed: 13:20

2. The request: 13:21

C. An exhortation to heed the epistle: 13:22

D. Timothy's proposed visit: 13:23

E. Closing greetings: 13:24

l. To: Those who have rule over you and all the saints.

2. From: They of Italy.

F. Benediction: 13:25


1.Who was the author of the book of Hebrews?

2. State the purpose for the book of Hebrews.

3. To whom was the book of Hebrews written?

4. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of Hebrews.

5. From memory, write the Key Verse of Hebrews.

 (Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)


1. Hebrews is sometimes called the fifth Gospel. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John focus on the work of Jesus during His earthly ministry, His death, and resurrection. Hebrews describes His present work in Heaven.

2. Key words to study in Hebrews: Better, perfect, eternal, forever, partakers, Heaven, priest, high priest.

3. Hebrews provides the most extended record of conversations between the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ. (See 1:5-13; 2:12-13; 10:5-9.)

4. Hebrews chapters 7-10 explains the purpose of the Old Testament tabernacle.

5. Hebrews chapter 11 is the greatest chapter on faith in the Bible.

6. Read Hebrews 4:12. This is one of the best descriptions of the Word of God contained in the Bible.

7. Study the following verses which prove the superiority of the Messiah (Jesus) to angels: Psalms 2:7; 104:4; 45:7-8; 102:26-28; 110:1; II Samuel 7:14; Deuteronomy 32:43

8. Study Hebrews 4:14-7:28. Contrast the priesthoods of Jesus and Aaron.

9. Study the  two covenants described in Hebrews  8:1-10:18. Make a list of contrasts between the old covenant and the new covenant.

10. There are five warning passages included in the outline used in this chapter. Study these warning sections. List the subject and content of each.

11. Study the contrast between Israel's position at Mt. Sinai and the believer's position at Mt. Sion: Hebrews 12:18-29






·         Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

·         Name the author of the book of James.

·         Identify to whom the book of James was written.

·         State the purpose for the book of James.

·         Write the Key Verse of the book of James from memory.

·         State the Life and Ministry Principle for the book of James.


AUTHOR: James 

TO WHOM: Believers among the twelve tribes of Israel

PURPOSE: To comfort believers undergoing trials for their faith. 


LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: Faith is the foundation of works.

MAIN CHARACTERS: James, Abraham, Isaac, Rahab, Job, Elijah


I. Introduction: 1:1

A. From: James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ: 1:1

B. To: The twelve tribes scattered abroad: 1:1

II. Faith in suffering: 1:1-18

A. Response to suffering:  Joy: 1:2

B. Benefits of suffering: 1:3-4

1. Patience: 1:3

2. Perfection: 1:4

3. Entirety (completeness): 1:4

C. The proper response to suffering: 1:5

1. Wisdom from God: 1:5

a. The source of wisdom:  God.

b. The availability of wisdom: Through prayer with faith.

c. The need for faith:  By all men.

2. Stable faith: 1:6-7

a. He that wavereth is like a wave of the sea: 1:6

b. Such a man will receive nothing from the Lord: 1:7

3. Single minded: 1:8

4. Right response whether exalted or brought low: 1:9-11

a. The brother of low degree is to rejoice when exalted: 1:9

b. The brother of high degree is to rejoice that he is brought low: 1:10

c. Such levels of life are temporal.  They are like grass and flowers which spring up but wither when the sun rises: 1:10-11

D. The blessing of suffering: 1:12

1. If we endure temptation and trials, we will receive a crown of life promised by the Lord to those who love Him.

E. The source of temptation: 1:13-18 

1. Not God: 1:13

a. God cannot be tempted with evil: 1:13

b. God does not tempt man with evil: 1:13

2. We are tempted when: 1:14-15

a. We are drawn away of our lust and enticed: 1:14

b. Lust, conceived, brings forth sin: 1:15

c. Sin, when it is finished, brings forth death: 1:15

3. We are to understand that: 1:16-18

a. God sends only good and perfect gifts: 1:17

b. God:  1:17-18

(1) Is the Father of lights: 1:17

(2) In whom is no variableness: 1:17

(3) In whom there is no turning: 1:17

(4) Is the one who begat us with the Word of truth: 1:18

(5) Desires that we be a kind of first fruits of His creatures: 1:18

III. Faith at work: 1:19-4:12

A. Faith makes a change: 1:19-21

1. What we should be: 1:19-20

a. Swift to hear: 1:19

b. Slow to speak: 1:19

c. Slow to wrath: 1:19-20

2. What we should lay aside: 1:21

a. Filthiness.

b. Superfluity of naughtiness.

3. What we should incorporate in our lives:  The Word: 1:21

B. Faith is in doing, not hearing only: 1:22-25

1. We deceive ourselves if we are hearers only: 1:22

2. The example of a man looking into a mirror: 1:23-25

a. The hearer listens and does nothing about it: 1:23-24

b. The doer responds to the Word: 1:25

C. Faith is evidenced by control of the tongue: 1:26-27

1. Even if we seem religious, if we do not control the tongue we are deceiving ourselves and our religion is vain: 1:26

2. Pure religion before God is: 1:27

a. To visit the fatherless.

b. Visit the widows.

c. Keep unspotted from the world.

D. Faith does not show respect of persons: 2:1-13

1. Respect to be shown equally for both rich and poor: 2:1-4

2. God chooses the poor of the world, rich in faith, as heirs of the Kingdom: 2:5

3. Respect of persons is a poor testimony before the world: 2:6-7

4. The royal law: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself: 2:8

5. Respect of persons is sin: 2:9

6. Sin and the law: 2:10-13

E. The faith that saves: 2:14-26

1. Faith, without works, is dead: 2:14-17

2. The relation of faith and works: 2:18

3. Examples of faith and works: 2:20-25

a. Abraham: 2:21-24

b. Rahab: 2:25

4. As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also: 2:26

F. Faith controls the tongue: 3:1-13

1. The tongue is the most difficult to control: 3:1-2

2. Examples of natural control: 3:3-4

a. Bits in horses' mouths: 3:3

b. Helms in ships: 3:4

3. The power of the tongue: 3:5-12

a. Although small, the tongue has great power: 3:5

b. The tongue is like a fire which ignites or defiles our whole body: 3:6

c. Every animal is tamed by mankind, but the tongue cannot be tamed by man: 5:7-8

d. The tongue can be used to either curse or bless: 3:9

e. Cursing and blessing should not proceed out of the same mouth: 5:10-12

f. Control of the tongue is evidence of faith and good works: 3:13

G. Faith and factions among believers: 3:14-4:12

1. Division among believers is not of God: 3:14

2. Wisdom of the world: 3:15-16

a. Its description: 3:15

(1) Earthly.

(2) Sensual.

(3) Devilish.

b. Its results: 3:16

(1) Envy.

(2) Strife.

(3) Confusion.

(4) Every evil work.

3. The wisdom from God is: 3:17

a. Pure.

b. Peaceable.

c. Gentle.

d. Easily entreated.

e. Full of mercy.

f. Full of good fruits.

g. Without partiality.

h. Without hypocrisy.

