The following suggestions are not meant to be prescriptive for the professional educator but are merely a few suggestions which are meant as a help to those of us who are not professional educators but have teaching responsibilities.
Biblical EQ can be used as a text book on emotional development and I suggest the book be taught in 24 one hour lectures as follows one hour introduction, six hours on the first six chapters in the theological section, ten hours on the five chapters in the ontological section and finally eight hours of lectures on the six chapters in the practical section (2 hrs each on the chapters on first and last chapters in the section.) However the book is taught I think 20 hours of lectures would be a minimum for most undergraduate students to grasp and digest the topic.
For in-service courses and extension learning I would recommend pre-reading the book and discussing it chapter by chapter by teleconference or in email discussion groups. The book can be also easily be broken down into three one-day workshops, one for each section, and taught as an intensive over a long weekend. I also am preparing a one day seminar for church groups which just gives a very basic coverage of the topics in the book.
Small group discussion in groups of three or four is absolutely essential for this sort of material. The aim of this book will be largely defeated if you teach it in a large classroom and use assignments and exams alone as the assessment tool. A bright student could go through such a course largely unchanged. Students should interact face to face about the issues and to stretch each other, as gently as possible, so that real change and real growth occurs. Considerable guidance and facilitation by the lecturer may be needed to ensure these discussion groups achieve their aims. The section on private and public emotion should perhaps be briefly reviewed in class at the commencement of the small groups as some vulnerable students may share too much emotionally while others share very little.
I would encourage students to keep a personal journal of their reflections on the course (if this is considered an acceptable form of assessment) and encourage discussion of case studies that they meet in their ministry experience. The book raises many deep and provocative questions such as the mind-brain problem and the nature of the human spirit. If a class is prone to wandering off into less than edifying arguments over these issues they might be channeled into 15-minute formal class debates with a definite conclusion. These debates could be made part of the participation mark that most lecturers give.
While the book has an objective to achieve emotional transformation it also has an informational purpose and is content rich. Assessing understanding of the content and the grasp of the concepts involved is very important so I would encourage some academic form of assessment, such as a two hour exam at the end of the course worth around half the marks. If assignments are to be used instead of an exam I would suggest three separate assignments one on each section as I think it would be very difficult to cover the course content with a single term paper. Even in the case of in-services and courses where formal assessment is not used the academic content still needs a little emphasis because it is the concepts that will stay with the learner, perhaps popping into relevance many years in the future.
May the Lord lead you as you teach both the academic and experiential aspects of Biblical EQ.
Further References
Alcoholic Anonymous World Services; Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, Sydney
1952 ( authors are anonymous of course!)
Anderson, Neil T. Set Free, London 1998, Monarch
Anderson, Neil T. & Quarles M& J Freedom From Addiction, Ventura 1996, Regal
Weekes, Claire; Peace From Nervous Suffering, Sydney 1973, Angus and Robertson
Weekes, Claire; Simple Effective Treatment of Agoraphobia, Sydney 1977, Angus and Robertson
Weekes, Claire; The Latest help For Your Nerves, Sydney 1989, Angus and Robertson
Behavioral Medicine
Melamed, Barbara G. & Siegel, Lawrence J. Behavioral Medicine, New York
1980, Spinger
Boundaries (Personal)
Cloud, Henry; & Townsend John; Safe People, Grand Rapids 1995, Zondervan
Cloud, Henry; & Townsend John; Boundaries, Sydney 1992, Strand Publishing
Community Building
Banks, Robert; Life In The New Testament Church (or a similar title)
Crabb, Larry; Connecting, Nashville 1997, Word
Holpp, Lawrence; Managing Teams, 1999 McGraw Hill, A Briefcase Book imprint.
