Praying to Move Mountains

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Praying To Move Mountains looks at the theory and practice of prayer. A helpful companion volume in this series is The Heavenly Realms which looks at how the heavenlies operate in some detail. The idea of Praying To Move Mountains is to develop your knowledge of the practical basics of prayer so that your prayers and answered and you become a strong and confident pray-er.

The first five articles are basic prayer theory and are essential - especially the article on the Ascension of Jesus Christ which looks at what happens when we pray and why and how we have authority in prayer. Demons Defeated goes through the scriptural basics of spiritual warfare as does The Sword of The Spirit and The Christian's Anointing. Brevity in prayer is a characteristic of proper praying and the connection is explained in Because Of Their Many Words.

These basic articles are followed by articles on healing, being "in the spirit" and faith. These are from a charismatic perspective but are not "over the top". Evangelical readers should find them scriptural and sound though they may choose to disagree with some conclusions.

Then the practice of prayer is entered intro with articles on praying for your heart's desires, the lost, others and governments. Special forms of prayer are addressed in articles on The Lord's Prayer, Saying Grace and Fasting. This section concludes with How To Be An Intercessor and an old direction come around in Spiritual Direction.

The last two articles are by Stuart Robinson's "Praying The Price of Revival" sermon, split into two halves because of length. Stuart is a dynamic writer and speaker who was a senior missionary in Bangladesh and who is now a Baptist pastor in Victoria (Australia). This well researched article will inspire you to pray for revival.

Finally I would like to thank my friend Rowland Croucher for the articles he has contributed to this volume. His John Mark Ministries home page is worth a visit.

Related Links:  Prayers of the Old Testament Saints      Prayer 101