4. Faith brings righteousness and peace: 3:18

5. Divisions come from lust: 4:1-6

a. Such lust hinders prayer: 4:2-3

b. It hinders relationship with God: 4:5-6

6. Correcting divisions: 4:7-12

a. Submit to God: 4:7

b. Resist the Devil: 4:7

c. Draw nigh to God: 4:8

d. Cleanse and purify yourself: 4:8

e. Reflect true sorrow and repentance: 4:9

f. Humble yourselves: 4:10

g. Do not speak evil of others: 4:11

h. Do not judge others: 4:11-12   

IV. Faith and the future: 4:13-5:12

A. We cannot be assured of the future: 4:13-14

B. Only God knows the future: 4:15

C. When we boast in the future, it is evil: 4:16-17

D. The future of the rich: 5:1-6

1. They will experience misery: 5:1

2. Riches will perish: 5:1-3

3. Their fraud is noted by God: 5:4

4. They have lived in evil: 5:5-6

a. In pleasure: 5:5

b. In the ways of their own heart: 5:5

c. Condemning and killing the just: 5:6

E. The believer's preparation for the future: 5:7-12

1. Wait patiently for the coming of the Lord: 5:7-8

2. Establish your hearts: 5:8

3. Do not hold grudges: 5:9

4. View the prophets as an example of the suffering you will experience: 5:10

5. Endure with joy, as did Job: 5:11

6. Do not swear, but mean what you say: 5:12

V. Faith and Christian relationships: 5:13-20

A. Response to the afflicted: 5:13

B. Response to the merry: 5:13

C. Response to the sick: 5:14-15

1. Call for the elders of the church: 5:14

2. Let them anoint and pray over the sick: 5:14

3. The prayer of faith will save the sick: 5:15

4. The Lord will raise him up: 5:15

5. If he has committed sins, they will be forgiven: 5:15

D. Response to faults in others: 5:16-18

1. Confess faults to each other: 5:16

2. Pray for one another, that you may be healed: 5:16

3. Elias as an example of such effectual prayer: 5:16-18

E. Response to the erring: 5:19-20

1. Convert him: 5:19

2. Save his soul from death: 5:20

3. Hide a multitude of sins: 5:21


1. Who was the author of the book of James?

2. State the purpose for the book of James.

3. To whom was the book of James written?

4. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of James.

5. From memory, write the Key Verse of James.

 (Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)


1. James is the only New Testament book addressed to the twelve tribes of Israel: 1:1

2. James uses several Old Testament characters to illustrate his message:

a)    Abraham: 2:21

b)    Rahab:  2:25

c)    Elijah:  5:17

d)    Isaac:   2:21

e)    Job:  5:11

3. James uses several natural examples to illustrate his message:

a)    Wind-tossed waves of the sea: 1:6

b)    Withering grass and fading flowers: 1:10-11

c)    Fire: 3:5

d)    Fountains of water: 3:11

e)    Figs and olives: 3:12

f)     Sowing and harvesting: 3:18

g)    Early and latter rains: 5:7

h)    Drought: 5:17

4. Note the repetitions: "Faith without works is dead"  in 2:17,20,26.  When the soul is separate from the body, the body decays. In a similar way, faith without works is dead  Faith justifies the man. Works justify the faith.

5. Of the 108 total verses in James, 60 of these are commands for practical Christian living. Mark and study these commands.

6. Study the life of James, the half brother of Jesus, who was the author of this letter. See the following references:

·         Matthew 12:46-50

·         John 2:12; 7:1-9

·         Acts 1:14; 12:17; 15:13; 21:18-26

·         I Corinthians 15:7

·         Galatians 1:18-19; 2:1, 9-10

7. The teachings in James are similar to the content of the Sermon on the Mount given by Jesus. Complete the following chart:

Sermon on the Mount teaching


Summary of common teaching

Matthew 5:48



Matthew 7:7



Mark 11:23



Matthew 7:24,26



John 13:17



Luke 6:20



Luke 6:24-25



Matthew 7:1



Matthew 5:34-37



Matthew 7:16-20



8. Compare the two kinds of wisdom discussed in James 3:13-18: Wisdom From Above vs. Wisdom Not From Above





·         Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

·         Name the author of the books of I and II Peter.

·         Identify to whom each book was written.

·         State the purpose for the books of I and II Peter.

·         Write the Key Verses of each book from memory

·         State the Life and Ministry Principle for each book.




TO WHOM: Exiles being persecuted for their Christian faith

PURPOSE: To warn of the danger of persecution from those outside of the Church.

KEY VERSE: I Peter 4:12-13

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: Response to persecution should be based on Scriptural principles.

MAIN CHARACTERS:  Peter, Silvanus, Marcus


I. Greeting: 1:1-2

A. From Peter, an apostle of Jesus: 1:1

B. To the elect scattered throughout: 1:1

1. Pontus.

2. Galatia.

3. Cappadocia.

4. Asia.

5. Bithynia.

II. Comfort and reassurance in suffering: 1:3-25

A. Reassurance in the facts of the Gospel: 1:3-12

1. The source of salvation: 1:3

a. Elected by God the Father.

b. Redeemed by the Lord Jesus Christ.

c. Sanctified by the Spirit.

2. The description of salvation: 1:3-5

a. A lively hope: 1:3

b. An incorruptible inheritance: 1:4

c. Undefiled: 1:4

d. Fadeth not away (eternal): 1:4

e. Reserved in Heaven for those kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation: 1:5