Limerick, David; & Cunnington, Bert; & Crowther, Frank; Managing the New Organisation 2nd Edition, Warriewood 1998, Business and Professional Publishing
Peters, Tom The Circle of Innovation, London 1997, Hodder & Stoughton
Senge Peter et. al The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook , London 1994, Nicholas Brealey
Cognitive Psychotherapy and Depression
Burns, David M. Feeling Good A New Mood Therapy
Seligman, Martin E.P.; Learned Optimism, Sydney 1998, Random House
Winter, Richard; The Roots of Sorrow, Westchester Illinois 1986 Crossway Books
Emotions and Emotional Intelligence
Cava, Roberta; Dealing With Difficult People, Sydney 2000, Pan Macmillan
Cooper, Robert; & Sawaf, Ayman; Executive EQ, London 1997, Orion Business
Dobson, James; Emotions Can You Trust Them, Ventura 1980, Regal
Goleman, Daniel; Emotional Intelligence, London 1996, Bloomsbury
Goleman, Daniel; Working With Emotional Intelligence, London 1998, Bloomsbury
Weisenger, Hendrie; Emotional Intelligence At Work, San Francisco 1998, Jossey-Bass
Family Therapy (not directly quoted but behind a lot of my ideas on
Minuchin, Salvador; Familes and Family Therapy, London 1974, Tavistock Publications
Minuchin, Salvador; & Fishman, Charles; Family Therapy Techniques, 1981, Harvard College
Inner Child/ Trauma Counselling
Bradshaw, John; Homecoming, New York 1990, Bantam Books
Pellaur, Mary D. Chester, Barbara; Boyajian, Jane; (Eds) Sexual Assault And Abuse, A Handbook For Clergy and Religious Professionals, San Francisco 1991, Harper
Smith, Ed; Theophostics Beyond Tolerable Recovery (workshop manuals)
Mid-Life Crisis & Dream Therapy
Kelsey, Morton; Dreams A Way To Listen To God, New York 1978, Paulist
Langs, Robert; Decoding Your Dreams, New York 1988, Ballantine Books
OConnor, Peter ; Understanding The Mid-Life Crisis, Melbourne 1981, Sun Books
OConnor, Peter ; Dreams and The Search For Meaning, Sydney 1986, Methuen Haynes
Mind Power
Hill, Napoleon; & Keown, E. Harold; Succeed And Grow Rich Through Persuasion,
New York 1989, Signet
Nouthetic Counseling (based on biblical exhortation and repentance)
Adams, Jay E. Competent To Counsel, Phillipsburg 1970, Presbyterian and Reformed
Adams, Jay E.; The Christian Counselors Casebook, Phillipsburg 1974, Presbyterian and Reformed
Pastoral Counseling (General approaches to)
Collins, Gary R. Christian Counseling, Waco 1980, Word
Oates, Wayne E. The Presence of God In Pastoral Counseling, Dallas 1986, Word
Southard, Samuel; Theology and Therapy, Dallas 1989, Word
Tournier, Paul; The Strong and The Weak, 1984, Highland
Tournier, Paul; Guilt and Grace, New York 1973, Harper & Row
Tournier, Paul; The Meaning of Persons
(anything by Paul Tournier is deep, thoughtful and worth reading)
Solution-Focused Thinking
OHanlon, William Hudson; & Weiner-Davis, Michele; In Search of Solutions,
London & New York 1989, W.W Norton & Co.
Spiritual Discernment
Israel, Martin; The Spirit of Counsel , London 1983, Mowbray
Spiritual Experiences
Wesley, John; Wesley, Charles; Whitfield, George; (abr, by Weakley, Clare G.)
The Nature of Revival, Minneapolis 1987, Bethany House
Spiritual Warfare, Power Ministry, Healing Ministry
Murphy, Ed; The Handbook For Spiritual Warfare, Nashville 1992, Thomas Nelson
Taylor, Harold; Sent To Heal, Ringwood Victoria 1997, Order of St. Luke The Physician
Wimber, John; Power Healing, London 1986, Hodder and Stoughton
Wilkie, Dr. William; Understanding Psychiatry , Melbourne, 1987 , Hill of Content Publishing Company.
Kiersey and Davis , Please Understand Me
La Haye, Tim; Transformed Temperaments, Wheaton, Illinois 1971, Tyndale House
Transactional Analysis (Games, Life Scripts for section on Thoughts and Intents of the Heart)
Berne, Eric; Games People Play, London 1976, Penguin
James, Muriel; Jongeward, Dorothy; Born To Win: Transactional Analysis With Gestatalt Experiments, Reading Massachusetts 1973, Addison-Wesley
Note: Where references are missing some publishing details, these are books
I have lent and lost but which I have found very useful and which I recommend.
Most of the above works are secular and some are even a bit anti-Christian but
if you read them with discernment and in the framework Biblical EQ places them
in I am sure you will find them very profitable and useful.
About The Author
John Edmiston B.Sc. Adv. Dip. Min. B.D. is Field Director of Frontier Servants missionary society in the Philippines and the Executive Director of the Asian Internet Bible Institute. He has also served as a missionary in Papua New Guinea. Before becoming a missionary John worked as a career guidance and workplace-counseling consultant, mainly for the public sector. His passion is to see revival come to Gods church through the spiritual and emotional renewal of Christian workers and the structures that they work in. John is married to Minda, who is a university lecturer in Botany. John can be contacted by email on [email protected]