B. Reassurance based on the benefits of suffering: 1:6-12

1. Joy in spite of temptations: 1:6

2. Praise, honor, and glory: 1:7

3. Joy based on relationship to Jesus, not on outward circumstances of life: 1:8

4. Assurance of the faith: Salvation of the soul: 1:9-12

a. Sought by the prophets: 1:9-10

b. Their source:  Christ: 1:11

c. Their summary: 1:11-12

(1) They predicted His first coming and suffering: 1:11

(2) They predicted His second coming and the glory that should follow: 1:11

d. Sought by the angels: 1:12

C. Reassurance based on a proper response to suffering: 1:14-17

1. Gird up the loins of your mind: 1:13

2. Be sober: 1:13

3. Hope to the end for the grace at the revelation of Jesus Christ: 1:13

4. Respond as obedient children: 1:14

5. Do not fashion yourself according to former lusts: 1:14

6. Be holy, as He which hath called you is holy: 1:15-16

7. Lead respectful, productive lives: 1:17

D. Reassurance based on redemption: 1:18-25

1. We were not redeemed with corruptible things: 1:18

2. We were redeemed with the precious blood of Christ: 1:19-20

3. Assurance in times of suffering is based on our redeemed relationship with Him: 1:21-23

4. This assurance of redemption is based on His Word, which endures forever and is the basis of the Gospel: 1:24-25

III. The Christian response to suffering: 2:1-3:13

A. Response to sin: 2:1

B. Response to the Word of God: 2:2

C. Response to the Son of God: 2:3-10

D. Response in ourselves: 2:11

E. Response to the unsaved: 2:12

F. Response to civil authorities: 2:13-17

G. Response to employers: 2:18-20

H. Response based on Christ's example: 2:21-25

I. Response to family: 3:1-12

1. The wife: 3:1-6

2. The husband: 3:7

3. The entire family: 3:8-12

IV. The discipline of suffering: 3:13-4:19.

A. Suffering for righteousness brings joy and a good conscience: 3:13-17

B. Suffering justifies the sinner: 3:18-22

C. Suffering conforms you to the example of Jesus: 4:1-6

D. Suffering anticipates the second coming of Jesus: 4:7

E. Suffering develops spiritual qualities: 4:8-11

1. Love: 4:8

2. Forgiveness for sin: 4:8

3. Hospitality: 4:9

4. Good stewardship of gifts and ministries: 4:10-11

F. Suffering multiplies future rewards: 4:12-13

G. Suffering glorifies the Lord: 4:14-16 

H. Suffering purifies the saints: 4:17-19.

V. Summary statement of the believer's attitude towards suffering: 4:19.

VI. Continue to serve, despite suffering: 5:1-9

A. Serving as shepherd:  The elders of the church: 5:1-4

1. Feed the flock of God: 5:2

2. Take oversight willingly, not by constraint: 5:2

3. Do not serve just for monetary reward: 5:2

4. Be of a ready mind: 5:2

5. Be examples, not lords over the flock: 5:3

6. The Chief Shepherd rewards: 5:4

B. Serving as servants: Both young and old: 5:5-7

1. Younger submit to elder: 5:5

2. Each be subject to other: 5:5

3. Be humble: 5:5-6

a. God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble: 5:5

b. If we are humble, we will be exalted: 5:6

4. Cast all care on Him because He cares for you: 5:7

C. Serving as a soldier: 5:8-9

1. The Enemy:  The Devil, as a roaring lion, who seeks to devour: 5:8

2. The soldier's attitudes: 5:8

a. We should be sober: 5:8

b. We should be vigilant: 5:8

3. Strategy against the enemy: 5:9

a. We should resist in the faith: 5:9

b. Recognize we are not alone: The same afflictions are common among brethren in the world: 5:9

VII. Conclusion: 5:10-14

A. Benediction: 5:10-11

1. The benefits of suffering in Jesus. You will be: 5:10

a. Perfected.

b. Established.

c. Strengthened.

d. Settled.

2. To God be glory and dominion for ever: 5:11

B. Personal greetings: 5:12-14

1. Silvanus: 5:12

2. The church at Babylon: 5:13

3. Marcus, my son: 5:13

4. Greet one another with a kiss: 5:14

5. A final blessing of peace to those in Jesus: 5:14




TO WHOM: Christian exiles, probably the same group listed in I Peter.

PURPOSE: To warn of danger from within: Apostacy and false teaching.


LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: The greatest two dangers from within the church are apostacy and false teachers.



I. Introduction: 1:1-2

A. From Peter, a servant and apostle: 1:1

B. To them that have obtained like precious faith: 1:1

C. Grace and peace multiplied through the knowledge of God and Jesus: 1:2

II. Proclamation of the power of God in the face of apostacy and false teachers: 1:3

III. The promises of God: 1:4

A. Life.

B. Godliness.

C. Knowledge.

D. Glory.

E. Virtue.

IV. The principles of God: 1:5-9

A. To be developed with diligence: 1:5

B. The principles listed: 1:5-7

1. Faith: 1:5

2. Virtue: 1:5 

3. Knowledge: 1:5

4. Temperance: 1:6

5. Patience: 1:6

6. Godliness: 1:6

7. Brotherly kindness: 1:7

8. Charity: 1:7

C. The value of these principles. They will make you: 1:8

1. Abound spiritually.

2. Fruitful in the knowledge of Jesus.

D. Problems without such principles: 1:9

1. No spiritual vision.

2. No spiritual memory.

V. The calling of God: 1:10-12

A. Give diligence to make it sure: 1:10

B. If you do these things, you will never fall: 1:10

C. You will be assured entrance into the everlasting Kingdom: 1:11

D. You will be established in truth: 1:12

VI. The revelation to the Apostle of God: He was to shortly put off this "earthly tabernacle": 1:13-15

VII. The Word of God: 1:16-21

A. Not based on fables, but on eyewitness accounts: 1:16

B. Based on the deity of Christ: 1:17

C. Based on a sure Word of prophecy: 1:19.

D. Not based on individual interpretation: 1:20

E. Based on the inspiration of the Holy Ghost: 1:21

VIII. Warning against false teachers:  Deviation from these principles (points II through VII above) by the enemies of God: 2:1-3:4

A. The identity of the enemies: 2:1-9

1. Present days:  False teachers: 2:1-3

2. Former days: 2:1-9

a. False prophets: 2:1

b. The wicked angels: 2:4

c. Those living in Noah's day: 2:5

d. Those living in Lot's day: 2:6-9

B. Description of the enemies of God (false teachers): 2:1-3,10-19.

1. Bring in damnable heresies: 2:1

2. Deny the Lord: 2:1

3. Have pernicious ways: 2:2

4. Cause the way of truth to be evil spoken of: 2:2

5. Covetous: 2:3

6. Speak with feigned words: 2:3

7. Make merchandise of the people of God: 2:3

8. Walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness:  2:10

9. Despise government: 2:10

10. Presumptuous: 2:10

11. Self-willed: 2:10

12. Speak evil against dignities: 2:10-13

a. They ignore the fact that even angels do not do this: 2:11

b. They speak evil of things they do not understand: 2:12

c. For this, they will perish in their own corruption and receive the reward of unrighteousness: 2:12-13

13. Spots and blemishes: 2:13

14. Deceptive members of the fellowship: 2:13 

15. Eyes full of adultery: 2:14

16. Cannot cease from sin: 2:14

17. Beguile unstable souls: 2:14

18. Covetous: 2:14

19. Cursed children: 2:14

20. Forsake the right way to follow in the error of Balaam: 2:15-16

21. Wells without water: 2:17

22. Clouds carried by a tempest: 2:17

23. Eternal darkness is reserved for them: 2:17

24. Speak great swelling words of vanity: 2:18

25. The target of their lust and wantonness are those cleansed from error: 2:18

26. Promise liberty although they are in bondage themselves as servants of corruption: 2:19.

C. Destiny of the enemies: 2:20-22

1. Latter end worse than the beginning: 2:20

2. It had been better for them not to have known righteousness than to know and turn from it: 2:21

3. They are like dogs returned to vomit and a sow to the mire: 2:22

IX. Warning against apostacy: 3:1-18

A. The definition of apostacy: 3:1-4

1. Predicted by the prophets: 3:1-2

2. Apostacy is scoffing at the promise of the coming of Jesus: 3:4 

B. An answer to apostacy:  God's dealings with the past, present, and future worlds: 3:5-13

1. The condemnation of the former world came to pass despite the scoffers: 3:5-6

2. The future annihilation of the present world will come to pass: 3:7-8,10

3. God has His own timetable for fulfilling His plan: 3:8 

4. The most important factor in God's plan is the salvation of lost souls, not the timing of future events: 3:9

5. The "day of the Lord" in which He fulfills His plan will come unexpectedly: 5:10

6. His plan will culminate with a new creation: 3:13

C. The believer's response in the face of apostacy: 3:14-18

1. Be found of Him in peace: 3:14

2. Without spot: 3:14

3. Blameless: 3:14

4. Recognize that the delay in the fulfillment of God's plan is due to His mercy on the unsaved: 15-16

5. Beware lest you also be led into the error of the wicked and fall: 3:17

6. Grow in grace: 3:18

7. Grow in the knowledge of the Lord: 3:18

X. Conclusion: 3:18


1. Who was the author of the books of I and II Peter?

2. State the purpose for the book of I Peter.

3. To whom was the book of I Peter written?

4. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of I Peter.

5. From memory, write the Key Verse of I Peter.

6. State the purpose for the book of II Peter.

7. To whom was the book of II Peter written?

8. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of II Peter.

9. From memory, write the Key Verse of II Peter.

 (Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)


1. Read I and II Peter and make a list of everything that is referred to as precious.

2. Read I Peter and underline each use of the words suffering and grace. These are key words.

3. In I Peter there are a number of titles which describe believers.  Read the following verses and list the titles: 1:14; 2:2; 2:5; 2:9 (four different titles); 2:11; 4:16; 4:18; 1:2; 2:10; 4:11; 5:2

4. Study the life of Peter in the Gospels and the book of Acts.

5. Note the living realities of the Christ life: 

·         The living hope  1:3

·         The living Word  1:23

·         The living stone  2:4

6. Several Old Testament quotations are used in I Peter. Compare the following:

Old Testament Source

Peter’s Quote

Isaiah 28:16

I Peter 1:6

Psalms 118:22

I Peter 1:7

Isaiah 8:14

I Peter 1:8

7. Study I Peter 2:9-10.  Compare the lives of believers before and after salvation:

Before Salvation

After Salvation

called out of


Were not

Are now

Had not


8. From II Peter, compile a list of the characteristics of ungodly men or false teachers. Save this list to compare it to those listed in the book of Jude.

9. From II Peter 1:5-10, list the qualities that believers are to add to their lives.

10. Compare the day of the Lord (II Peter 3:10) to the day of judgment  (II Peter 3:7).





Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

·         Name the author of the books of I, II, and III John.

·         Identify to whom each book was written.

·         State the purpose for each book.

·         Write the Key Verse of each book from memory

·         State the Life and Ministry Principle for each book.


In this chapter you will study three books:  I, II, and III John.  All of these books were written by John the son of Zebedee (Matthew  4:21) who was an apostle of Jesus (Matthew 10:2). John also wrote the Gospel of John and the book of Revelation.  You have already studied the Gospel of John.  The book of Revelation will be the final study in this course. The books written by John fit together in a developing plan of increasing revelation:


Gospel of John: Epistles of John: (I, II and III John)

Gospel of John

Epistles of John (I, II & III John)


Speaks of salvation

Speak of sanctification

Speaks of glorification

Deals with the past

Deal with the present

Deals with the future

Presents Jesus as the prophet

Present Jesus as our priest

Presents Jesus as the King

Concerns the cross in the life of believers

Concern the fellowship of believers

Concerns the crown awaiting believers


Note:  The books of II and III John have no chapter divisions in the Bible. Therefore, only the verses are listed.




TO WHOM: Christians who were falling into Satanic deception which was breaking their fellowship with God and other believers.

PURPOSE: To explain the standards of true fellowship in Jesus Christ.

KEY VERSE: I John 1:8-9

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: True fellowship with God and fellow believers is based on the standards of God's Word and maintained by the principle of confession of sin.

MAIN CHARACTERS: The author, John. No other people are mentioned by name.


I. Introduction: 1:1-4

A. John is writing about that which he has seen with his eyes, looked upon, and handled of the Word of life. He is writing from firsthand experience: 1:1

B. The fellowship of which he writes is the true fellowship of believers with God and one another: 1:2-3

C. His purpose in writing on this subject is that their joy might be full by being established in this fellowship: 1:4

II. The conditions for true fellowship in Jesus: 1:5-10

A. Conformity to the standard of God's Word: 1:5-7

B. Confession of sin: 1:8-10

III. The proper conduct of those in the true fellowship of believers: 2:1-29

A. The character of proper conduct is imitation of the spiritual example set by Jesus: 2:1-11

1. The principle of imitation: 2:1-2

2. The pattern for imitation: 2:3-6

3. The proof of proper imitation: 2:7-11

B. The commandment upon which conduct is based is separation: 2:12-17

1. The believers to which the commandment is addressed includes all levels of spiritual maturity: 2:12-14

2. The commandment is separation from worldliness:  2:15-17

C. The creed for our conduct: 2:18-29

1. The necessity for a creed: 2:18-21

2. The nature of the creed: 2:22-29

IV. The characteristics of true Christian fellowship: 3:1-24

A. Purity: 3:1-3

B. Righteousness and love: 3:4-18

C. Confidence: 3:19-21

D. Obedience: 3:22-24

V. Enemies of the true fellowship of believers: 4:1-21

A. False prophets: 4:1-6

1. How to recognize them: 4:2-3

2. How to overcome them: 4:4

3. They are of the world: 4:5

4. We are of God: 4:6

B. False profession of a loving spirit: 4:7-21

1. Perfect love described: 4:7-17

2. Perfect love contrasted with a false profession of a loving spirit: 4:18-21

VI. The reason for maintaining true fellowship: 5:1-21

A. Faith in Jesus is proven by the conduct we exhibit: 5:1-5

B. Faith in Jesus is proven by the credentials we exhibit: 5:6-12

l. The evidence of the credentials: 5:6-8

2. The effect of the credentials: 5:9-12

C. Faith in Jesus is proved by the confidence we exhibit: 5:13-15

D. Faith in Jesus is proved by conquering sin: 5:16-21




TO WHOM: The "elect lady and her children," which means the Church and its members. (The Church is always addressed in the feminine gender because she is called the bride of Christ.)

PURPOSE: To admonish believers to be faithful to sound doctrine and to warn against false teachers.

KEY VERSE: II John 1:9

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: We must guard against false teachers who cause us to lose the spiritual qualities we have developed and who make us partakers of their evil.



I. Introduction: Greeting: 1-3

A. From: The elder, John: 1

B. To: The elect lady and her children who John loves in the truth: l-2

C. He sends from God the Father and the Son Jesus Christ: 3

1. Grace.

2. Mercy.

3. Peace.

II. Exhortation to love: 4-6

A. Walk in truth: 4

B. Walk in love: 5

C. Walk in His commandments: 6

III. Warning against false doctrine and false teachers: 7-11

A. The confession of false teachers: 7

B. The consequences of believing false teachers: 8-9

1. Losing the spiritual things previously achieved in their lives: 8

2. Transgressing by not abiding in the doctrine of Christ: 9

3. Becoming a partaker of their evil deeds: 10-11

IV. Conclusion: 12-13

A. John has much to write to them but hopes to come to visit them instead: 12

B. John sends greetings from the members of a sister church: 13




TO WHOM: The book is addressed to a man named Gaius. It is written to both him and the church with which he was connected. There is no way to identify who this man was, as the Bible gives no further information on him. The truths of the letter are applicable to all believers.

PURPOSE: To commend Gaius and Demetrius for their Christian testimony and to reprove the unchristian behavior of Diotrephes.


LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: Our lives are examples of either good or evil to others around us. 

MAIN CHARACTERS: John, Gaius, Diotrephes, Demetrius


I. Introduction: 1-2

A. From: The elder, John: 1

B. To: The well beloved Gaius: 1

C. John's wish for him: That he may prosper and be in health even as his soul prospered: 2

II. The believer's relation to truth: 3-4

A. It should be in them: 3

B. They should walk in truth: 3

C. When we walk in truth it brings joy to our spiritual leaders: 4

III. The believer's relation to other fellow Christians: 5-8

A. They are to minister to brethren and strangers: 5

B. They should be known to the church for their charity: 6

C. They are to be fellow helpers to the truth: 8

IV. The believer's relation to good and evil: 9-12

A. Diotrephes as an example of evil: 9

l. Attempted to occupy the leading place.

2. Refused to receive John, God's appointed leader.

3. Slandered the apostles (leadership).

4. Discontented.

5. Excluded other brethren (cliques).

6. Attempted to excommunicate believers who did not want to accept the leadership set in the church by God.

B. The proper response to such evil: 11

1. Follow not that which is evil, because he that does evil hath not seen God: 11

2. Follow that which is good, for he that doeth good is of God: 11

C. Demetrius:  An example of good: 12

1. Had a good testimony of all men.

2. Was aligned with the truth of God's Word.

3. Had a good reputation with the God-appointed leadership.

V. Conclusion: 13-14

A. John had many things to write, but he hoped to come to visit instead: 13-14

B. He sends: 14

1. Peace.

2. Salutations from his friends to Gaius and the church.

C. He asks Gaius to greet his friends by name: 14


1. Who was the author of the books of I, II and III John?

2. State the purpose for the book of I John.

3. To whom was the book of I John written?

4.State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of I John.

5. From memory, write the Key Verse of I John.

6. State the purpose for the book of II John.

7. To whom was the book of II John written?

8. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of II John.

9. From memory, write the Key Verse of II John.

10. State the purpose for the book of III John.

11. To whom was the book of III John written?

12. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of III John.

13. From memory, write the Key Verse of III John.

 (Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)


1. Study all the things we should KNOW according to I John.  To do this study, first read through I John and underline the word "know" or "known" each time it is used. Then go back and from what you have underlined make a list of things we should know.

2. In I John 2:12-14, list the things written to:

a)    Children:

b)    Fathers:

c)    Young men:

(These are levels of spiritual maturity.)

3. Read through I John and mark each use of the words love and truth.  Summarize what is taught on these two subjects.

4. List the evil characteristics of Diotrephes given in III John 9-10.

5. Study the traits of the born-again believer:  I John 2:29; 3:9; 4:7; 5:1,4,18

6. Study the seven tests of genuine Christian experience:  I John 1:6,8,10; 2:4,6,9; 4:20

7. A simple outline for the book of I John:

a)    Chapters 1-2: God is light

b)    Chapters 3-4: God is love

c)    Chapter 5: God is life

8. Study the following contrasts in I John:

a)    Light versus darkness: 1:5-2:11

b)    Father versus the world: 2:12-17

c)    Christ versus the antichrist: 2:18-28

d)    Good works versus evil: 2:29-3:24

e)    Holy Spirit versus error: 4:1-6

f)     Love versus pretense: 4:7-21

g)    God-born versus others: 5:1-21  





Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

·         Name the author of the book of Jude.

·         Identify to whom the book of Jude was written.

·         State the purpose for the book of Jude.

·         Write the Key Verse of the book of Jude from memory.

·         State the Life and Ministry Principle for the book of Jude.


AUTHOR: Jude (the brother of Jesus)

TO WHOM: All Christians, although the specific audience at the time were members of churches in Palestine and/or Asia.

PURPOSE: To warn against false teachers

KEY VERSE: Jude 1:3

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: We must be alert for false teachers who creep in unawares and divert believers from the truth of God's Word.

MAIN CHARACTERS: Jude, Michael the archangel, Cain, Balaam, Core, Enoch


Note: The book of Jude has no chapter divisions in the Bible. Therefore, only the verses are listed.

I. Introduction: Greeting: 1-2

A. From: Jude: 1

1. Brother of James.

2. Bondservant of Jesus Christ.

B. To those: 1 

1. Sanctified by God.

2. Preserved in Christ.

3. Called.

II. Purpose: 3

A. Original purpose: Common salvation.

B. Revised purpose: Exhortation that they earnestly contend for the faith because of the type of people creeping into the church.   

III. Characteristics of "certain men" (false teachers): 4

A. Crept in unawares.

B. Ordained to condemnation.

C. Ungodly men.

D. Turning God's grace to lasciviousness.

E. Denying the Lord Jesus Christ.

IV. Three historical records: 5-7

A. Israel:  Once saved, afterward destroyed: 5 (Numbers 13-14 and I Corinthians 10:5-10)

B. Angels:  Left first estate, reserved in chains: 6 (II Peter 2:4)

C. Sodom and Gomorrah: Lust and fornication resulted in punishment by fire: 7 (Genesis 18-19)

V. Description of false teachers: 8-10 (continued description from verse 4)

A. Filthy dreamers: 8

B. Defile the flesh: 8

C. Despise dominion: 8

D. Speak evil of dignities: 8-10

1. Michael the archangel didn't dare to speak evil against the devil: 9

2. These men speak evil of things they know not: 10

E. Corrupt natural things: 10

VI. Description of these evil men by example: 11

A. Gone: The way of Cain: Rejected the blood as necessary for remission of sin: (Genesis 4)

B. Ran:  After the error of Balaam: Ministry for financial gain: (Numbers 22-24)

C. Perished:  In the gainsaying of Core: Denying God's designated leadership: (Numbers 16)

VII. Description of these evil men by metaphor (comparison to natural examples): 12-13

A. Spots: Actually means "stones" in your feasts;  stone in food: 12

B. Waterless Clouds:  Promising much but delivering nothing; easily driven this way and that: 12

C. Dead Trees:  Without fruit, no roots or stability; twice dead:  First in sin and secondly in hypocrisy: 12

D. Wild Waves:  Boisterous, noisy, but accomplishing nothing: 13

E. Wandering Stars:  Look bright, but reserved unto darkness: 13

VIII. Future judgment: 14-15 (Genesis 5:18-24)

A. The messenger:  Enoch: 14

B. The message: 15

l. Judged by the Lord with 10,000 saints: 14

a. For all their ungodly deeds they committed: 15

b. For all their hard speeches spoken against Him: 15

IX. Description of evil men continued: 16

A. Murmurers.

B. Complainers.

C. Walking after their own lusts.

D. Mouth speaking swelling words (boasters).

E. Have respect of persons, thinking some better than others because of wealth, position, etc.

X. Remember:  Jesus warned of these men: 17-19

A. Mockers would come in the last time: 18

B. They would walk after their own ungodly lusts: 18

C. They would separate themselves (groups, cliques): 19

D. They would be sensual: 19

E. They would not have the Spirit of God: 19

XI. Four point plan for avoiding the deception of these evil men: 20-21

A. Build up yourself in the faith: 20

B. Pray in the Holy Ghost: 20

C. Keep yourself in the love of God: 21

D. Look for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ: 21

XII. Our response to these evil men: 22-23

A. On some have compassion: 22

1. Make a difference between those who are weak and those who are willfully evil  (see verse 23).

B. Others save with fear: 23

1. Pull them out of the fire of sin/hell; Pull them out, do not join them in their sin.

2. Hate even the garments spotted by flesh.

XIV. Closing benediction: 24-25

A. What He does for us now:  He is able to keep us from falling: 24

B. What He will do later:  Present us faultless: 24

1. Before the presence of His glory.

2. With exceeding great joy.

C. To the only wise God our Savior, now and forever, be: 25

1. Glory.

2. Majesty.

3. Dominion.

4. Power.


1. Who was the author of the book of Jude?

2.State the purpose for the book of Jude.

3. To whom was the book of Jude written?

4.State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of Jude.

5.From memory, write the Key Verse of Jude.

(Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)


1. Make a list of the characteristics of false teachers identified in the book of Jude.

2. Study the Old Testament examples given in Jude:

a)    The people (Israel) saved out of Egypt but later destroyed:  Numbers 13-14;  I Corinthians 10:5-10; Hebrews 3:17

b)    The angels which kept not their first estate:  II Peter 2:4

c)    Sodom and Gomorrha:  Genesis 18:1-19:24

d)    Cain:  Genesis 4

e)    Balaam:  Numbers 22-24

f)     Core (Korah):  Numbers 16

g)    Enoch (The seventh descendant from Adam):  Genesis 5:18

3. Study Jude 20-23.  List the keys  given  for protecting yourself from false teachers such as described in the book of Jude.

4. Study the commands in Jude:

a)    Earnestly contend for the faith: 3

b)    Make a difference:  22

c)    Remember the words of the apostles: 17

d)    Have compassion on some:  22

e)    Build yourself up in the faith: 20

f)     Save others with fear: 23

g)    Pray in the Holy Ghost: 20

h)    Pull them out of the fire: 23

i)      Look for the mercy of Jesus: 21

j)      Hate even the flesh garments: 23

k)    Keep yourselves in the love of God: 21

5. One of the key words in Jude is "ungodly."  He uses it to describe men, lusts, deeds, committed, sinners, speeches. 

6. Note the relation between Jude and II Peter:


II Peter


















Revelation is the only prophetical book in the New Testament. It provides a glimpse into the future plan of God, including the end of time as we now know it, the creation of the new heaven and earth, the judgment, and the beginning of eternity.  To help you identify when events in Revelation occur, draw the following symbols in the margin of your Bible:


Place this symbol by verses pertaining to the rapture of the church.


Place this symbol by verses dealing with current world situations.   


Place a heart by verses dealing with the marriage supper of the Lamb.


Place this symbol by verses concerning the tribulation.


Place this symbol by verses about the judgment of man, Satan, and His angels.


Place this symbol by verses concerning the Millennium period of 1000 years.


Draw a seal by verses about the seven seal judgments.


Draw a bowl by verses about the seven vial judgments.


Draw a music symbol by verses about the seven trumpets.


Use these symbols to mark verses describing the new  heaven and new earth.





Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

·         Name the author of the book of Revelation.

·         Identify to whom the book of Revelation was written.

·         State the purpose for the book of Revelation.

·         Write the Key Verse of the book of Revelation from memory.

·         State the Life and Ministry Principles for the book of Revelation.



TO WHOM: Seven churches in Asia and believers in general.

PURPOSE: To reveal God's plan for the world.


LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: In the end, good is always victorious over evil. God always accomplishes His established plan and purpose.

MAIN CHARACTERS: John, antichrist, false prophet, Jesus Christ


Part One: The Past: "Things which thou hast seen"

I. Introduction: 1:1-3

II. Salutation: 1:4-6

III. Theme of the Revelation: 1:7-8

IV. Author: John 1:9-10

V. John's vision of the Lord: 1:10-18

A. His Person:  Alpha and Omega, the Lord: 1:11

B. His position: The midst of the churches (candlesticks): 1:12-13

C. His characteristics: 1:13-16

D. His message: 1:17-20

Part Two: The Present:  "Things which are"

I. Messages to the churches: 2:1-3:22

A. Ephesus: 2:1-7

B. Smyrna: 2:8-11

C. Pergamos: 2:12-17

D. Thyatira: 2:18-29

E. Sardis: 3:1-6

F. Philadelphia: 3:7-13

G. Laodicea: 3:14-22

Part Three: The Future:  "Things which shall be hereafter"

I. The control of events in the end time: 4:1-5:14

A. The Throne of God: 4:1-11

B. The Scroll: 5:1-5

C. The Lamb: 5:6-14

II. The wrath of the Lamb: 6:1-19:21

A. The seven seal judgments: 6:1-11:19

1. The first seal: 6:1-2

2. The second seal: 6:3-4

3. The third seal: 6:5-6

4. The fourth seal: 6:7-8

5. The fifth seal: 6:9-11

6. The sixth seal: 6:12-17

7. An interlude: 7:1-17

a. On earth: The sealing of the servants of God: 7:1-8

b. In Heaven: The singing of the servants of God: 7:9-17

8. The seventh seal: 8:1-11:19. This seal consists of seven trumpets:

a. First trumpet: 8:7

b. Second trumpet: 8:8-9

c. Third trumpet: 8:10-11

d. Fourth trumpet: 8:12-13

e. Fifth trumpet: 9:1-12

f. Sixth trumpet: 9:13-21

g. Interlude: 10:1-11:14. Seven events occur between the sixth and seventh trumpets.

h. Seventh trumpet: 11:15-19 

III. The reign of Satan on earth: 12:1-13:18

A. Satan and Israel: 12:1-17

B. Satan and the world: 13:1-18

IV. The seven vial judgments: 14:1-16:21

A. Events preceding the vial judgments: 14:1-15:8

B. The vial judgments: 16:1-21

l. First vial judgment: 16:2

2. Second vial judgment: 16:3

3. Third vial judgment: 16:4-7

4. Fourth vial judgment: 16:8-9

5. Fifth vial judgment: 16:10-11

6. Sixth vial judgment: 16:12-16

7. Seventh vial judgment: 16:17-21

V. Destruction of the world's religious systems: 17:1-18

A. History: 17:1-6

B. Future: 17:7-18

VI. Destruction of the world's political and economic systems: 18:1-24

VII. Defeat of the enemies of God at Armageddon: 19:1-21

A. The celebration in Heaven: 19:1-10

B. The confrontation on earth: 19:11-21

VIII. The judgment of mankind: 20:4-15

A. Unto life: 20:4-10

B. Unto death: 20:11-15

IX. The new heaven and new earth: 21:1-22:5

A. Introductory overview: 21:1-8

B. The New Jerusalem in detail: 21:9-22:5

X. Closing exhortations: 22:6-21


1. Who was the author of the book of Revelation?

2. State the purpose for the book of Revelation.

3. To whom was the book of Revelation written?

4. State the Life and Ministry Principle of the book of Revelation.

5. From memory, write the Key Verse of Revelation.

 (Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)


1. There are seven blessings pronounced in the book of Revelation:

a)    Blessed is he that reads this prophecy: 1:3

b)    Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord: 14:13

c)    Blessed is he that watches (for the Lord's coming): 16:15

d)    Blessed are those invited to the marriage supper: 19:9

e)    Blessed is he that has part in the first resurrection: 20:6

f)     Blessed is he that keeps the words of this book: 22:7

g)    Blessed are they that wash their robes: 22:14

2. Study the description of demons given in chapter 9. 

3. Read about the greatest prayer meeting of unsaved men in history: 6:15-17

4. The last words of Jesus to the Church are recorded in chapters 2 and 3.

5. John, the author of Revelation, also wrote the Gospel of John, and I, II and III John. Study his other inspired writings.  John was a disciple of Jesus.  You can read his biography in the Gospels.

6. Refer back to the book of Daniel as you study Revelation.  Note the following references:

a)    Concerning Israel: Daniel 3 and 6, and Revelation 12

b)    Concerning the antichrist: Daniel 3:1-7; 7:7,8,24,25; 8:9-12, 23-25; 9:27; 11:36-45; Revelation   13

c)    Concerning the tribulation: Daniel 9:24-27; Revelation 11:2, 12:6,14; 13:5

d)    Daniel was a sealed book: Daniel 12:9.  This meant that everything about the future was not to be revealed at that time.

e)    Revelation is an unsealed book (Revelation 22:10).  It was written to complete the revelation to man of God's plan. 

7. The Bible speaks of several different crowns to be given believers:

a)    Incorruptible crown: I Corinthians 9:25

b)    Crown of rejoicing: I Thessalonians 2:19-20

c)    Crown of righteousness: II Timothy 4:8

d)    Crown of glory: I Peter 5:2-4

e)    Crown of life: Revelation 2:10

8. Study the messages to the seven churches in Revelation chapters 2-3. Make a chart and record the following information about each church  addressed:

Name Of Church: To whom the message is addressed. Each church is  clearly named.

Description: Each message contains a description of the Lord Jesus  Christ.

Commendation: List the good qualities commended by the Lord.

Condemnation: List the faults which are condemned by the Lord.

Command: In each message, the Lord  gives a command and offers a remedy for the church's problem.

Promise: A promise is given each church to encourage its  reformation.

9. Revelation lists more titles for Jesus Christ than any other book in the Bible. Below is a list of some of them. Can you find others?

a)    Jesus Christ: 1:1

b)    Faithful witness: 1:5

c)    First begotten of the dead: 1:5

d)    Prince of kings of the earth: 1:5

e)    Alpha and Omega: 1:8

f)     First and the last: 1:17

g)    Son of man: 1:13

h)    Son of God: 2:18

i)      Keeper of David's keys: 3:7

j)      Keeper of keys of hell and death: 1:18

k)    Lion of Judah: 5:5

l)      Root of David: 5:5

m)  Slain Lamb: 5:6

n)    Angry Lamb: 6:16-17

o)    Tender Lamb: 7:17

p)    Our Lord: 11:8

q)    Man child: 12:5

r)     King of saints: 15:3

s)    Faithful and true: 19:11

t)     Word of God: 19:13

u)    King of kings: 19:16

v)    Lord of lords: 19:16

w)   Beginning and the end: 22:13

x)    Bright and morning star: 22:16

10. The following chart will help you understand three final and decisive wars of which the Bible speaks:

War Participants








1.  Russia and allies

Before or during the tribulation. Could happen any time.

God will intervene and the Russian army will be destroyed

Ezekiel 38:1-39:16

2. Armies from all nations against God

At the end of 7 year tribulation at Jerusalem

Jesus comes down from Heaven and destroys the enemy.

Joel 3:9,12

Zechariah 14:1-4

Revelation 16:13-16

Revelation 19:11-21

3. Satan and God

At the end of Millennium

Satan and allies cast into the lake of fire for eternity.

Revelation 20:7-10

11. Study the contrasts between the beginning and the ending of the world:

The Beginning (Alpha)

Genesis Chapters 1-3

The Ending (Omega)

Revelation Chapters 20-22

God created the heaven and earth 1:2

And I saw a new heaven and earth: 21:1

Let there be light: 1:3-5

The city had no need of light: 21:23; 22:5

Waters called sea: 1:10

No more sea: 21:1

Tree of life: 2:8-9

Tree of life: 22:2

River out of Eden: 2:10

Pure river of life: 22:1

Death from a tree: 2:17

Life from a tree: 22:2

Curse instituted: 3:17

No more curse: 22:3

Pain: 3:17

No more pain: 21:4

Entrance shut: 3:24

Entrance open: 21:25

He walked with them: 3:8

He dwells with them: 21:3

Death instituted: 2:17

Death banished: 20:14

Devil deceives: 3:4-6

Devil cannot deceive: 20:3

Devil loose: 3:4

Devil bound: 20:2

Sorrow: 3:17

No more sorrow: 21:4

Earth and heaven formed: 1:1

Earth and heaven flee: 20:11

Creative power of God: 1:1

Destructive force of God: 20:9

Hiding from God: 3:8

Standing before God: 20:12

It is begun: 1:1

It is done: 21:6



The Bible reveals God's eternal master plan.  The Old Testament was the preparation for the plan.  The Gospels were the manifestation of the plan, and Acts and the Epistles the appropriation of the plan. Revelation presents the conclusion of God's plan.




1. Matthew. 

2. To present the ministry of Jesus, stressing His role as King of the Jews.

3. To all believers, although the first intended audience was the Jews to whom He presented Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of David.

4. The final command of Jesus to His followers was to go to all nations with the Gospel.

5. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost;  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matthew 28:1-20)


1. Mark.

2. To present the ministry of Jesus, stressing His role as a servant and the Son of man.

 3. To all believers, although the first intended audience was the Romans to whom he presents Jesus as a servant. 

4. Life and Ministry Principle:  We should seek to minister rather than to be ministered to. 

5. For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many. (Mark 10:45)


1. Luke.

2. This is stated in Luke 1:1-4. The purpose is to write an orderly account of the record of the ministry of Jesus. 

3. All believers, although the first intended audience was the Greeks to whom he presented Jesus as the perfect man. He also addresses one specific believer, Theophilus.

4. Our mission is identical to that of Jesus: To reach the lost with the good news of the Gospel. 

5. For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10)


1. John.

2. To convince that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God, and through such belief lead men to everlasting life. 

3. All believers, to whom John portrays Jesus as the Son of God. 

4. Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, source of salvation and way to everlasting life. 

5. But these are written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God: and that believing ye might have life through His name. (John 20:31)


1. Luke.

2. This is stated in Acts 1:1-2. The book concerns what Jesus continued to do and teach after His ascension through His spiritual Body, the Church.

3. All believers, although the book is specifically addressed to Theophilus. 

4. The true evidence of the Holy Spirit is directed power:  Power to become witnesses for the purpose of extending the Gospel message throughout the world. 

5. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. (Acts 1:8)


1. Paul.

2. To present the meaning of the Gospel in relation to law, prophecy, and the universal need of man for justification by faith.

3. Believers in Rome.

4. The just shall live by faith. 

5. For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written: The just shall live by faith. (Romans 1:16-17)


1. Paul. 

2. Paul deals with problems which have been brought to his attention and questions which the Corinthian believers have asked.

3. Believers at Corinth. 

4. Love is the greatest spiritual key to effective Christian life and ministry. 

5. And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. (I Corinthians 13:13)

6. To reestablish his apostolic authority was the major purpose, but he also deals with additional important issues. 

7. Believers at Corinth. 

8. Human weakness provides opportunity for manifestation of the power of God. 

9. And He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee:  for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. (II Corinthians 12:9)


1. Paul. 

2. To correct false teaching of Jewish legalism in the church. 

3. Believers at Galatia. 

4. Jesus delivered us from law to liberty. 

5. Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. (Galatians 5:1)


1. Paul. 

2. To inform believers of their wealth in Christ and instruct concerning their walk in Christ. 

3. To believers at Ephesus. 

4. Believers are heir to both the blessings (the wealth) and the responsibilities (the walk) of their calling in Christ. 

5. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. (Ephesians 1:3)


1. Paul. 

2. To present an appeal for Christian unity. 

3. The church at Philippi. 

4. Unity in Jesus brings joy. 

5. Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. (Philippians 2:2)


1. Paul. 

2. To deal with doctrinal issues in the church. 

3. Believers at Colosse who were to share the letter with the believers at Laodecea.

4. Christ is all and is in all. 

5. If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things of the earth.  For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:1-3)


1. Paul. 

2. To confirm that the Lord is coming back: To commend and exhort for the faith and correct false doctrine. Paul also answers false charges against his ministry. 

3. To the church at Thessalonica. 

4. Comfort should focus on the glorious hope of the return of Jesus Christ. 

5. For the Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air:  and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. (I Thessalonians 4:16-18)

6. To instruct believers waiting for the return of the Lord. 

7. To the church at Thessalonica.

8. Since there will be a great falling away before the day of the Lord, it is important to teach and live by sound doctrine.

9. Let no man deceive you by any means:  for that day shall not come, expect  there  come  a  falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.  (II Thessalonians 2:3)


1. Paul. 

2. Paul wrote this letter to a co-laborer named Timothy who was ministering as an interim pastor in the church at Ephesus. The book concerns some of the problems and needs which existed in this church. 

3. Timothy. 

4. We should live a life exemplary of the ministry to which we have been called. 

5. Let no man despise they youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. (I Timothy 4:12)

6. Paul wrote this book from prison to challenge Timothy to assume responsibility for the ministry which the apostle was handing over due to his forthcoming death.  Paul knew he would soon be executed for his faith. 

7. Timothy.

8. The divine pattern for multiplication of the Gospel message is "each one teach one to reach one." 

9. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. (II Timothy 2:2)


1. Titus. 

2. To correct problems and establish proper order in the churches located on the island of Crete. 

3. Titus, a Greek convert and fellow worker with  Paul. 

4. Founding a good work is not enough. That work must be established and organized according to the principles of God's Word. 

5. For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee. (Titus 1:5) 


1. Paul. 

2. To appeal for Onesimus, the runaway slave of Philemon who had become a believer. The book also serves as a practical  example of Christian principles applied to social relationships. It also illustrates the principle of forgiveness, and the ministry of intercession. 

3. Philemon, a Christian who lived at Colosse. 

4. Christian principles must be applied to social relationships. 

5. I beseech thee for my son Onesimus, whom I have begotten in my bonds. (Philemon 1:10)


1. Paul.

2. To present Jesus Christ as superior over all. 

3. Jewish (Hebrew) believers. 

4. Jesus is the mediator of a better covenant established on better promises. 

5. But now hath He obtained a more excellent ministry, but how much also He is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises.  (Hebrews 8:6)


1. James. 

2. To comfort believers undergoing trials for their faith. 

3. Believers among the twelve tribes of Israel. 

4. Faith is the foundation of works. 

5. For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. (James 2:26)


1. Peter. 

2. To warn of the danger of persecution from those outside of the Church. 

3. Exiles being persecuted for their Christian faith.

4. Response to persecution should be based on Scriptural principles. 

5. Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:  But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when His glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. (I Peter 4:12-13)

6. To warn of danger from within: Apostasy and false teaching. 

7. Christian exiles, probably the same group listed in I Peter. 

8. The greatest two dangers from within the church are apostasy and false teachers. 

9.This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance; That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Savior. (II Peter 3:1-2)


1. John. 

2. To explain the standards  of true fellowship in Jesus Christ. 

3. Christians who were falling into Satanic deception which was breaking their fellowship with God and other believers. 

4. True fellowship with God and other believers is based on the standards of God's Word and maintained by the principle of confession of sin. 

5. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (I John 1:8-9)

6. To admonish believers to be faithful to sound doctrine and to warn against false teachers.  

7. The "elect lady and her children," which means the Church and its members. 

8. We must guard against false teachers who cause us to lose the spiritual qualities we have developed and who make us partakers of their evil. 

9. Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. (II John 1:9)

10. To commend Gaius and Demetrius for their Christian testimony and to reprove the unchristian behavior of Diotrephes. 

11. The book is addressed to a man named Gaius. It is written to both him and the church with which he was connected. The truths of the letter are applicable to all believers.
12. Our lives are examples of either good or evil to others around us. 

13. Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God. (III John 1:11)


1. Jude. 

2. To warn against false teachers. 

3. All Christians, although the specific audience at the time were members of churches in Palestine and/or Asia.

4. We must be alert for false teachers who creep in  unawares and divert believers from the truth of God's Word. 

5. Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. (Jude 1:3)


1. John. 

2. To reveal God's plan for the world. 

3. Seven churches in  Asia and believers in general. 

4. In the end, good is always victorious  over evil. God always accomplishes  His established plan and purpose. 

5. Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter. (Revelation 1:19)



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